And at the moment.

This photo that Zhao Mengmeng saw.

In the photo, the gun mounted at the hotel window, the man dressed in gray and green.

His location, not the front of the hotel.

Rather, the side.

And on the side, directly opposite the hotel’s parking lot.

That is to say, two years ago, in order to save the child, Si Shiya hid behind a car in the parking lot with the child.

The location where she was hiding.

She hid the child tightly in her arms.

But her back was on.

Exactly, it is within the full field of view of this gray-and-green man!

The bullet is entered from the back.

It was this killer who shot her.


Zhao Mengmeng’s brain was about to explode.

Ning Chen……

How and where did you get such a photo ??

For two years, the police had no clues.

And now, this photo in Ning Chen’s hand.

Directly, locked that killer!

Although, at that time, this killer turned his face sideways and faced in the other direction.

But, at least, from now on, they finally know that it was this person, at that time, who shot Si Shiya!

Ning Chen……


Hiding from all of us….

What the hell is being done ??

What the hell are you doing???

This photo!

This killer!

Have you, been hiding from all of us, looking for this killer?

It’s been two years….

It’s been two whole years!

You look like everything is normal!

You decided to go on a tour!

You’ve even started working as a travel streamer!

Colleagues are saying that Shiya’s fiancé must have come out of the shadow of two years ago!

All of us secretly feel sorry for you!

We really thought you had decided to come out and take on your new life!


It turns out that ….

You’ve never come out.

Not only did not come out, on the contrary, it has gone deeper.

This point!




Draw the ground as a prison.

Zhao Mengmeng looked at Ning Chen in the live broadcast screen stunned.

In the picture, Ning Chen’s movements were calm, raising his hand and zooming in on the details of the killer in the mobile phone photo.

Been watching.

Then, he gently put down the phone.

Raised his face, raised his hand, and started the RV.

The movements are smooth, coherent and calm.

He seemed to be doing something very natural and normal.

Zhao Mengmeng saw that Ning Chen’s face was on this time.

There is no special expression or meaning.

Even, if not for knowing about it!

Zhao Mengmeng would definitely think that at this time, Ning Chen’s heart, and his expression were as calm!

However, at this moment, looking at Ning Chen in the picture.

Zhao Mengmeng couldn’t think like that anymore…

Ning Chen’s face was expressionless at this time, and his meaningless eyes.

In Zhao Mengmeng’s eyes, it suddenly seemed so cold…

Zhao Mengmeng felt very cold on his body.

She suddenly realized.

Ning Chen, right now, was on a very terrifying road, galloping forward.

On Zhao Mengmeng’s arm, a large goosebumps instantly appeared.

It was also at this time.

The screen in the live broadcast room is black.

Show: The streamer is down.

Look at the live broadcast room that has been closed.

Zhao Mengmeng was still stunned.

She couldn’t go back to sleep.

She must, as soon as possible, report this matter to the bureau.

And the photo in Ning Chen’s mobile phone will be a major turning point in this case, two years after it has been sealed in the dust!


State Highway 101.

From north to south.

Daystar has long faded.

The eastern skyline began to turn white.

Half past five in the morning.

Ning Chen was driving the RV and was speeding.

Picking up the live room, live or down, to him, it doesn’t mean anything.

He doesn’t know anyway.

Just like now.

The RV stopped at a service station.

He had breakfast at the service station.

Exhaustion can be felt naturally.

But more than that, it’s that traction deep down.

However, everything is still going according to plan.

in the photo.

That gunman.

The only sign that can be obtained at the moment.

It is the tattoo design on the side of the person’s neck.

But after zooming in, the pixels are blurry and cannot be seen clearly.

So, he needs the means to see that tattoo design.

And on the other hand.

A new punch mission has been born.

But it needs to be unlocked.

And the condition for unlocking is the title of the soul knower.

Previously, he had earned the title of Starchaser, which in turn unlocked the Volcano Lightning Punch Mission.

Then it’s the same now.

Only, what is a soul knower?

Ning Chen wanted to learn about this information through the system.

But the system does not prompt anything.

Back in the motorhome.

Just rest where you are.

In recent years, RVs have not been allowed in parking lots in many parts of the city.

But the service station side is loose and no one will bother.

Lying on the bed of the RV, half leaning back.

Ning Chen took out the pink cute book before.

Open it.

Then sift through the photos that Polaroid vomits.

Finally, a panorama of volcanic lightning was chosen.

Raised his hand and pasted it on the booklet.

The first time a photo of a meteor shower was posted on the booklet, at that time, the live broadcast room was broadcasting, and the audience saw it.

And now, post this second photo.

He was alone.

Outside the RV, it was quiet.

In the RV, it is also quiet.

Ning Chen picked up the pen and wrote a line below the second volcanic lightning:

【Autumn 2022.Volcanic Lightning】

Close the booklet and set it aside.

Ning Chen fell asleep.

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