Half past seven in the evening.

The door of Luo Liang’s room rang.

Three long and two short.

He knew who it was.

Opening the door, it was the man.

“Come on. He said, heading inside.

On the table, there were a bunch of small plastic bags.

“If you don’t believe it, there is still a scale over there, and you can weigh it yourself.” After Luo Liang finished speaking, he sat on the small sofa next to him and lit a cigarette.

He took another one out of the cigarette case and gestured to the man.

“I don’t smoke. After the man finished speaking, he sat down on the table, raised his hand, and picked up a plastic bag.

“Well, good goods, right? I’m very professional. Luo Liang took a breath of mist and said with a smile.

“Pay the money, say yes – thirty thousand, is thirty thousand.” Luo Liang looked at the man.

The man nodded.

Place the small plastic bag you picked up on the table.

But he didn’t mean to take money.

“Hey, what about the money?” Luo Liang looked at the man.


Luo Lifeng sat on the sofa.


He had been sitting like this for almost an afternoon.

This is happening today.

It made his heart palpitate.

He realized that it was no longer safe.

This place could not stay any longer.

This whole city can no longer be lived.

That was the iniquity he had made.

However, in order to make his life better, in order to make his descendants live better, it is understandable to do anything.

Not to mention.

He did now have a heart for atonement.

Get out of the city.

It is the only comprehensive road at the moment.

The man left.

But if it is not in order, there will be people coming to the door.

Although he still couldn’t figure it out, who had he offended before?

It stands to reason that a person like him and the buyer belong to an employment relationship.

Although he kills, even if he wants revenge, he should go behind the scenes.

He’s just an emotionless tool.

So he really couldn’t figure out how the other party could send such a plague god to the door.

And this plague god is also a little strange.

In the end, he walked away like that.

Originally, he had already thought that as long as the other party did not start, he was willing to pay for any amount of money.

After all, he has saved a lot of money over the years.

Luo Lifeng extinguished the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

He has already made his decision.

In the past few days, the next place to stay has been determined.

When the time comes, take the son directly, and the father and son go to a place that no one knows.

Let’s start over.

Think of it as an opportunity.

Maybe because he became religious, God was gracious?


After all, not everyone has the opportunity to get a new life in a person’s life.

In this way, it is not bad.

That’s when it was there.

His cell phone rang.

When I picked it up, it was his son Luo Liang.


And then.

Luo Lifeng heard the most terrifying voice he had heard in his life.

On the other end of the phone, came the violent gasping sound of his son Luo Liang!

And the whining sound of the mouth being gagged!

Luo Lifeng’s face turned white as soon as he brushed, and he began to shout at the mobile phone.

He roared for a long time, and there was no other sound except that he could still hear his son’s gasping and whimpering.

Phone, hung up.

Luo Lifeng heard a buzz.

I felt like I had been shocked from head to toe.

His fingers began to tremble.

He rushed to the bedroom, got under the bed, and took out a long gun.

It was the miniature sniper rifle he used to use when he was a killer.

Two and a half years ago, he used this miniature sniper to shoot the policewoman at the Donghai Hotel.

Another knife was shoved into the calf.

Then went straight down to the underground garage.

Drop the gun in the passenger seat.

Luo Lifeng’s whole person was like a lion brewing with fury.

His complexion changed from pale before to livid blue at this moment.

One foot on the accelerator down.

The car roared out.

Drive in the direction of the city.

He was going to rent the house for his son.

He couldn’t be sure if his son had been kidnapped or how.

But, first, go to that house and take a look!

If, just enough to bump in.

No matter who it was, he would slaughter the other party with his own hands.


In the house where Luo Liang lives.

Luo Liang’s whole person was tied to a chair.

Stuffed with cloth balls in his mouth.

Luo Liang couldn’t shout, he could only whine, his face had long been distorted.

In the midst of the distortion, there is anger.

This anger comes from the wildness in his blood.

This wildness makes him face such a situation, even if there is fear in his heart, but hatred and resentment are also increasing dramatically.

He had thought more than once that once he found an opportunity, he would definitely let the man in front of him who deceived him live better than die!

But the man in front of him did not move in a hurry.

