[Hahaha! Don’t talk nonsense~]

[What kind of evil thinking can only say this?]

The guy who said he meant that to him, are you serious?]

[I picked up my eldest brother’s seven-foot man, you would actually think of that aspect?

[You’re a guy, you’re so naughty, you can actually think of that aspect?!]

[It’s a laugh to death! Let you comment like this, the whole painting style feels changed!]

[Hahaha! Don’t make trouble~ Let’s pick up the light purely as a singer, to show appreciation for another singing big boy. 】

[By the way, which of you has a screen recording during the day today?]

“Is that the song he sang in the classroom?

[I remember the lyrics sung by Pick-up, I was outside the window, a little hazy, but I still remembered it, very moved. 】

[Is it the phrase ‘I will also see the world you have not seen and write the psalms you have not written’?


[Although I listened to it from the middle, although it was a little hazy, I don’t know if you feel that this song is still different from the five songs that I sang before]

[How to say?]

Seeing the appearance of relatively professional people in the barrage, the audience was also enthusiastic.

The barrage sender continued:

[I think that his five songs before, for example, the heartache song “With You” that we sang at that time, is so heartbreaking, and the previous “Long Time No See” and “Stranded”, although gentle, but… How to say, let me feel that this is a monologue in the heart of a person who is constantly withering, including the earliest song “Once is good”, full of regret, in general, people listened, although heartwarming, but, really sad. 】

[But today’s song, it’s different!]

[‘I will also, see the world you have not seen, write the psalms you have not written’, and the line, ‘And I will, love the world you love, may the smile you want’, and so on, make people feel, how to say…]

[Do you want to say that it gives people a feeling of hope?]

Full of hope, full of expectations, although life is short, but still willing to bear everything and move forward bravely. 】

[When you say this, I feel that speaking to my heart. 】

[Could it be because he is facing two children today?]

[It’s also possible, I didn’t expect that this kind of person, when facing children, would become like this. ] I always thought he would keep going to be so cold. 】

[Everyone has known this guy for so long, you still don’t know him? He is the kind of person who looks cold on the surface, but deep down, he must be very gentle!

[Reasonable and reasonable, this kind of person, what is it generally called? It is the kind of person who is obviously full of passion in his heart, and he has to pretend to be very calm and calm on the surface, pretending to be indifferent to that kind of person, what is it called?]


[Yes, yes, yes… Hahaha!】

Audience, so talking.

Talking about the song “Wish” sung by Shiguang at Ginkgo Village Primary School during the day.

From “Wish”, we talked about the light in their minds.

Although, no one knows the name of the song at this time.

However, this song has also begun to ferment.

Soon, Douyin Shark and the music company will take action.

The barrage continues.

In the picture, the anchor picks up the light, still holding the mobile phone, and looking at the homepage work of the anchor named Li Sei Paste.

The anchor does the anchor’s thing.

The audience chats about the audience.

Anyway, the audience knows this guy now.

He won’t take care of them.

They, simply treat this guy as air and talk about themselves.

Half past nine in the evening.

Outside the window, it was drizzling lightly.

Inside the room, there was silence.

In the live broadcast room, the number of online people is still hundreds of thousands, and the barrage continues.

The door of the hotel room, suddenly, came a banging sound.

Ning Chen raised his head.

He thought it was a hotel attendant.

Walk forward and don’t look at the cat’s eye.

The door was opened.

But he was stunned.

At the door, there was actually standing.

That female teacher in Gingko Village, Yao Shu!

The rain had soaked her through.

With her hair plastered to her sideburns, Yao Shu panted and smiled at Ning Chen.

“You?” Ning Chen looked at her.

Yao Shu raised his hand and wiped his face.

And don’t say anything else.

Raising his hand, he stuffed something in a plastic bag into Ning Chen’s hand.

Ning Chen took a look.

It’s his phone.

To be precise.

It’s Shiya’s phone.

This Yao Shu, unexpectedly, chased from Gingko Village to Tengchong City, found him, and returned the mobile phone.

For a while, Ning Chen didn’t know what to say.

This phone.

Shiya’s phone.

It was he who stayed.

Otherwise, how could he possibly throw away something so important?

He just felt.

Shiya’s mobile phone, in the future, will stay in that ginkgo village, maybe better.

It was his sudden thought.

After all, that place was where Shiya wanted to go.

Just let Shiya’s small house of Pufa stay in Ginkgo Village.

In the future, if Gingko Village needs it, that teacher Yao Shu should also understand that he can continue to use the live broadcast room on that mobile phone to sell goods.

So Ning Chen really didn’t expect it.

This teacher Yao Shu actually rushed over and sent the mobile phone over.

How did she find the hotel he was in?

Of course Ning Chen wouldn’t know.

His mobile phone could not search for any information related to “picking up light”.

It doesn’t mean that others can’t find it.

Yao Shu searched on the Internet and found it.

Pick Light, is a anchor of the shark live broadcast platform.

Followers: 6.6 million!

Oh, my God!!

However, the backstage homepage did not have any works, so Yao Shu still couldn’t finalize it at that time.

For the afternoon, Yao Shu waited.

I hope this light picking live broadcast room can be broadcast.

She decided that the “picking light” mentioned in the audience’s barrage when bringing the goods was this Mr. Ning!

However, it is also necessary to finalize it.

And finally, at night, the live broadcast room of the light was launched.

In the picture, it was indeed that Mr. Ning!

And the name of the hotel also flashed in the picture.

As a local, it is not difficult for Teacher Yao Shu to find this hotel in this not too big county-level city.

The moment you get your phone.

In Ning Chen’s mind.

The sound of the system, finally, followed.

[Congratulations to the host, successfully completed the Ginkgo Village check-in task]

【The reward has been distributed, please pay attention to check】

Look at Yao Shu at the door.

Yao Shu shrugged, “You left too fast, we, we didn’t have time, thank you.” ”

“Thank you!

Saying that, Yao Shu looked solemn and actually bowed towards Ning Chen.

Ning Chen wanted to say that I really didn’t pick up the light, but the audience recognized the wrong person.

But at this time, this is actually not important.

In front of the hotel, an electric tricycle caravan is being driven by hotel security and does not know where to stay.

It was a tricycle from Gingko Village, and it was this car that carried Yao Shu all the way to find it.

Despite this, both the tricycle driver and Yao Shu were still soaked.

In the live broadcast room.

On the barrage, I heard a knock on the door, and then saw that it was the beautiful female teacher in Ginkgo Village during the day.

One by one, they were persuading him to quickly let Yao Shu into the room and sit down.

After all, the girls are soaked!

Shouldn’t you come in and change your clothes and have a cup of hot water?

Otherwise, what should I do if I catch a cold?

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