In an RV.

Ning Chen drove the car.

Last night he checked his left shoulder injury.

The bullet did not go into the bone.

Embedded in the muscles of the shoulder, it is not very deep.

He scrubbed scissors and sharp-nosed tongs with alcohol, bit into a cloth, and pulled out the bullet.

It takes a while to heal.

But it doesn’t affect anything.

At six o’clock in the morning he left Anji City.

It was almost noon and it was already out of the cloud province.

The scenery on both sides of the road also began to change.

From the previous green, it began to turn yellow.

On the shark platform, the light live broadcast room finally started at noon.

When the staff reported the news to Lan Ying for the first time, she only felt her heart crunch.

Picked up your phone and entered the light collection live broadcast room.

The moment I entered, my eyes were full of white and barrage of carnival.

I want to kill you!]

[Can you stop disappearing for a few days without saying a word?! Do you know how I spent these three days?]

[Completely treat us as unworthy people!!]

[So happy! It’s on the air! It’s so happy!]

[Everyone brush up the barrage and let him see our existence!]

[Three days, four hours and thirty-three minutes since the last live broadcast, he is back!]

[Pick up the light, what have you been doing these days?]

[Finally waiting for you…]

[It feels like he’s a little haggard? Could it be that he has exercised too much these nights?]

[No, won’t it?]

[Haha! The little brother is back and wants to take us off again!]

[I thought he didn’t want us~ Just come back!]


On the barrage, various barrages covered the entire live broadcast room.

Lan Ying had to block all the barrage.

In the picture, in the RV, the figure of the anchor picking up light appears.

He changed into his sweatshirt, but it still felt that way.

However, as Barrage said, he really looked a little haggard.

I don’t know what to do these three days.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as it returns, it’s fine.

Lan Ying was also relieved, and when the next call went out:

“Prepare, pick up the light to start broadcasting, arrange a few big pushes, today until he goes on the air, be sure to keep his live broadcast room hanging on the hot list!”


In an RV.

A ray of sunlight was projected in.

This kind of scene is rare.

In my impression, when the light is picked up in the live broadcast room, when the RV is moving, the sky is white and cloudy many times.

It may be related to this month and season.

After all, winter is coming.

The sky is always prone to gray.

And now, this ray of sunlight is casting along the window next to it, on the anchor’s body picking up light.

His whole person seemed to be immersed in brilliant sunlight.

There is a feeling of glow in the live broadcast screen.

Looking at the light picker in the picture, somehow, that shark princess Lan Ying was also a little out of his mind.

Tokai City Bureau.

Related staff.

The first time I entered the light picking live broadcast room.

Quietly lurked.

After observation.

Conclusions were drawn.

Apart from looking a little haggard, there shouldn’t be any problems.

That is, he was not injured – at least judging by the state in which he is driving now.

After getting this conclusion.

The people of the Donghai City Bureau hung their hearts for several days.

Finally landed.

At the moment, it seemed that Ning Chen suddenly went to Anji City in Yun Province.

What exactly he is going to do is still unknown.

But from the information available so far, the situation is not as bad as imagined.

Perhaps, he did go to the Lee Sei ointment.

However, the Anji City police took the lead and copied the base of Li Seo.

Therefore, Ning Chen did not see that Li Sai paste in the end.

Li Sai Paste is indeed wanted by the Yun Province police now.

However, that gang should be pursued and captured by the police, not Ning Chen.

Fortunately, now, everything seems to be back to normal.

Ning Chen’s RV is heading north.

In the afternoon he went off the air for a while.

When the broadcast resumed in the evening, viewers found that there was an extra bunch of white flowers in the passenger seat.

It seems to be a lily.

By that time, the RV had already driven into Nanhu Province.

It seems that he is planning to take the road of Nanhu Province and then turn back to the Eastern Province.

The live broadcast room has also returned to normal.

I don’t know if it’s because the shark platform is highly recommended.

Now the number of people online in the live broadcast room is higher than before.

In the previous normal time, the number of online people in this live broadcast room was generally maintained at 100,000 to 230,000.

Once it explodes, the number of people online will jump to the millions.

Now, in the normal live broadcast, even if the anchor does nothing or drives the car, the number of online people can still reach 4.5 million.

This means that it has been upgraded.

The whole network, at least so far.

There is no streamer like him, who can do nothing but drive a car, but still maintain such an online population.

After midnight, the RV entered Eastern Province.

All the way towards Tokai City.

Until three in the morning.

The RV stopped.

At this time, the number of online people in the live broadcast room is naturally much smaller than during the day and the first half of the night.

Only about 100,000 remained.

On the barrage, there will still be audiences chatting with each other.

Some of them really use this live broadcast room as a dating platform and chat channel.

And of course.

And no one will know.

There is a viewer account called “Blue Wind”.

Always in the live room.

This account has never sent a barrage.

But from the previous light live broadcast room to start broadcasting again, until this point in time, it has been hung in the live broadcast room.

It feels like hanging up…

However, this account did not hang up.

The owner behind the account.

I have been observing the every move of the anchor in this live broadcast room.

The owner of this account is passing through the live broadcast screen, the scenery and various signs on both sides of the RV.

Constantly analyzing the location of the RV.

In an office, behind this account, there is more than one owner.

It’s a small team.

Each performs its own duties.

If it weren’t for the fact that they couldn’t capture the RV’s GPS information, they wouldn’t have bothered so much.

At this moment, with the live broadcast screen, the RV stopped.

Stop in a pitch black place.

As you can see through the car window, there should be a mountain nearby.

In the distance, there was a dim street lamp.

The images are quickly captured, compared, and the data is matched.

They came up with the latest location:

[He is located in the suburbs of Donghai City, City Cemetery]

[He bought white lilies before, so he should want to wait for the dawn, wait for the mausoleum to open, and enter it to sweep the tomb, in this case, most likely, he should also go to the columbarium wall in the back mountain. ] 】

After this news was reported, new instructions were soon given:

[Notify Donghai City Cemetery, Closure]

“Received. ”

Then the phone rang.

At this time, it was almost four o’clock in the morning.

Late dawn in winter.

There are less than two hours until dawn.

The duty officer on the other side of the Donghai City Cemetery received a mysterious phone call.

“The cemetery is closed today? Oh, oh — okay! Okay! Got it! I’ll let you know now!”

The officer on duty put down the phone.

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