Zhao Mengmeng can be sure.

This is indeed a new song.

It’s an original song!

She had never heard it before, but it sounded so beautiful.

And because she knew about Ning Chen, listening to this song again made her feel overwhelmingly sad.

At the same time.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has begun.

In fact, when Ning Chen had just started broadcasting for a while.

Thousands of people came in.

Then, as he started playing and singing to himself, it soon reached thousands.

After that, the growth of the number of people online began to slow down.

This is also normal.

After all, last night was because of an announcement, which instantly blew in a large number of viewers.

And the later instant noodle king incident also accumulated a group of new fans.

But this anchor, after all, is just a new anchor.

At present, the number of fans is only more than 20,000.

Although there is a shocking event of last night’s instant noodle king to embellish.

But live streaming takes a certain amount of time to accumulate fans and viewers.

But then again.

Maybe this streamer is just playing.

As said in the barrage, if you can afford to drive this kind of RV, how much live broadcast money do you have?

Rich people are willful, so they can’t say.

Barrage, with the start of the anchor, also began to appear.

“I don’t know why I came in to see you. 】

A barrage came up and said:

[Obviously you were so rude last night, you didn’t even say goodbye, so you kicked me out of the live broadcast room, it was quite sudden].

[But I really don’t know why I came in to see you today].

[Do you like this masochistic feeling of being kicked out without even saying hello?] 】

[I’m afraid I’m not a psychopath? ] 】

This opening barrage, judging by the tone, must have been sent by the angry little sister.

But it resonated with other audiences.

To be honest, I can’t say all the audience, but at least there are many of them, and the reason why I entered this live broadcast room again today.

It is to calculate the account of being suddenly kicked out of the live broadcast room by the anchor last night!

The audience has watched countless live broadcasts, and has never seen any anchor, and they don’t even say a word before the broadcast, and they directly close the live broadcast room.

Other live broadcasts treat viewers and fans as gods.

This guy, you are a new anchor, it turned out to be like this?!

High cold to high cold.


This is also too hurtful for fans.

What’s more, it is still under the premise of eating Samwang instant noodles!

Doesn’t this new anchor care about collecting fans at all?

So, after coming in today, the fans were about to spray.

I saw the anchor pick up an acoustic guitar.

Alone, snuggled alone in the window of an RV.

Outside the window, the wind passes.

His fingers moved.

The melody sounded.

At that moment, the audience who were originally sending the barrage all stopped moving.

The first sound of the anchor singing.

The barrage just started to pop up.

[I! 】

[Me?] 】

[Me?! 】

[So good?] 】

[After a long day, you are actually a singing anchor?! ] 】

[I’ll go! ] This sound, this is good! 】

[The lyrics are good! ] Listen well! 】

[My Di Ma, this is an original song?] 】

[It’s an original song, I’ve never heard it before].

[Good guy! Directly throw us a king fried early in the morning?! 】

[Last second, Lao Tzu was still sleepy-eyed, and this second he was directly covered with goosebumps! ] 】

[Wow… It’s really awesome and good! 】

【Hurry up! Record it! This guy doesn’t have a habit of saving playback videos! 】

[Yes, yes, yes! ] Record it! 】


One song, the end.


The anchor picked up the light, still holding the guitar in his hand.

He still maintains the posture of playing and singing to himself.

For a long time, there was no movement, and the picture seemed to have been still, just like his expressionless face.

Outside the window, the morning mist was thick and a gust of wind blew by.

Blowing away his hair, the curtains of the window were gently swept through.

Let his cheeks fade around.

[I rely on… This song, combined with the anchor’s picture, is simply amazing].

[Is this a live broadcast?] If I don’t know, I thought it was a literary film fragment…].

[This gust of wind ruffled the anchor’s hair and stirred my heart].

[Isn’t it strange that you said strange, just like that, fell in love with a male anchor? ] 】

[It’s really love…].

[Feeling, his eyes are really melancholy, how can he sing such a melancholy song? ] 】

[Now I know that what I am most afraid of is not having money, and what I am most afraid of is not that a person is rich and handsome, but what I am most afraid of is a man, not only rich, but also handsome, and – there are stories].

[Could it be that which scumbag woman has been hurt?] Haven’t come out yet? 】

[It really sounds good…].

[Can any of you help make sure that this is really original?] Not a cover? 】

[I assure you with countless experiences listening to songs in my life, this is definitely an original song, which I have never heard before!] 】

In the live broadcast room.

RV, restarted.

Still, it’s on the way.

Just now it was amazing, the anchor did not have any explanation, no interaction with the audience.

The audience couldn’t even get the name of the song.

Only the barrage is still talking.

The number of people in the live room, after this song.

It went straight up to 30,000.

30,000 people, less than a fraction of the big anchor.

However, it is an unprecedented record for a rookie anchor who has only been on the air for two days.

But it’s not just that scary.

It’s the number of fans of this streamer: 30,000 two!

30,000 fans is nothing in the live broadcast industry.

However, the number of online people is 30,000, the number of fans, 32,000!

Such a high fan viscosity, in the entire East Country live broadcast industry, almost never had!

What’s more, at this time, it was early in the morning!

When traffic is least active!

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