In the live broadcast room.

Above the barrage that was originally flying.

A line of special eye-catching red font suddenly appeared:

[Shark Official Notice].

[Dear audience, I have received a notice from the National Earthquake Administration].

[The anchor of this live broadcast room picks up light, and the current location may be the Changbaishan Tianchi area].

[According to the latest data from geological monitoring, volcanic eruptions may occur in the long day Tianchi in the near future].

[This will be an eruption of the underground volcano after nearly a thousand years of silence].

[Please do not go to the area in the near future, and if there are viewers near the area, please evacuate as soon as possible to avoid casualties].

Although, there is already a lot of viewers.

Through the details of the previous anchor’s action to pick up light, it was guessed that he might come to Changbaishan Tianchi this time.

But until this moment, this announcement appeared.

Thoroughly, sit down on this matter.

All of a sudden, the entire live broadcast room was a sensation.

[Will there really be a volcanic eruption??] 】

[Official announcements are coming! ] This must be true! 】

[Do you really want to see the volcano?! ] 】

[Before I saw him search for this information, I was still half-convinced, but I didn’t expect it to be true! ] 】

[No, no, no! ] Just like that, driving thousands of kilometers from the south to the north, is it aimed at this volcanic eruption? 】

[The Tianchi of Changbai Mountain… To erupt?! My God…].

[I also went to Changbaishan Tianchi to play in the first half of the year, but I didn’t expect it to be a volcano??? 】

[The question is, this anchor called Pick-up is planning to broadcast this volcanic eruption live?] 】

[So… Could it be, it’s too dangerous? 】

[It’s still quite dangerous, didn’t you see that the officials let the surrounding crowd evacuate?] After all, volcanic eruptions create a lot of uncertainty. 】

[Since he can do this, it means that he has been prepared for a long time, and he should find a safe and suitable place to broadcast this volcanic eruption live.] 】

【Suddenly I feel so excited! 】 This should be the first time that a streamer has come to broadcast a volcanic eruption live, right? 】

[I’ve never heard of a streamer broadcasting a volcanic eruption…].

[Good guy! We haven’t recovered from the song just now, which directly gave a king fried? My little heart…].

[In other words, the song just now, listen well…].

[What’s the name of that song?] 】

[I don’t know, I haven’t heard of it before, I guess it’s the original of this light picking, this is really a genius. ] 】

[I heard that there is only a line between a genius and a madman, you say, is this light picker a genius or a madman? ] 】

[Call him crazy, he can write such beautiful songs, say he is a genius, what he is doing now… It’s scary! 】

At this time.

The anchor leaves that have already been broadcast.

Usually, it’s time to apply a mask and get ready to rest.

But at this time, she was leaning against the head of the bed.

In his mind, the anchor named Pick Light, his singing voice still echoes in his ears.

That lyrics….

I can only read the dialogue forever

Read the hurt I gave you

I can’t forgive me

Just think I’m gone

I opened my eyes and looked blank

Forget what you expect from me….


Of course Ye Zi didn’t know this man.

However, this song was written by himself.

Anyone who can write such lyrics, definitely.

is a man with a story.

Ye Zi was suddenly full of curiosity about this male anchor named Shiguang.

Perhaps, because.

Live streaming work that repeats every day.

Although she is also in the spotlight in the live broadcast world.

However, all this is communicated through network signals.

And this is the first time.

In this world, she felt the vitality of a soul.

From the anchor’s singing, she can clearly feel the turbulent emotional world under his calm and cold exterior.

This person….

Think so.

Unconsciously, again, entered the light picking live broadcast room.

This one goes in.

Ye Zi was also taken aback.

It’s only been a few minutes since I left, why did the situation suddenly change?

In the live broadcast room, there was an official announcement from the shark!

Looking at the announcement, Ye Zi was directly stunned.

It turns out that ….

His purpose along the way.


It’s to witness a volcanic eruption!

Look at the barrage content that is already in an explosion state at this time.

Ye Zi, suddenly had an inexplicable worry.

It stands to reason that an anchor is prepared to broadcast a fire outbreak in order to broadcast live.

Let’s not mention how he predicted it in advance.

But at least, it must be fully prepared.


For some reason.

Ye Zi suddenly had an inexplicable worry.

She didn’t know the man named Picker.


Just heard his songs sing, watched his live broadcasts.

A preliminary impression.

Suddenly it made Ye Zi feel.

This man.


Like a moth.

The kind of moth that can go to fight fire at any time!

This thought flashed in Ye Zi’s mind just now.

In the live broadcast room.

On the live screen.

Sing that song.

The anchor who had been sitting quietly on the roof of the RV before picked up the light.

Finally got up.

He raised his hand and picked up the pile of things next to him before.

At this time, all the audience found out.

That pile of stuff.

In fact, it’s something like a raincoat cape.

The anchor picked up the light and began to work to put this cloak on himself.

Wear sunglasses and a motorcycle helmet.

Carry a cross-body black bag.

The whole body was wrapped in that gray cloak.

He got out of the RV.

Then, without a second pause.

Start walking forward.

His special live camera also began to move forward with his progress.

On the barrage, see his actions.

Fry again.

[Wow! He’s getting moving! 】

[Didn’t the official say that it will break out in the near future?] Why did he act tonight? 】

[Meaning, the place where he is now is the Tianchi of Changbai Mountain?] 】

[It should be at the foot of the mountain! ] 】

[I can’t be sure, but I think it must be!] 】

[I don’t know what perspective will be put to let us see this volcanic eruption?] 】

With the barrage flying.

Ning Chen began to walk upwards.


Several mountains.


This is the destination.

Here he is.

The site of a volcanic eruption.

But not in the near future.

It’s tonight!

Millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, everyone thinks.

The anchor, named Pick-up, came here to broadcast a volcanic eruption live to the entire network.

This is already an unprecedented feat.


Nobody knows.

He came here.

In fact, it is not just to welcome this volcanic eruption of Changbaishan Tianchi.

Even more!

To see a miracle that has never been seen before

Volcano lightning!

And to see this miracle.

There is only one way.

That is, into the interior of the volcano!

(I beg you to vote for the vote~)

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