Check in from Douluo

Chapter 996: Origin Tribulation God King! (8)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At this moment, the woman in the green dress next to him looked at Wang Feng and suddenly said in surprise:

"Something's wrong, Xiao Zi, although his breath is similar to mine. But the life energy in his body contains a powerful law of life. It seems...stronger than my law of life! It is most likely from a higher level of life!"

Hearing this, the other god kings were shocked.

This green dress woman is not simple, she is the goddess of life!

They are the oldest existing, veteran-level figures in the God Realm Committee.

The King of Destruction frowned and said nothing. He had the same feeling just now, but he didn't want to say it.

I don't want to admit it either.

"I will kill him and take out these laws of life for you." Destruction God King said indifferently, "He is the heir of the traitor to the gods."

With that, the nine god rings on the Destroy God King appeared again.

"No!" said the goddess of life hurriedly, "this kind of law of life is another level of law to me. If my law of life represents the vastness of the world, then the law of life in him is above the world. The starry sky and the sea. Even if you give it to me, I may not be able to bear it, and this rule belongs to the other party. If we grab it, it is very likely that this rule will explode. It will be even more troublesome then.

"He is not dead yet, just because this law seems to have just merged... and, he seems to be very special... Then use a special way to vent this life energy."

Speaking of which.

The Destroyer God King seemed to have thought of something, his mouth twitched.

"Hahahahaha... Destroy, arrogant like you, will be calculated by a mortal today? You just fought this human for a long time, afraid that the other party is using your power to vent this life energy, right?"

The man in black let out an evil laugh.

"Boy..." God of Destruction looked at Wang Feng, his eyes flashing red.

He actually had this hunch just now.I just don't think it's possible...

But I didn't expect it to be true.

Someone dared to calculate him?

Use him?

Having lived for so many years, this is the first time ever!

"Stop talking nonsense, you guys, hurry up if you want to kill."

Looking at these god kings, Wang Feng's life energy began to riot.


Shura looked indifferent, "It's somewhat similar to that traitor."

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng's heart moved.

He has heard several traitor words.

It is probably related to the light and dark angel.

Is it possible that this light and dark angel was once one of the bigwigs in the gods?

Then betrayed the God Realm?

If so, then everything makes sense...

At least, Wang Feng understood why God Realm wanted to kill himself.

"Then what should I do now?" Yaoyao Literature Network

The black-clothed man thought for a moment, "According to the catastrophe recorded in the history of our God Realm, that traitor was the guy who was more troublesome than the Dragon God at the beginning? Or, gather the power of our five great god kings and destroy this guy? He? No matter how strong this life energy is, it seems that he can't use it anymore, he can only use it to recover himself.

"You can always kill him, right?"

The others were a little silent.

For a time, they felt it was absurd.

The five supreme god kings of the dignified God Realm are going to join forces to deal with a lower-plane human?

When Wang Feng heard the words, he was still not afraid, anyway, now that his meteors and tears merged, they would die if they did it, and they would die if they didn't.

Wang Feng felt that he could hardly restrain the life energy in his body.

"I don't think we need to do it at all, right?" The woman in the white skirt said silently, "He can't seem to restrain the life energy in the body. Even Xiaolu can't easily understand the laws of life, even less for him. Let him blew himself up, wouldn't everything be solved?"

"No." The Goddess of Life shook her head, "I said, the life energy in his body contains a powerful law of life. Once he explodes...this world will be destroyed, and our gods will be greatly affected."

The other four kings were startled when they heard this.

His eyes were full of surprise.

So exaggerated?

"Life..." The Goddess of Life sighed softly, "The ultimate of life is destruction. This level of life energy explodes itself, which is more powerful than my self-explosion..."

"What should I do?" The woman in the white skirt was also speechless, "It's so troublesome. According to you, we can't let him die? Or forget it? He just has the breath of that traitor. Besides... …"

"No!" The god Shura and the god of destruction said together, "Any trace of possibility can't be let go. Otherwise, the gods will be overwhelmed!"

"Ha..." The woman in the white skirt shrugged, "Destruction, your wife originally voted against it. If it weren't for not wanting to go against you, your decision may not be passed. You don't want to ask why your wife wants Are you opposed to this decision made by God Shura and you?"

With that, the woman in the white skirt walked to the man in black.

The god of destruction was startled slightly and looked at the goddess of life.

"Little Green, you..." The Destruction King looked at her.

The god Shura also looked at the goddess of life.

When this decision was made, the five great gods, Supreme, he, destruction, and evil, all voted for him.

And the god of goodness, the woman in white, voted against it, in fact the goddess of life is also the same.But later I changed my attention.

"Do you remember the God King Origin Tribulation?"

The Goddess of Life sighed lightly, "That traitor is also one of the original powers of the God King Yuanjie, and later became the most powerful one after the fall. This human being has extraordinary talents, so I don’t need to say more. If he is true After inheriting the energy of that traitor, maybe there is a chance to become the King of Origin Tribulation?"

Hearing the words Yuan Jie Divine King, the other four Divine Kings were shocked.

Wang Feng also vaguely understood something.

"Impossible!" God Shura said solemnly, "How could it be possible to become the God King of Origin Tribulation? The sixteen source powers of the God King of Origin Tribulation have long been disintegrated. Fourteen of them have become gods. The two paths are transformed into a six-winged light angel god and a six-winged dark angel god."

"The dark angel betrayed the God Realm at the beginning, gained more powerful power, and evolved into a twelve-winged dark fallen angel. But it only carried part of the energy of the Origin Tribulation God King...It is impossible to become the Origin Tribulation God King."

The Destroying King on the side nodded slightly.

However, the goddess of life shook his head and said, "God Shura, I have learned from the good angel god, this human being is very special. He is not the same as the god king Yuanjie. He has obtained the twelve-winged dark angel god through his own practice. The seven different original powers have passed the test of the angelic fantasy world and the test of the angel gods, and have obtained seven different original powers."

"He has come out one step at a time, and is completely different from the kind of God King Origin Tribulation that was born and merged with the universe. He has extraordinary mind and strength, and unparalleled talent."

"Presumably you are still not sure about this. But you can't deny it."

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