Check in from Douluo

Chapter 932 Wang Feng's Heart Knot (3)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng smiled, as expected.

The strength of this Bingmullin Lord may still be higher than that of Longxie.

This place is used to suppress the breath of Lord Bingmulin, otherwise the catastrophe should have fallen long ago.

Having said that, the two gods of ice and water are no ordinary gods. When the two of them went to the gods, there was no way to get Lord Bingmullin up.

Only such a place can be established to suppress Lord Bingmulin's breath and cultivation base, and with the power of God, to temporarily deceive the Tribulation, but it cannot change the rules of the world.

"Forget it..."

Lord Bingmulin glanced at Hu Liena, "Human, come forward, if you want to cultivate here, you must get the approval of at least one of the ice god and water god. If you can't get the approval, then I look at this kid In terms of face, you can only stay for a few days. However, both the Water God and the Ice God already have official heirs. It is difficult for you to be recognized. Fortunately, you are a woman and you have extra points."

Wang Feng was a little surprised when he heard this, "The water god and the ice god, who chooses heirs depends on their gender?"

"Talents and aptitudes are the highest priority, followed by gender. Like the few people just now, there are only two women, but their talents are good among human beings, but they are not far from being recognized by the two gods." Lord Bingmulin glanced at Wang Feng lightly, "It stands to reason that the requirements of the two gods for men are even higher, which is too high... You human being, you are also pretty good, and the water god and ice god should be more satisfied. . That's why the momentum just now was so great..."

Wang Feng: "..."

Is this a god like a face dog?

The two gods of ice and water did not establish a complete inheritance order like Sea God Island.

The requirements are relatively high.Wang Feng was thinking about letting Shen Lingqi and Bai Chenxiang stay, and also tried.

I just thought that Lord Bingmulin would not agree, so I didn't mention it, now it is estimated that even if it stays, it will be of little use.

On the contrary, it is the water soul that has a greater effect on them.

"Go." Wang Feng glanced at Hu Liena.

"Yeah." Hu Liena took a deep breath. She knew that Wang Feng had kept her, except for the stars.

More I want her to get this opportunity.

Brother is right... He should also have me in his heart?Hu Liena shook her head to get rid of the random thoughts in her mind.

Walked to the statue of Water God.

The light came on, a little worse than Ning Rongrong before.

Although Hu Liena had a strong talent, she had never taken fairy grass, no falling stars, nor had she been refined by Wang Feng with golden lotus.

Still not as good as Ning Rongrong.

"Seven tests for water spirits." Jun Bingmulin looked at Hu Liena in surprise.

This is an assessment second only to the Water God, which means that the Water God is also extremely optimistic about this Hu Liena.

If it can pass, the promotion to her will not be as big as normal.

At this time, I saw the star phantom on Hu Liena's body, and screamed softly.

There is also a drop of water on the eyebrow.

Yaya behind Shui Bing'er also called towards the stars.

Seeing this, Lord Bingmulin seemed to understand something, and could not help muttering, "It turns out that it is because of the consciousness of this soul beast. The soul beast consciousness on Bing'er has helped her a lot. After the inheritance of the gods, this soul beast was also blessed. This human woman also has this soul beast consciousness in her body and it fits extremely well with the soul beast in Bing'er... As a result, the water god also bestowed her with seven trials of water spirits. What a pity, what a pity !"

Jun Bingmulin sighed repeatedly.

If it were this human woman, she would have a higher talent and aptitude...maybe the one who inherited the Water God would be her.

The consciousness of these two spirit beasts is extremely compatible, and both have affected their owners.If two masters can inherit the throne at the same time, the fit will be greatly improved!

Wang Feng's eyes flickered when he saw this scene.Hot search novel

"Shui Bing'er, come here. Time is urgent, let me try to restore Yaya's soul."

Wang Feng looked at Shui Binger.

He didn't want to stay here, but now the opportunity is rare. This place is also a temple of ice water, with extremely abundant energy, and it is the most suitable place for Yaya.If he could restore Yaya's soul in one fell swoop, then it would be considered as a solution to a worry.

Otherwise, they can only wait to return to the northern border and solve the evil spirit master.Only then can we come again, and it will be troublesome if anything changes then.

If it can be solved early, it will be solved early.

Although the northern border is very urgent, Wang Feng still believes that Xiao San can handle it.

The most important thing is...After counting the time, Wang Feng discovered that half a year has passed, and almost a month has passed.

"Okay..." Shui Binger nodded.

She and Yaya can only communicate simply. Although there is some recovery, the distance is completely recovered, and there is still a long distance.

Being able to restore her soul in advance might help her fight together and pass the assessment.The help to her is tremendous.

"Human, do you still want to restore the soul of a soul beast with a broken consciousness?"

Monarch Bingmulin just wanted to leave. Hearing Wang Feng's words, he suddenly stopped, and a weirdness flashed in his eyes, "Except for the power of the gods, even those treasures of heaven and earth can only restore their consciousness a little. If they are a 100,000-year soul beast in front of them, it is still somewhat possible, but unfortunately they are not... this Ice Ya Emperor Lizard, or I used part of the original power to restore him to this state."

"Do you still want to restore his complete soul?"

"Why not?" Wang Feng said.

"It's okay." Mr. Bingmulin laughed a few times, "If you can do this, you are indeed extraordinary as a human being..."

While talking, Lord Bingmulin's eyes flickered, but he just watched quietly.

Shui Binger walked to Wang Feng.

The Bingya Emperor Lizard phantom behind him also followed, but he surrounded Wang Feng with his wings somewhat affectionately.

But his eyes are godless.

You can only communicate with Shui Binger in a simple spirit.

Looking at the Bingya Emperor Lizard, Wang Feng sighed lightly.

Xingxing and Yaya are also one of his knots.

Especially Yaya, who made an oath at the beginning, promised to take care of him for his mother.

It ended up...

If he could solve this knot, Wang Feng felt that his spirit and soul might be able to improve.

This may also be the reason why even after the spiritual power is improved in the angelic fantasy world, it cannot be condensed into a real solid.

In general, resurrecting these two guys has always been Wang Feng's wish.

Now that the soul can be restored, it can be considered as a resurrection.

At first the strength was not enough.

It is now at level ninety, even if there is no spirit ring yet, the energy of Golden Lotus is not what it used to be.

It may not be easy to rebirth completely, but to restore the soul, to achieve the same way that Xiao Wu stored in Tang San's soul before, can communicate freely and have his own thoughts, there is no problem at all.

Become a form similar to the soul.

But it is very troublesome to completely rebirth and restore to become a soul beast.

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