Light up live room.

RV parked.

Ning Chen took a break.

Take advantage of this gap to learn more about volcano exploration.

RVs come with on-board computers.

Much more convenient than checking with your phone.

According to the navigation route in your mind.

Ning Chen realized.

The rest of the trip will take him directly to the north.

The destination is the Changbaishan area.

And the second check-in mission is volcanic lightning.

As the name suggests, there must be volcanoes first.

So, Ning Chen began to use the on-board computer to search for volcanoes in the Changbai Mountain area.

This search also caught him off guard.

On the computer, the page quickly jumped out.

【…… Changbaishan Tianchi is essentially a dormant active volcano…].

【…… There is still great controversy in the academic circles about the definition of active volcano, and some people believe that volcanoes that have erupted in the past 10,000 years, 5,000 years or 2,000 years can be called active volcanoes…].

【…… Changbaishan erupted in 1246, 1597, 1702 AD…].

[From the historical eruption time, the interval between each eruption is generally between two hundred and three hundred years. 】

[So it can also be said that our current point in time is within the range of the eruption of this active volcano…].

Look at this information.

Ning Chen also knew it in his heart.

That is, since there is a second punch mission.

Obviously, the Tianchi volcano of Changbai Mountain will erupt in these days.


It’s easy to understand.

Tianchi was originally foggy, and this season was originally a rainy season, and the clouds were not easy to spread.

And only in this environment, volcanic lightning will form!

When Ning Chen began to check this information.

Because the screen of that on-board computer is relatively large.

Therefore, it can be clearly seen in the picture of the live broadcast room.

Moreover, there is a shot, or a close-up of the screen.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, after experiencing the previous “bombed room”, the number of online people was more than 80,000.

The audience saw the information he searched for.

【Volcano? 】

[The anchor is planning to see the volcano next?] 】

[Changbaishan Tianchi, it turned out to be an active volcano?! ] 】

[I’m Nima! I just visited Changbaishan Tianchi last month! I didn’t expect it to be a volcano? 】

[It’s still an active volcano! ] The last time it erupted in 1702, two or three hundred years apart, doesn’t that mean that our current era coincides with the time when the volcano is about to erupt? 】

[The problem is, now Big Brother Shiguang is going to Changbai Mountain, right? ] 】

[In this case, could it be that the volcanic eruption of Changbaishan Tianchi is just in these days?! ] 】

[I’ll go, Brother Pick-up won’t have another accurate prediction, right?! ] 】

[Can volcanic eruptions be predicted?] The geology department didn’t say, right? 】

[Volcanoes and earthquakes can be predicted now, but at most a few minutes in advance…].

[The anchor is now checking this information, and his direction is all the way north, I think it is very likely… Changbaishan is really going to explode! 】

[If it weren’t for the previous meteor shower event, I wouldn’t have believed that Changbaishan would have erupted a volcano…].

[Go and call someone! ] This streamer is going to see the volcano! Go and call someone! 】

[As far as I know, no one has ever challenged an active volcanic eruption, whether it is a tourist or adventure anchor on the Internet, right?] 】

On the barrage, there was a noisy seething.

In the live broadcast room, Ning Chen was just resting while watching the information on the Internet.

In general, he also only has a general understanding.

As for the time, it really arrived at the destination.


Volcanic lightning.

And even, something more dangerous.

How to face it.

That can’t be solved by searching for something online.

And at this moment, he also suddenly realized.

The last time I checked in with a meteor shower, I got the reward of that item: Cloak Lava Heller.

That thing, when the time comes, will definitely be able to be used!

And at this time.

The scene of the sixth season of “Longing for Life”.

In progress.

The crew members carried out the content of the program in accordance with the general direction of the established script.

Follow today’s link.

After breakfast.

Several members acted together and went to catch the sea.

Get some seafood back with your own hands.

Then make a seafood dinner at noon.

At this time, Zhang Yixing, Peng Yuchang, and Zhang Zifeng were at sea.

Follow a fishing boat.

The receipt was quite abundant.

“Look, it’s a big green crab!”

Zhang Yixing held a huge blue crab in both hands.

That green crab, extremely green, is dancing its claws at this time.

“Be careful, don’t get caught by the pliers.” Zhang Zifeng was saying.

The green crab’s backhand was a pincer, which was directly dried on Zhang Yixing’s hand.

“Ah, my mother!” Zhang Yixing was caught and yelled.

With a flick of his hand, he threw the big blue crab onto the deck.

As a result, the big tilt turned around and chased Zhang Yixing.

Zhang Yixing jumped up alive.

The crowd laughed.

Two large barrels of seafood.

There are large green crabs, pike crabs, prawns, and fish that cannot be named.

After a busy morning, I returned to the mushroom house at the end of work.

As a result, just arrived at the door of the mushroom house.

I saw Teacher He waving at them to hurry up.

See Teacher He’s appearance.

Everyone was also puzzled.

“Did something happen?”

“It seems that Teacher He is quite anxious?”

“It won’t be starvation, haha.”

A few people said and laughed, carrying two large buckets of seafood into the yard.

“Teacher He, look at how big we have gained!”

Teacher He looked down and saw that there was a lot of seafood.

There are also many compliments.

Helped carry the seafood into the kitchen.

When he entered, Teacher He said, “Let’s get ready, let’s cook first, and then, there is one thing that needs to be announced.” ”

“What’s going on?” Feeling anxious? Zhang Yixing said.

Teacher Huang came out from inside, “Just planned over there, an urgent notice came. ”

“Urgent notice?”

Teacher Huang nodded and looked at everyone with a smile.

“Before, the anchor called Pick-up, do you remember?”

“Then forget! Such an amazing night, it was seen from his live broadcast room! ”

Teacher Huang nodded and looked at Teacher He.

Teacher He spoke, “That’s right, the program planning team said that last time we yearned for life, in the program, we added the link of ‘watching meteor showers together’, and on that night, the ratings of the entire program suddenly soared, and the traffic on the online live broadcast side also increased significantly.” ”

“After that, the planner launched a random questionnaire for the audience.”

“And the reaction of the audience was very consistent, they were very impressed with the last session.”

“In general, it’s the audience who loves the interspersed part of our show!”

“I think it’s a surprise like I’ve never had before.”

“So the planning team decided to keep this link.”

“The previous plan was that after that, every evening will be arranged by the planner, add some live broadcast curiosity content, and then everyone will gather in the living room and show it by watching live broadcast chat.”

“And the content of live broadcast hunting is screened through the live broadcast rooms of those anchors on the online live broadcast platform.”

“Everyone also knows that at the moment in the East Country live broadcast industry, there are too many adventurous and curious anchors.”

“The previous plan and arrangement was the first brother ‘Brother Shan’ of the current Curiosity Hunter.”

“But, just now, there was an accident.”

Zhang Zifeng and several people all looked at him.

Teacher He said, “Just now, we watched the anchor of the meteor shower before, picking up the light. ”

“In his live broadcast room, a big news suddenly broke out!”

“The planning team believes that this is more than the meteor shower last time!”

“His live broadcast room, at this moment, has exploded…”

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