In the live broadcast room.

As the number of wolves in the audience grows.

As a result, more like-minded people came in.

It’s only nine o’clock in the morning.

The number of online people in the live broadcast room has exceeded 100,000.

There are a lot of last night’s spectators here.

After coming in, I was still talking about last night’s volcano and lightning.

There are also new viewers who come in and watch the barrage after coming in.

Just asked: [What’s wrong with this live broadcast room?].

Then there was a barrage that followed and said that the anchor was driving.

This is the truth, the anchor is indeed ready to drive.

In an RV.

The woman who asked for a ride, after introducing herself to the anchor.

The audience also knew her name and general experience.

Her name is Hehe.

The name is quite strange, I don’t know if it is a nickname or a pseudonym, but the other party did not say her own real name.

It is a wandering singer, after dropping out of college at the age of twenty, he has been floating outside for more than two years now.

Tiannanhai and North run around, anyway, where to run is counted.

When you run out of money, go to the bar to get some money, and then continue to float.

The guitar on her back is her most precious thing.

He He told Ning Chen roughly about his situation.

Ning Chen didn’t react much.

However, the audience in the live broadcast room became interested.

[This is good, this woman is actually engaged in music, let’s pick up the anchor singing so well, the two should be able to talk].

[But I feel that after listening to what she said, it seems that there is no reaction at all?].

To talk about music, we anchors need to react to other people?


[There should still be a reaction, after all, such a beautiful woman… Right?].


[It seems that our current popularity is not enough, otherwise this woman who is engaged in music should know the three songs that are popular on the Internet during this time~].

[The main light picking is too low-key, and it does not cooperate with the official platform, I can see it, picking up the light and singing, purely for himself, he doesn’t care what popularity …].

[By the way, the three songs he sang before, which of you has a video replay?].

[Pick up the light never saves the live broadcast playback, and the three songs that are popular at the moment are all recorded by netizens themselves. ] 】

[I know the first two, what is the name of the third song that I sang recently?].

[The anchor didn’t say the name, but it was called “Stranded” circulating on the Internet, because there are these two words in it, but there are also other names, but it really sounds good~].

[On the road, on the road~].

In the live broadcast room.

RV starts.

The anchor sat in the driver’s seat and continued to drive.

And the one named Hehe was in the RV, at this time, leaning on the sofa, fiddling with his mobile phone.

So, the live screen at this time.

It’s still three interfaces.

One of them is the image of the anchor driving.

The other is the view in front of the RV.

Another is on the inside of the RV.

After holding the phone for a while.

Hehe got bored and climbed to the co-pilot’s seat.

I want to chat with Ning Chen.

“Little brother~ Where are we going?”

“When you think you can get off, just get off. Ning Chen looked ahead.

“Oh, yes. Hehe thought for a while, “I still think, where you are going, I will go wherever I go, anyway, I am floating around.” ”

“I don’t know where to go next. ”


After that, Hehe wanted to find something to talk about.

However, every time he would be chatted to death by Ning Chen.

Later, I was embarrassed to speak again.

But I didn’t want to go back to the car alone, so I was in the passenger seat all the time.

Ning Chen didn’t care about her either.

“Can I put on a piece of music?” he said, looking at the car CD on the RV.

Ning Chen ignored her.

This car CD, he never moved.

I don’t know what songs are in it.

But, Hehe said, “Please… Otherwise I would have fallen asleep. ”

Ning Chen didn’t speak.

Hehe got acquiescence and started operating on his own.

Looking through the CD, later, I chose one.

After entering, I chose a song and played it.

In music.

Hehe leaned his head against the window next to him.

Look at the street lamps that are constantly receding in front of the side.

Ning Chen did not squint and drove the car.

The music that sounded did not affect him in the slightest.

After all, the music of this world, he has always been insensitive.

In this way, the two were speechless all the way.

RVs are speeding on national highways.

I got off the national highway, passed near the county seat, got on the national highway again, got off the national highway, and passed two more cities….

A whole day.

During this period, this one, Hehe, fell asleep in the passenger seat.

I woke up again and woke up to find that I didn’t know which song it was playing.

And the handsome guy next to him is still driving.

Pick up the audience in the live room.

I have long been accustomed to the silence of picking up light.

Countless viewers, coming, leaving, coming, leaving.

It starts at nine a.m.

Until seven o’clock in the afternoon.

The motorhome also stopped for a break.

The audience, either chatting on their own.

Talking about the three songs of picking up the light, talking about the meteors, volcanoes and lightning that they had seen before picking up the light, and also talking about their daily work life and entertainment.

Of course, there are more people who should come in and listen to music.



Tianyin Music Company.

Minister Fang Lan is still in a meeting.

Also attending the meeting was Li Ran, who was a squatting dog in the light collection live broadcast room before.

They have now been able to determine.

In this live broadcast room, this anchor named Pick Light will definitely sing other new songs in the future.

Three songs have been collected so far.

They are “Just Once”, “Suddenly I Miss You” and “Stranded”.

These three songs, with different styles, are all from the mouth of this anchor.

Each one can be used as the lead song for an entire album.

But thankfully, this is all the songs that the streamer picks up so far.

These three songs have already had great popularity on the Internet, but because there is no deliberate publicity planning, just through a few videos and the covers of some singing anchors, they have not yet reached the point of fire or the popularity of the whole network.

Not getting to this point is by no means because of the three songs themselves.

It’s because of two words:

Flow rate.

Good wine is also afraid of deep alleys.

No matter how good a song is, if it can’t be heard by more people, it’s a waste.

However, Tianyin Music has developed a core strategy.

The songs that picked up the light will continue to be collected, and I can only hope that the more he sings next, the better, but this kind of thing is not certain.


In terms of traffic, Tianyin Music can be completely planned.

At present, the preliminary plan presented by Minister Fang Lan to the company is:

Hold a concert in the cloud.

However, other professional singers are not invited.

Instead, invite the singing anchors of the major live broadcast platforms.

The theme of this cloud concert is to let all kinds of singing anchors cover the songs of “picking up the light”.

At that time, this cloud concert will be held in conjunction with several major live broadcast platforms of the first echelon of the Eastern Kingdom.

Or rather, it is more appropriate to call it a cover.

No one knows more about market traffic than live streaming platforms and music companies.

Therefore, the traffic itself, as long as the idea, is not a problem.

After this cloud cover concert is held, I believe that the name of “Picking Light” will become a benchmark for absorbing traffic from the whole network!

Indeed, many people are already feeling it now.

This anchor, named Pick-up, just wants to sing quietly for himself alone, at most in his own live broadcast room.

But believe that everyone, all people, hope, let him, stand in the spotlight.

Tianyin’s hope is that this year, after so many years of quiet and cliché, let this person called “pick up light” open a new era of Chinese pop music!

But right now….

If there are only three songs, although they are all excellent, the number is too small.

Fang Lan’s goal is to put together ten songs.

However, all this depends on the mood of the anchor named Pick-up.

So, I can only pray and hear his singing again.

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