Light up live room.

There was a fight on the barrage.

Leng couldn’t help but hear the woman say this.

Everyone, looked at the picture.

In the picture, the boulder next to it moves backwards.

Before that, the heavens and the earth were still gray, and except for the black of the road, what remained was the endless barren land on the left and right sides.


Suddenly, it was all of a sudden.

The entire heaven and earth turned blue in this instant.

What comes into view is a boundless blue ocean.

In front of him, an ocean appeared.

There is no end in sight, the end ahead, the end on the left and the right, all disappear into the skyline.

Suddenly, the audience was also amazed by this picture.

【This is the sea?】 】

[This is Tibet?] 】

[Why is there still a sea in Tibet?] 】

Over here.

Not the sea.

It’s Nam’s fault.

The first sacred lake in Tibet.

Gives the illusion of the sea.

It is because the area of this lake is 1961 square kilometers!

The third saltwater lake in the East!

The first place, Qinghai Lake.

In second place, Lop Nur!

The third place, Namco!

And Lop Nur, has disappeared into the dust of history.

So, here, it is the second largest saltwater lake in the eastern country!

See the name just now.

See this blue in front of you.

Wang Yue felt his heart and almost jumped out!

“Originally! You’re coming to Namu Wrong! Wang Yue said in surprise.

Ning Chen didn’t speak, and the speed of the RV slowed down.

“This place, I know! I’ve heard about this lake for a long time! Wang Yue was really surprised, and he was not worried about Ning Chen’s disgust, and began to gush.

“Have you heard, Namuko, there is a Buddhist legend! I’m all too familiar with this legend! ”

I don’t know if I was really curious about Wang Yue’s words or what’s wrong.

Ning Chen glanced at her, “What legend?” ”

Seeing this guy, finally interested.

Wang Yue came up and began to talk endlessly.

Tibetan legends.

Namu is a young girl.

The thirty-third Heavenly God Emperor Shi Tian, after a hundred years of war, got his wish to marry the daughter of his wife Asura.

Then, he gave birth to a daughter and named her Namu Mistake.

Namco has a beautiful face, an icy demeanor, a lotus staff in his left hand, and a Falun Buddhist mirror in his right hand, practicing for thousands of years.

Then, an ascetic named Ananda, passing by Kunlun one day, saw Namco and fell in love.

The Buddha asked him, how much you love that girl.

And guess, what did Ananda say?

Wang Yue blinked and looked at Ning Chen.

Ning Chen looked at her and did not respond.

He doesn’t know.

Wang Yue pursed his lips and smiled, and said seriously:

“Ananda said to the Buddha, I would like to incarnate as a stone bridge and be blown by the wind for five hundred years, the sun for five hundred years, and the rain for five hundred years.”

Ning Chen turned his face and looked ahead.

“What do you mean if you don’t ask me?” Wang Yue looked at him.

“Oh, what do you mean?” Ning Chen asked.

Wang Yue: …

Wang Yue: “Ananda said to the Buddha, I would like to incarnate as a stone bridge and be blown by the wind for five hundred years, the sun for five hundred years, and the rain for five hundred years—I only wish that the girl would walk over the bridge.” ”

After speaking, Wang Yue looked at Ning Chen.

Ning Chen looked at her.

After a while, he turned his head.

On the face, there is no expression.

This reaction made Wang Yue a little disappointed…

What the heck?

Such a poignant story, this person listened, how, there was no reaction at all?

Sure enough, this kind of person does not understand feelings at all.

For a while, perhaps, because of thinking of things related to love, Wang Yue’s mood suddenly felt a little lost.

But, what she didn’t know was.

The words she said caused a commotion in the live broadcast room.

[Lean! ] What a poet! 】

【I’m moved! 】 It’s quite sudden! 】

[I’ve heard different versions, but it’s the same~]

[It seems that I first heard it from a movie called Sword Rain, right?] 】

[Is it a Buddhist story first, is it good that the movie is just quoted?] 】

[What did the Buddha say?] 】

[Buddha said that you have touched me in particular! 】


In an RV.

Ning Chen suddenly said, “What about Nambug? ”

Wang Yue came back to his senses and nodded, “The Buddha listened to Ananda’s words and said to him, then if you love her so much, it means that your dust is not over, and you should go to your dust.” ”

“After this, Ananda reincarnated the Great Brahma, who passed by the snowy mountains and found that the snowy land was a good place to practice, so he lived down and took the name Tangula, and his neighbor was Namchao.”

“The two fell in love with each other and became husband and wife.”

“Tangula knew that Namu loved to be clean, so he melted all the snow from Tangula Mountain to form a lake for his beloved wife to bathe, and, in the name of his beloved wife, named the lake——”

She hadn’t finished speaking.

Ning Chen had already restarted the RV.

Suddenly, Wang Yue felt a little embarrassed.

This man, simply!

Don’t wait for others to finish telling such a beautiful legend and story, you have to interrupt?! It’s so rude!

What a man!

I’m still eager to tell you that legend!


The sudden start of the RV made Wang Yue feel obviously.

The person next to him was not interested in such a love legend at all.

The RV slowly drove along the road next to Lake Namtso.

At this time, night has begun to fall.

The blue color of the entire lake turned into a kind of ghostly blue.

RVs drive quietly by the lake, as if swimming on the edge of the god realm.

And on the barrage in the live broadcast room, it was all hahaha.

There are many in the barrage, saying four words:

【Incomprehensible style】

The RV moved forward for a while and stopped again.

Ning Chen raised his hand and unfastened his seat belt.

“You’re going down? It’s getting dark. Wang Yue said.

Night has fallen.

Blue sea, a crescent moon.

The afterglow of the moon is sprinkled on this inland sea.

It’s shiny.

The so-called, white dew across the river, water and light, is the current night of Namu.

Ning Chen got out of the car.

Stepping into the land next to him.

He kept walking.

All the way to the shore of Lake Namtso.

Raise your eyes and look at this sea of moonlight.

The air is incomparably cold.

The whole world, very quiet.

The water surface is calm, like a silver mirror.

Immersed in the heart.

This was the first time Ning Chen had come to this place.


“Namuco, Holy Lake!” She pointed to the picture and said excitedly, her eyes full of happiness.

“When we get married, let’s take a make-up wedding photo here!” Please! Then she held his arm and shook it constantly.

He pouted, watching her deliberately tease her, “That would cost a lot of money!” ”

She bit him, then waved her fist and shouted, “Then don’t you hurry up and learn to take pictures!” At that time, let’s not invite a photographer, just shoot and play by ourselves~”

He hugged his arm, “You’re a puppy!” Puppy! Don’t bite! Don’t—ah, I…”


Two years later this evening.

Now Ning Chen was standing here.

At this time, his eyes were wide open.

As long as you open your eyes wide enough, you can take a closer look at this sea of moonlight as possible.


He didn’t even hear the door of the RV open in the distance.

That’s when Wang Yue also got out of the car.

He couldn’t hear anything.

In my ears, there is only the sound of the wind blowing.

The rest is silence.

I amuse you. The expression on his face was still calm, but he suddenly began to talk to himself.

No matter how much money it costs, I also want to take you here, you haven’t worn a wedding dress.

How could I possibly care about money.

He muttered.

What is money.

He muttered.

But I can’t explain it to you anymore.

(There is another change tonight, saying that seven chapters a day is seven chapters, and staying up late will also finish writing, he~ Thank you for accompanying the reader~)

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