Check in from Douluo

Chapter 945 The Terrifying Blood Soul Source Poison (6)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The strong smell of blood lingers in this extremely pure ice layer that should have been pure.

Wang Feng stared at the Titan Snow Demon Ape.

Bingdi's body trembled a little, with her cleverness, she must have thought of something.

Now I just want to get recognition from the Titan Snow Demon Ape.

The Titan Snow Demon Ape relied on the torso of the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor behind, looked at the sky in the distance, and muttered:

"Five days ago, the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor also withstood the terrifying energy emitted by Xue Emperor's blood soul source poison... But for the extreme ice layer, the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor Ice still resisted. Until three days ago, the Qing Emperor and Xue Emperor suddenly Walked down from Yuling Tree Emperor..."

"A lot of powerful soul beasts that were still guarding the extreme ice layer were injured and disabled by the two of them in just half a day."

"The two of them were completely controlled by the Blood Soul Source Poison... Fortunately, Brother Bing and the others led seven soul beasts to fight against them... They want to restrain them and wait for you to come back..."

"Unfortunately, the combination of the two of them is too strong...Even if Brother Bing and the seven are added together, it is difficult to restrain them. On the contrary, they were injured by the two of them because of their hands and feet..."

Hearing this, Wang Feng's heart sank.

Sure enough.

With the strength of counseling the seven, once united together.

It may not be impossible to fight Xuedi.

But if Qingqing is also controlled by this blood soul source poison, then add Xue Di.

It's difficult.

Moreover, Qingqing and Xuedi, who were controlled by the blood soul source poison, didn't know any old feelings.

On the contrary, they must not dare to make real moves, so it must be impossible to beat Xuedi and Qingqing.


Wang Feng glanced at the soul beasts around him.

Although they were not injured and miserable, they did not die.

This means that Qingqing and Xuedi should have just been controlled by the blood soul source poison at the time, and they still had some consciousness instinct.

He didn't want to hurt the soul beast.

So there is no killer.

However, that happened several days ago.

right now…

Wang Feng's heart beat suddenly.

At this time, the Titan Snow Demon Ape spoke again:

"After wounding Shen Bing and the others, Emperor Qing and Xuedi left the extreme ice layer... It is very likely... to the northern border of your humanity... When you left, Lei Linghu reported the news...

Speaking of this, the Titan Snow Demon Ape paused and continued:

"Say, you guys on the northern frontier of the human race barely tied the two evil spirit masters, and you still have the advantage...there are not too many casualties. Originally, Shen Bing and the others planned to help, but the situation changed suddenly before they were ready. "

"Now that Emperor Xue and Emperor Qing have gone to the front line, they are controlled by the blood soul source poison... You humans may now have broken the northern border..."

Wang Feng's pupils shrank.

This was the situation he was most worried about when he came!

Although I just heard the Titan Snow Demon Ape talk about it, I haven't seen it yet.

But the situation is certainly not much worse!

If it was the situation where both parties were anxious, suddenly one party had Xuedi and Qingqing joined.That is bound to be defeated!

Xuedi didn't say that if Qingqing appeared in the camp of the soul beast, it would be a huge killer!

"I know."

Wang Feng glanced at the Titan Snow Demon Ape.

Then you can turn around and look into the distance.

"I will go with you."

Bingdi whispered.

Wang Feng nodded slightly, then took out the plain cloud border flag, and said: "I need to find Shen Bing and them first, I know they are there to recover. Your speed is too slow, this banner is a small world, here I have a drop of blood, come in, and I will take you away, otherwise I can only go one step first."

The Ice Emperor was stunned, without hesitation, the scorpion tail directly condensed a drop of blood and landed on the plain cloud border flag.

At this time, she had no choice.Moreover, after the previous series of things, she felt that this human being could still be trusted.Love Book House

Ice-green blood fell into the plain cloud border flag.When Wang Feng's thoughts moved, Yun Qi sent a violent light to the Ice Emperor and included him.

The Titan Snow Demon Ape was dumbfounded.

"You can recover here."

Wang Feng glanced at the Titan Snow Demon Ape.

"and many more…"

The Titan Snow Demon Ape looked at the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor behind him, and whispered, "Although I know this request is a bit excessive, this Jade Spirit Tree Emperor is a pillar of the extreme ice layer. Can you also save his life?"

Wang Feng stared at the Yuling Tree Emperor.

The situation of this tree emperor was much more serious than that of the Titan Snow Demon Ape.

The Titan Snow Demon Ape was only infected with part of the Blood Soul Source Poison because it was injured by the Snow Emperor and Qingqing, which was not strong.

But because the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor was helping Xue Di suppress the blood soul source poison, he was constantly being infected, just forcibly suppressing it.Now once it broke out, the situation was naturally much more serious than the Titan Snow Demon Ape.

Fortunately, the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor didn't have the ability to attack.It is just that the blood and soul source poison in the body can be spread through the air to the entire northern land.

This is more troublesome than the blood soul poison in the ice river before.

The air travels faster than water.

Wang Feng meditated for a few seconds before directly releasing the white lotus, covering the entire Jade Spirit Tree Emperor with its light.

After his spirit power had undergone metamorphosis again, his spirit ability did not mutate.But the capabilities of the nine forms have been sufficiently improved.

At this time, the white lotus could easily purify the blood soul source poison.

But what surprised Wang Feng was that this blood soul source poison was much stronger than the previous blood soul poison!

The main reason is that the regeneration energy is too exaggerated, and the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor has been invaded every corner of the body by the blood soul source poison.

Even more than 70% of the blood has become the blood soul source poison.

This is extremely terrifying, this is not just a toxin, but completely turned into a kind of blood energy, changing the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor.

No wonder Xuedi and Qingqing are both controlled by this blood soul source poison.

Relying solely on the purification of the white lotus is not enough, but can only temporarily suppress it with the breath.This is completely impossible to purify.

Because it is completely integrated with the blood.It's not like the blood soul poison before, but just a toxin.

If it absorbs, it can only absorb all of the opponent's blood, and the opponent will not survive either.

This Jade Spirit Tree Emperor is like this, Qing Qing may be okay, at least 90% of the blood in Qing Qing's body is blood soul source poison.

But the Snow Emperor who is already completely controlled by the Blood Soul Source Poison is even more troublesome...

Thinking of this, Wang Feng's palm condensed, and a drop of blood filled with cyan light suddenly appeared in his palm.

Wang Feng held this drop of blood, wrapped it with soul power, flicked it with his fingertips, and sent it into the wound of the Yuling Tree Emperor.

In an instant!

The huge body of the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor swayed and trembled.

Almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, the blood-red light radiating throughout his body quickly faded away.

With Wang Feng's current body and blood, it's not easy!

For these spirit beasts, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are holy products!

Under this drop of blood, the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor began to glow with blue halos.

When Wang Feng sensed it again, he knew that the blood in the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor's body had changed instantly under the dissolution of Wang Feng's drop of blood!

That blood soul source poison was instantly assimilated by Wang Feng's blood.

The endless cyan light began to shine from the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor.

The majestic breath of life radiated from the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor, and his blood was swallowed...

Seeing this, the Titan Snow Demon Ape was dumbfounded, what kind of blood was this?

Have such a perverted ability?

The Titan Snow Demon looked at Wang Feng and swallowed.

That kind of mysterious breath full of life, he suspected that if he swallowed a drop, not to mention his cultivation.It is estimated that even the bloodline will undergo tremendous changes.

Even the blood soul source poison could not resist the breath of life brought by this drop of blood.

It is not just the breath of life, but the mystery that can hold everything!

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