Ning Chen, driving the RV at night.

Glance at the navigation route in your mind from time to time.

Soon, it will be on the national highway.

Looking in this direction, it is going towards the east of Donghai City.

To the east, is the direction of the sea.

But there is still a long way from the sea.

You have to cross the Yangtze River and the Dongba Mountains.

Systematic route planning, obviously, goes in this direction.

I haven’t heard of a meteor shower forecast.

But no matter what, Ning Chen had to do this.

Until the destination, until, see the Perseid meteor shower.


Before getting on the national highway, Ning Chen stopped for a short rest.

In the cockpit, he was silent like a cat.

From the bag, he took out a rectangular crusty.

The cover style of the hard leather book, at first glance, is the kind of pink cute style that girls like.

Ning Chen looked at the empty and unsmeared booklet and was silent.

In the live broadcast room screen.

The booklet in his hand aroused the curiosity of some viewers.

[Yo? This rich second-generation handsome anchor actually likes this style of booklet? 】

[It’s pretty cute, haha].

[It’s strange that a man actually likes this style].

[People are handsome, can’t they be gentle in their hearts?] 】


Live screen.

Ning Chen’s hand slowly slid over the cover of the book.

Suddenly, a voice came from the live broadcast room:

“I, swear.”

The anchor was inexplicable.

It also shocked the audience.

[! What was that? 】

[It’s a streamer! ] This guy suddenly spoke! 】

[It seems to have said, I swear?] What does it mean? 】

[What do I swear?] 】

[It feels weird…].

[The voice is quite good, it’s just a strange sentence].

[Anchor! ] Big night, can we be normal? 】

[This anchor, I’m afraid there won’t be any mental illness, right?] 】

[I lean, when you say so, I am suddenly excited, and I was originally ready to unfollow…].

RV, continue on the road.

It was close to eleven o’clock at night.

The number of people in the live broadcast room has changed from less than 100 to 236.

Most of the people were lying down at this point.

Brushing your phone to watch the live broadcast before going to bed is already a habit of contemporary people.

The barrage is slightly more.

It’s all about why this anchor doesn’t talk and so on.

The rest are either motorhomes or night views outside the window.

The screen in the live broadcast room is divided into three pieces.

One of the pieces is dedicated to live streaming the scenery outside the car window.

Maybe it’s sensing that there are more viewers watching this picture.

This window has also become larger.

The street lights on both sides are constantly teleporting by.

In the sky, silent night, bright moon.

Vehicles that whizz by occasionally.

In the distance, the long road of endless silence.

In the distance, the dark shadows of the mountains can be seen.

Everything began to shift from the city to the suburbs, closer to nature.

A barrage:

[I don’t know why, I actually like this feeling in my bones, I have always had a dream, that is, to be alone, away from the hustle and bustle, as long as I am on the road, otherwise, I don’t think about anything, but I know that I don’t have this opportunity in my life, I envy the anchor].

The appearance of this barrage.

Let others who are watching too lazy to send barrages.

Suddenly, there was also a sense of empathy.

There is a barrage road:

[Then you will come to the live broadcast room, maybe, this is also the wish of this non-talking anchor].

[You say, will he keep driving like this?] 】

[Driving is a mission].

[Yes, yes, driving, is a mission (funny face)].

[To be honest, the anchor is quite handsome, in fact, I like the kind of handsome and less handsome men, men, deep is attractive].

[The problem is, he is not talking less, is he okay if he doesn’t speak?] 】


So, it was midnight.

The number of people in the live broadcast room began to decrease.

In the end, there are very few.

Live broadcasting, and there is no intention to stop.

This anchor also did not mean to speak.

Even after a few barrages told him goodnight, he didn’t respond.

And so, it was past the early hours of the morning.

Early morning.

The number of people in the live broadcast room slowly increased, approaching 100 people again.

A barrage appears:

[I’ll make a big grass! ] Pick up the light brother! You drove a car for one night?! 】

For a long time, no one responded.

After a long time, a barrage appeared:

[Yes, he drove a car all night, I played a game all night last night, the phone was next to it, it was always in his live broadcast room, he was driving…].

[He didn’t say a word?] 】

[Why didn’t I speak, I didn’t even go to the toilet, I kept driving].

[I’ll go…].

However, things are not so simple.

From early morning to noon, this live broadcast room called “Picking Light”.

Live all the time.

It’s afternoon again.

At night.

It’s ten o’clock in the evening again!

Live broadcast, still going on!

During this period, some viewers suspected that this was a video.

But during this time, the anchor did drink water, occasionally parked, went to the bathroom, and then continued to drive, nibbling bread halfway.

It all proves.

This is not a recording.

This is indeed a live broadcast!

This guy named “Pick Light” has been live broadcasting continuously since last night’s broadcast.

It’s been streaming for over twenty-five hours!

At present, in the domestic live broadcast industry, the record of uninterrupted live broadcast is nineteen hours!

This guy actually directly broke the domestic uninterrupted live broadcast record!

For a time, although the number of viewers in the live broadcast room was still small, the barrage became more thieves.

Perhaps, it is because of the intentions of the three shots in this new live broadcast room, which originally attracted the attention and goodwill of the backstage staff of Shark Live Broadcast.

This time, this light pick-up anchor, the first time it started, directly broke the domestic live broadcast time record.

Well, this wave.

Even for the sake of diligent face.

You have to give it a push too!

There are too few young and hardworking new streamers this year!

It was ten and one at night.

A homepage announcement suddenly appeared on the Shark Live web and mobile terminal:

[Light collection live broadcast room, non-stop live broadcast of more than 25 hours, the longest live broadcast duration record in China, born in shark live broadcast! ] 】

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