In the live broadcast room.

That anchor picks up the light.

Guitar in my arms.

Alone, singing.

From a gentle start at first, it eventually moved towards an almost hoarse catharsis.

But the melody of this song, paired with the heartbreaking lyrics.

With his emotional catharsis, it is just the right one.

This moment.

Only in the live broadcast room.

A lonely anchor, he sings alone.

It was as if he had forgotten the whole world.

Not a single barrage appeared.

Come and disturb the moment.

More than 30,000 online viewers, on this sleepless night.

I originally thought that tonight’s live broadcast has already settled.

But I didn’t expect it.

Let a anchor named Pick-up Light, with his singing, evoke the dusty feelings in everyone’s hearts – belonging to everyone’s heart.

One song, the end.

There is still no barrage.

Li Ran, the mobile phone he was holding in his hand, was originally dialing the minister’s number.

However, when the anchor’s singing began.

Her whole person, already completely attracted by his singing voice and melody.

The minister’s phone rang for a long time before it was dialed.

On the other side of the phone, there were voices such as “hey, hey”, “hey, hey”, “why doesn’t the dead girl speak” from the female minister.

But Li Ran’s hand holding the mobile phone was not even aware of herself, and slowly slipped down.

She, in her eyes, only this anchor remained.

This emotional singer.

He uses his lyrics, he uses his melodies, he uses his scream-like singing… Successful, let Li Ran, who only had a promotion and salary in his eyes, completely sink.

Finally, the first barrage appeared:

[When I was 17 years old, my boyfriend and I worked hard in the magic capital, when we rented a house, squeezed the subway, and couldn’t bear to eat another restaurant for a month, life was so hard at that time, but now that I think about it, I was so happy at that time. ] At that time, he and I both believed that we were all like this, and if we couldn’t get married, how could we stand it? But…… We do it eventually. 】

Immediately after, the second, third, fourth…

“My girlfriend and I have been together for four years in college, and after graduation, I want to marry her, and she wants to. But her family wanted me to buy a suite, a car, and a 300,000 bride price. At that time, I hoped that she would elope with me, and I would take my life to raise her. But she flinched. So I said you M’s. It’s been 22 years now, seven years, and I haven’t contacted her in seven years. Suddenly contacted last month. And yesterday I learned that she is still not married. 】

[15 years of love with my eldest baby. We got married in 17 years. First baby boy in 18 years. Second baby boy in 21 years. Five years. He still spoils me. Very happy. Thank God. 】

[Five years in love.] Quarrel for five years. Divided into five years. He got drunk for me. Smashed glass for me, hands full of blood. Finally broke up at the beginning of this year. When he left, he told me that he would never fall in love again and would die. I’ll be home next month and ready for a blind date. 】

[Chen Junhyuk, you are a dog scumbag! ] The old lady is slaughtering your ancestors in this live broadcast room tonight! You can’t die well in this life! Dog % raised dead scumbag! The old lady cursed you for not having a baby in the future…].

[I have had a crush on a boy since college. Six years. Last week, he got married. I finally made up my mind and deleted his friends. Life is short, and I hope that we will never meet each other in the future. That’s right, I’m the shameful female licking dog. Thank you. 】

[A high school male classmate who has not been in touch for ten years. Suddenly contacted me last month. He hasn’t got results yet. So happy. I’m not going to tell you why I’m happy — from a sullen female white-collar dog’s head to save her life. 】

[Please, can you please stop saying it!] The big night has to make people cry, why is this this…].


In the apartment.

Li Ran, the whole person, was stunned.

In the phone in hand.

Women ministers are no longer “feeding”.

She was also listening to the singing from the live broadcast room.

Li Ran, who was arranged by the female minister, came to this live broadcast room as a squat dog.

It’s to capture this moment.

I just didn’t expect it, I really caught it!

The anchor’s singing voice came out through the live broadcast room, and through the mobile phone, it penetrated into the ears of the female minister on the mobile phone.

She didn’t say another word.

Just listen quietly.

The anchor’s singing is nearing the end.


[Why did you take me on the most memorable trip].

[Then left the most painful souvenir].


Li Ran.

At this time, this scene has been seen in the live broadcast room.

Completely stunned.


What kind of magical picture?

These barrages!

What’s wrong with them?!

These barrage spectators!

What’s wrong with them?!

Obviously, the barrage before was quite normal.

Why did the painting style suddenly become like this?!

This live room.

This live broadcast room of the streamer!

At this time – at two o’clock in the morning!

Unexpectedly, without anyone directing, with the melody of the song of the pick-up anchor, it has become an emotional monologue wall for the audience!

Everyone is frantically sending barrages.

The barrage sent is all their own emotional history!

There are happy ones, but mostly sad ones!

There are joyful, but mostly heartbreaking!

Even, there are angry curses, but there are also tender memories….

Li Ran only felt that she was tonight.

Through this countless barrage.

Like a silhouette.

I saw the joys and sorrows that belonged to a whole era….

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