Check in from Douluo

Chapter 959 (7)

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Many of the soul masters have a faint blood qi in their bodies, and their eyes are slightly reddish, which is obviously affected by the blood soul poison.

Especially Haneda Douluo and Aotian Douluo

Seeing this, Wang Feng's eyes flickered slightly.

Sure enough, these blood and soul poisons are surviving.Once it is not dealt with, the troubles are endless.

"Under the Pope's crown, the blood and soul poison on their bodies, we cannot find a solution for the time being."

At this time, Yaoxun walked over and hurriedly said, "However, if we give us time, we will definitely be able to find a solution."

Yaolingzong is one of the seven major sects, and it is also the only sect that focuses on pharmacology.

In today's world of Douluo, the research on this pharmacology can't be said to pay much attention and depth.

But Wang Feng took it seriously.

Wang Feng pondered for a moment, "I will leave one or two kinds of blood soul poison for you to study. But be very careful...The alliance needs to send a special person to monitor it. If there is a problem, it must be reported to be resolved as soon as possible."

This blood soul poison is the housekeeping skill of the evil soul master, and it has a great relationship with the spirit of the evil soul master.

If a specific solution can be worked out, even if he is not in the mainland in the future, then if the evil spirit master uses this blood soul poison to cause evil, humans will not be afraid.

Yao Xun nodded.

"Little madman, you surprised us today."

Dugu Bohaha came over with a laugh.

Hearing that Wang Feng looked at the old poison in surprise, and said with a smile, "Really? I thought that the shock I gave you has made you accustomed to it."

Dugu Bo: "..."

He laughed a few times.

"Lao Dugu, you should also participate in the inspection of the blood and soul poison in the medicine inquiry. You are a titled Douluo, and you also have research on poison."

Wang Feng looked at the medicine.

"Of course, I'm quite curious about this thing."

Dugu Bo nodded repeatedly, "I wanted to study and study immediately after this war was over."

"That's the best."

Wang Feng immediately looked at Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo, as well as Zhan Aotian, who had a broken arm, and Haneda Douluo, who was most severely eroded by blood and soul poison.

There were two titled Douluos, Ghost Ju, who were attacked.

And the remaining number of Title Douluo who later came from the Alliance again.

"Everyone, sit down. I'll recover for you."

Wang Feng first turned out Bailian.

The scarlet gold soul ring flickered on Bai Lian's body, and the majestic energy was only felt more real at the close distance.

That is truly unmatched power!

The boundless light, centered on the white lotus in the palm of Wang Feng's hand, spread towards the surroundings.

Under the injection of Wang Feng's soul power, the light became wider and wider, extending straight for thousands of meters.

All people in the area can feel a shocking energy that fills the whole body.

It seemed that both the body and the body had been purified, and the countless desires brought by the blood soul poison seemed to be condensed into a bloodshot, dispersed and purified by the power of the white lotus.

But in a short moment, all the soul masters who had been poisoned by the blood soul poison recovered.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng displayed the golden lotus.

The boundless golden light covered the audience, as if bathing in a golden ocean.

With Wang Feng's current spirit power, it was not an exaggeration at the god level.

Even Title Douluo with severed limbs can grow out quickly!

Limbs are naturally extremely important to Title Douluo. Without a limb, strength will drop, the upper limit will be fixed, and the spirit power level will be locked.

Generally, it is extremely difficult to give Title Douluo to restore his limbs.

Before Tang San was at the ninety-fourth level, he used the ability of the blue silver domain to burn endlessly and the deep spring breeze to help Tang Hao recover his limbs, but it took a lot of effort and almost vomited blood.Biqugek

It is conceivable that it is not easy to restore the body if it wants to give a titled Douluo strong.

But now, there are two different things.

Under the influence of Wang Feng Jinlian, all the extremely injured soul masters present recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Especially for Title Douluo who was the closest, Zhan Aotian's severed arms grew out quickly.

It looks extremely illusory.

The injuries suffered by the remaining Title Douluo quickly recovered.

But within half an hour, the recovery was complete.

Seeing this, Wang Feng was also relieved.

Later, Wang Feng talked about Ning Rongrong's situation with Ning Fengzhi.

With Ning Rongrong's talent, it would be very difficult to inherit this water god's position without hard training.

Fortunately, I have two companions, and I can practice with her.

But even so, Wang Feng estimates that it will take at least a few years?

But this time, Wang Feng naturally didn't plan to help Rongrong, let her inherit this godship through her own efforts.

Therefore, Wang Feng warned Ning Fengzhi, if there is nothing important, try not to disturb Ning Rongrong.

Ning Fengzhi naturally wouldn't refute it after hearing this.

God's position, that kind of thing, is too far away.

If Rongrong could really inherit the throne of God, his father, Qibao Liuli Sect, would be transformed.

Moreover, this thing of God's position is indeed something that can't be met.

For other gods inheritance places, Wang Feng didn't know if there were any on this continent.

If you look for it carefully, you must have found it, because there are still many dangerous places or mysterious areas on this continent.

In addition, these gods must have left a lot of deeds in this world.

Such as water god, angel god, sea god and so on.

Following these ancient deeds, we can find clues.But for Wang Feng now, there is not much time.

After bidding farewell to Tang San and the others, Wang Feng quickly rushed to the extreme ice.

Coming to the extreme ice layer again, the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor had already fully recovered at this time.

Exudes vitality.

The fresh energy rippling in the air restored this polar ice layer to its original state.

At the top, a faint blood can be vaguely felt.

"Come with me."

The Ice Emperor seemed to have been waiting for a long time under the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor. After seeing Wang Feng coming, he immediately took Wang Feng to the Jade Spirit Tree Emperor.

This tree is indeed magical.

It also has the effect of partially purifying the breath of blood and soul poison.

Otherwise, Wang Feng would not let the Bingdi and the others return to this place with Xuedi in the first place.

Walking inside the jade spirit tree, Wang Feng discovered that the interior of the jade spirit tree emperor really resembled the habitat of the elves in the Western fantasy story.

Too big and thick.

And every branch is transparent, and you can even see the energy flowing inside.

Full of crystal-like beauty.

The drop-like branches and leaves look full and exquisite, giving a great visual impact.

"Is this place beautiful?"

Bingdi climbed up the tree trunk and said, "This is the place where my sister and I have lived since we met. We are not as complicated as your human world. In this place, we can live for countless years. Also. Don’t like the new and dislike the old..."

"???" Wang Feng.

Are you referring to something?

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