He looked calm.

He was fiddling with a long rope.

Wrapped the rope around the handle of the door, connected it to Luo Liang’s chair, extended it again, returned to the upper position of the door, tied a knot, and continued again…

Luo Liang couldn’t understand what the other party was doing.

After the other party did that work.

Stood in front of the chair where Luo Liang was sitting.

Looking at Luo Liang.

Luo Liang stared at this man, his eyes full of hatred.

The man raised his hand and ripped the ball of cloth from his mouth.

Luo Liang’s jaw was about to dislocate, and his mouth was full of sourness.

“I’m your M-you dare to me?! You’re dead! You can’t live!Do you know who my dad is?!” Luo Liang glared at Ning Chen and suddenly began to sneer.

Luo Liang’s words full of hatred and threat were why he could say them.

It’s because he doesn’t understand yet.

He didn’t think his life was really in danger.

Because in the years he grew up, he has always brought danger to others, and he himself has never encountered something that cannot be solved.

Even that year, he made the belly of the girl at school bigger.

Such a big thing, in the end, is not a big thing?

The man, raising his hand again, stuffed the ball of cloth back into his mouth.

Luo Liang was shocked again, and the whole chair was shaking violently.


He saw the man and took out a gun.

The rope was wrapped around the trigger of the gun.

At this moment, Luo Liang’s face was flushed with resentment, and suddenly turned dead gray.

He was silent.

Don’t dare to move again.

Because, at this time, one end of the rope was already connected to his body on the chair, and the middle position of the rope was connected to the trigger of the gun.

And the other end of the rope, tied to the gate handle, is wrapped around the gate.

And these three points become a clever closure.

Any point at both ends, as long as the rope is tightened.

will touch the trigger of that gun.

And the muzzle, now, is aimed at Luo Liang.

Luo Liang, motionless, his eyes bulging, watching this terrible scene.

That person tied the gun to the back of another chair, and the muzzle was pointed directly at Luo Liang.

Then, turn around.

Slowly walk to the sofa position.

Sat down and quietly watched this scene.

A few minutes later, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor.

Hear this voice.

Luo Liang suddenly realized something!

He suddenly started yelling, but the cloth ball in his mouth stopped him.

In the room, there was only the sound of whining and wow.

The footsteps outside stopped at the door.

After a few seconds, everything came to an abrupt end.

There was a faint sound of pulling out the keys outside the door.

The key is gently inserted into the keyhole and begins to turn.

The person who opened the door moved very slowly and was very vigilant.

Luo Liang in the room sat on a chair facing the door.

Between him and the gate was the gun aimed at him.

The gate began to be slowly pushed open.

That rope also tightened and tightened!

Luo Liang is going crazy!

The bloodshot eyes were round, and the whole person was shaking violently!

The door was suddenly pushed open!

At the same time – there was also a flash of fire and a “bang”.

The bullet that was fixed to the chair directly opposite was pulled by the rope that suddenly pushed the door open, and the bullet shot out, hitting Luo Liang’s eyebrows.

Luo Liang’s whole person leaned back.

Hung straight on the back of the chair, his legs twitched twice, and he didn’t move.

At the gate, Luo Lifeng, who was holding a spear, saw it at first sight.

It was the moment his son was hit.

Luo Lifeng looked at the rope and gun that continued over, this scene.

Slowly, his eyes began to widen, and his mouth began to slowly open.

The spear in his hand fell to the ground.

His hands, slowly raised, hugged his head, and pulled his hair.

On both knees, he slowly knelt on the ground.

Kneeling in front of his son’s body on a chair.

A howl of beastly pain!!

Burst out of his throat…


There are three in the middle, there is no time, there is no space, and there is no space between the recipient.

This Infernal One is the lowest level of the eighteen-layer purgatory.

Buddha said: Those who suffer from the immortal body will never die, and longevity is a great calamity in the endless hell.

Buddha said: The one who is speechless, the nose is without space, there is no time, there is no space, and there is no realm of karma.

Buddha said: If you are an equal generation, when you fall into hell, you will not be able to calamity, so as to continue, and seek no deadline, and there will be no end.

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