Smoke rising into the sky.

It began to spread out towards the perimeter.

These main peaks of Changbai Mountain Tianchi were all covered in smoke at this time.

If you are in it, you will surely die.

Ning Chen, taking a step forward, began to run towards the mountain next to him.

His speed did not slow down in the slightest because of the roughness of the mountain road.

The reward he received before, Extreme Rush, has become a part of his body.

Nearly ten kilometers of mountain road, running all the way.

Behind him, the smoke and poisonous gas that spread over pressed forward step by step.

Ning Chen rushed back to the RV in one breath.

I got into the RV, kicked the accelerator, and quickly drove out of the area.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience’s barrage still obscures the picture.

And the big and small tips have been going on.

When the RV drove out of the Changbaishan area.

The eastern skyline has also begun to glow.

The number of people in the live broadcast room also began to decrease.

But it still remains at the number of hundreds of thousands.

Many viewers couldn’t stay up and began to say goodbye to the anchor.

But the anchor in the picture is just driving.

I drove the car all the way to a small county nearby.

The RV stopped.

Ning Chen, sitting in the driver’s seat.

He slowly closed his eyes and rested his head on the backrest.

See him like this.

The audience naturally understood.

He was really tired.

After all, it was a crazy, thrilling and amazing night.

Even an iron man will be tired.

A lot of barrages care about him.

[Pick up the light, let’s go off the air, it’s another all-nighter. ] 】

[I’m so tired, take a good rest, don’t drive anymore].

[Tonight’s scene, I will never forget].

[Good night anchor ~ No, good morning anchor ~].

[Pick up the light, I can’t stay up, I’m going to sleep, bye bye~].

In an RV.

Ning Chen, close his eyes like this.

However, he was not resting.


Count the sounds that just arrive in your head.

[Congratulations to the host, complete the volcano lightning wonder check-in mission! ] 】

[The reward has been distributed, please pay attention to check].

The reward content slowly unfolded with Ning Chen’s mind control.

[Reward: Travel funds 500,000 yuan! ] (Current funds: 960,000)].

[Reward: SSS-level hacking technology (temporary)].

[Reward: Clue fragment *1].

[The next task to be unlocked has appeared].

[Unlock conditions: Obtain the title of Soul Knower, which can unlock the next big punch mission, and at the same time transform SSS-level hacking technology into a permanent attribute].

Ning Chen didn’t care about anything else at all.

In his eyes, there was only that reward.

Clue fragments!

Once again!

In a way.

The system’s clock-in task matches the wish list she left behind. This is important.

And another important thing.

It is this clue fragment obtained after the successful check-in.

Ning Chen’s attention turned to this new clue fragment.

[The clue fragment has been opened and transferred to the host].

The phone vibrated a bit.

Ning Chen took out his mobile phone.

A new message.

Ning Chen looked at the reminder of the new email.

His pupils began to constrict.


A photo.

It’s still the same photo from before.

It’s just that.

This time, it’s complete!


It’s still the same date two years ago.

Hotel window location.

The man with the gun could be seen.

The spear mount is in the window position.

Half of his body can be seen.

Wearing a gray-green top.

However, his face is facing in the other direction.

Exactly, sideways past the direction of the lens.

Ning Chen raised his hand.

Slowly enlarge the position of this person.

After zooming in, the pixels begin to blur.

However, it can still be seen.

The person is in the neck position.

There is something blue.

It should be tattoos or something.

I can’t see what pattern is tattooed.

Pixels need to be processed by special means.


Ning Chen looked at this detail.

After a while.

He put the phone down gently.

On the face, there is no special meaning.

Then, the RV was started.

In the live broadcast room.

There are still about 200,000 viewers left, and they are still decreasing.

Tonight’s check-in has already opened their eyes.

Now, all the audience can’t stay up.

However, when the rest of the audience saw Ning Chen’s action.

And, through high-precision live lenses.

Saw the picture on his phone.

This anchor has no concealed meaning at all.

It seems that he doesn’t care if the content on his phone will be seen by the audience.

Relative to the last half of the photo.

This time, too many viewers who saw this full photo were new fans.

Therefore, many viewers saw this photo on the anchor’s mobile phone.

It’s also a little inexplicable.

Viewers saw the photo of a man holding a gun at the hotel window.

They also saw the anchor constantly magnifying the man’s appearance.

However, the man turned his face sideways, just in the other direction.


What is this photo?

Is this a screenshot of the film and television, or is it really a photo taken in reality?

But two hundred thousand pairs of eyes of the masses.

There are always a few sharp-eyed ones.

I still saw a string of numbers in the upper left corner of this photo at a glance.

[Huh? Did you see that? There’s a number in the upper left corner, it’s a date, right? 】

【It’s really a date! 】 I just took a screenshot and it’s the date! 】

[May 14, 2020, 15:06, is this time?] 】

[That’s right, it’s this time! ] 】

[So this photo was taken in reality?] The man in the photo actually has a gun set up at the hotel window? 】

[This is Dongguo? Impossible, right? How could Dongguo see such a photo? 】

Indeed, holding a gun, how can this kind of picture be seen in the Eastern Kingdom?

[It’s Higashigoku! ] If you look at the side of the hotel, there is the name of the hotel, called Tokai Grand Hotel~].

[I went to search, and the results showed that there were more than a thousand search results called Donghai Grand Hotel in the country…].

[This is strange, why do you stare at such a photo for half a day?] 】

[It’s a little strange, this time, it’s two years ago, does anyone know what happened at this point in time two years ago?] 】

[I don’t know, it’s been too long, besides, the East Country is so big, even if there was a major incident on May 14th two years ago, there should be more than one, right? ] 】

[I sleep first, and then after I get up, I will search for news at this point in time two years ago, maybe there will be results~].

[Haha, are you thinking too much?] The anchor just looked at a photo, so that you can solve the case! 】

[Haha! We just like to get to the bottom of things, especially when it comes to the privacy of our favorite streamers…].

[You say, let’s pick up light, will it be an undercover agent?] On the surface, it is live traveling, but in fact, it is tracking down criminals? 】


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