
Tea Horse Road Bar.

When the man finished ten bottles of beer in one go.

Everyone cheered for him.

In the audience, many people followed suit.

The female DJ is thinking about what to use next to express the scene just now.

For example, in the end, this man should be praised.

Or, make fun of this gentleman, to cheat the drink?

The young gentleman suddenly picked up the guitar on the bar stool in the center of the hot field.

Then, he sat on high feet and boarded.

For a while, everyone was a little baffled.

This guy, after drinking and not leaving, why did he pick up the guitar?

Is it a song?

But in that case, why did you drink just now?

This is an activity where the bar interacts with guests.

Either drink or sing.

You guy, after drinking, do you sing?


So the wine just now, for the bar, was it drunk in vain, or for this gentleman, it was drunk for nothing?

The strings plucked twice.

Tried the audition.

“Sir?” the voice of the female DJ.

That being the case, of course, acquiescence.

After all, it’s also for the bar.

“What song do you need to accompany you?” the female DJ said, looking at the band behind the heat.

As long as the guest wants to sing, then the band in the rear will accompany the song of his choice.

But, this gentleman.

But he lowered his head and continued to pluck the guitar strings.

A nonchalant look.

did not respond to the female DJ’s words.

The female DJ was about to continue when the guitar sounded.

Bar, quiet.

Slow and gentle prelude.

From between the gentleman’s slender fingers, he fiddled with it.

The intro is not long, about ten seconds.

This gentleman, look up.

Close your eyes.

I don’t know, he was drunk.

Still, really so intoxicated.

It feels like no one is around…


I come, your city

Walk the path you came from

Imagine, life without me

How lonely you are

Take the picture of you, give


Tokai City.

Still attached to the desk.

Cross your hands over your chin.

Zhao Mengmeng, who studied the photo.

Look at the mobile phone on the left live broadcast.

Ning Chen in the Jincheng bar.

Stand in the middle of the hot field.

Tilt your head and put the bottle of beer.

Poured in.

He poured every bottle he poured.

Zhao Mengmeng will silently count in his heart.

And, too, chant in my heart.

Stop drinking.

Ning Chen.

All right.

Ning Chen.

Stop drinking.

Ning Chen drank all ten bottles of beer in one go.

Under the brilliant lights of the bar, there is also blue smoke.

All this made Zhao Mengmeng unable to see Ning Chen’s expression clearly.

I only knew that there was no other expression on his face.

However, it is impossible to determine whether he is already drunk.

Then, she saw him turn around and pick up that guitar.

Sitting in the middle of the hot field.

Everyone in the bar looked at him.

He looked down and began to pluck the strings.

Zhao Mengmeng suddenly felt that his entire heart was grabbed!

She knows.

Ning Chen, he must be a little drunk.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been.

A beautiful slow prelude sounds.

Ning Chen began to sing.


I come, your city

Walk the path you came from

Imagine, life without me

How lonely you are

Take the picture of you, give

The familiar street

It’s just missing your picture

We can’t go back to that day

Will you suddenly appear

Coffee shop on the corner

I would wave with a smile on my face


The familiar street

It’s just missing your picture

We can’t go back to that day

Will you suddenly appear

Coffee shop on the corner

I would wave with a smile on my face

With you, sit and talk

How I would love to meet you

See how you’ve changed recently

No more talking about the past, just pleasantries

Say a word to you, just say a word

Long time no see


Tea Horse Road Bar.

Before, it was just the guests on the first floor who quieted down.

Listen quietly.

With Ning Chen’s singing.

The guests on the second and third floors are also attached to the fence position and the staircase.

They are all listening quietly.

This strange guest.

The song he sang tonight.

They’ve never heard of it before.

This is a new song.

The bands behind the hot scene are also looking at each other.

This is indeed a new song.

Otherwise, how many songs have the band members seen, how could they have never heard them?


Really, it sounds good.

Hot field in the middle of this guest.

Close your eyes slightly.

Singing in his mouth.

Fall into his self-intoxication.

And his whole image, perhaps, is because of drinking.

So, it looks slightly decadent.

But this sense of decadence is just right, and it fits perfectly with the song he sings.

What a good lyrics.

“You won’t suddenly show up at the coffee shop on the corner”

“I will greet with a smile and a wave”

“With you, sit and talk”

The word.

Sings a speculation after countless anticipations.

In this world, the most touching love words may not be the lungs long.

Perhaps, just a few words, is the story of time, isn’t it?

It is reminiscent of the Hongyan teasing, but it is:

“How are you?”

“I’m fine. ”

That’s all.

For example, after a long farewell reunion, thousands of clues, the exit may just be a sentence:

Long time no see.

The so-called truest feelings are precisely the most difficult to express.

For example, if you love someone so much, you want to meet her.

However, with the fermentation of time.

Precipitated memories for a long time, self-fermentation.

How much I love you will become sorry.

How much I’m sorry, it will become okay.

It doesn’t matter how much, it will become thank you again.

This feeling.

Tonight, in this Jincheng Tea Horse Road bar.

With the singing of this strange visitor.

It begins to diffuse.

Even so, let the people who hear.

The feeling has permeated the entire city.

The breath of a city, the faint sadness of a city.

All at the bar.

At this time, they all looked at the young man in the center of the hot field.

Look at the way he has his eyes closed.

Offstage, there were many female audiences.

At this time, it was already eleven o’clock at night.

At this point in time, the women who are still soaking in the bar have all had experiences and seen too many feelings and lives, so they have not been easily moved.

But at this time, there were many female audiences, but their eyes were slightly red.

Perhaps, it was this man’s singing, his lyrics.

Let them think of a lot, a lot of past events.

And the male audience, at this time, was silent.

Yes, the cigarettes in my fingers are almost burning.

Some, drinking beer cup by glass, eyes not looking at the stage, ears, but listening.

The more I listened, the more I wanted to drink.

Tokai City.

On the desk.

Zhao Mengmeng crossed his arms and lay on the table.

She rested her chin on her arm and gently covered her mouth.

Look, look at the light picking live room on the phone.

The number of online people in the live broadcast room, I don’t know when, has broken a new record.

1.24 million+!

Barrage, covering the picture.

All the barrage, are praise, all kinds of praise.

However, Zhao Mengmeng knew.

Everyone, just know how to sound good.

She was alone.

Know one thing.

That is.

This singer.

Ning Chen.

For whom he sang this song.


He is now in Jincheng.

Jincheng ah.

It is Shiya’s hometown.

The city where she grew up.

Zhao Mengmeng thought, listened, watched.

Raised his hand and wiped the tears that ran down his cheeks.

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