Donghai Children’s Welfare Institute.

Zhang Xiaonian is observing her school bag.

This is the new school bag.

But under the bag, there is a scratch that is about to penetrate.

She is just in first grade this year.

In the morning, a few boys in the class came over and wanted to pull her braids.

She thinks she’s doing a good job of keeping it secret.

But I don’t know why, it still spread in the class.

said that she lived in an orphanage and had no father or mother.

Later, there were naughty boys who dared to bully her.

The boys pulled her braids, and she tucked them into her collar and hid them, and they pulled them out again.

The teacher just came in, saw it, and criticized the boys very harshly.

They probably held a grudge, and took advantage of Zhang Xiaonian’s break between classes to go to the toilet, and cut her school bag.

Back at the orphanage, Zhang Xiaonian only found out about it.

The new school bag is available to every child in a welfare institution who is of school age.

But there is only one for everyone.

Zhang Xiaonian cherishes this schoolbag, she thinks it looks good.

But now it’s been cut.

Zhang Xiaonian blushed.

After lowering his head and wiping his tears for a while, he went out and found half a brick in the corner of the orphanage.

Prepare to put it in your bag and take it to school tomorrow.

Tomorrow, if those guys still dare to bully her.

She slapped their dog’s face with a brick.

The next day.

Sure enough, someone was about to move, and a hippie smile came over.

Pull her braids.

Zhang Xiaonian hid his braid, reached into his bag, and glared at each other with a bulge.

The little boy, grandstanding, showed his agility to the other children.

It provoked others to laugh.

It is estimated that he was infected by laughter, and the little boy jumped up again and raised his hand to pull Zhang Xiaonian’s braid.

Zhang Xiaonian slapped the half of the brick directly on the other party’s face.

The whole class: “Scared!! ”

Zhang Xiaonian ran out of the classroom.

The teachers found her in the corner of the corridor on the highest floor of the teaching building at the end of the fourth class.

At that time, the parents of the little boy also came.

The little boy was photographed with nosebleeds, but that’s not the point.

The point is, I was dumbfounded.

After all, they are only seven-year-old children, and in their world, they can’t know that they can use such a brutal weapon against a similar kind.

The little boy’s father looked very angry.

I saw that the teacher led Zhang Xiaonian over.

Then he was angry, and when he rushed up, he was about to raise his foot and kick.

I was grabbed by a teacher next to me – “Hey, what are you parents doing?!” ”

“Beat my son like this! I’ll kick you to death! ”

The man angrily pointed at Zhang Xiaonian.

Zhang Xiaonian was protected by the teacher.

Her eyes were full of fear, she glared at the man, and then raised her hand to put it in her bag.

The half of the brick is still there.

But she was actually scared, but she didn’t shed tears.

A pair of black and shining eyes watched everything around him, like a frightened little rabbit.

Things are more troublesome.

Zhang Xiaonian has no parents and grew up in a welfare dean.

So, medical compensation becomes a problem.

But after all, it is a child, the strength is not so great, although the kid’s nosebleed came out, it did not hurt the bridge of the nose.

But the problem of psychological shadows is still relatively serious.

After a long day, the other party’s parents did not back down half a step because the girl was an orphan.

The last female teacher really couldn’t stand it, and directly said that I would pay for it, but you have to leave here, this is the school, your voice is too loud, it will scare the elementary school students.

Then there were words such as “Hey, how did you become a teacher” and “How do you talk as a teacher?” and the like, came out of the mouths of the other parents.

In a word.

Later, I went directly to the principal’s room to talk.

After a while, the female teacher returned to the office.

Zhang Xiaonian was still standing there.

The female teacher came over, looked at her, and after a while, sighed, raised her hand to take her little hand, and lightly hit it three times.

Zhang Xiaonian raised his head, “Teacher Liu, I don’t want you to lose money to me, I have money, I’ll bring it to you tomorrow!” ”

Teacher Liu looked at her and did not talk about this topic, but said, “Next time, don’t do this.” ”

“He pulled my braid first! Also scratched my new bag! Zhang Xiaonian lowered his head and said angrily.

“So you use bricks?” Teacher Liu looked at her.

Zhang Xiaonian stopped talking.

On the side of the orphanage, they naturally knew about the school.

At night, Zhang Xiaonian was fined.

Others eat, she is penalized to stand, in the yard.

When the children had eaten, they all came to the courtyard to watch her.

The little ones do not understand and take pleasure in it.

But adults shouldn’t be.

But obviously, the adults in charge also find this very enjoyable.

Welfare home office, a window on the second floor.

A man and a woman, holding hot tea in their hands, drank it while looking at the scene in the courtyard below.

The woman smiled and said, “This is a little cash cow.” ”

“yes.” The man said, his gaze fell on the body of the little girl in the courtyard.

“When she came back in the afternoon, she asked me for money, saying that the person had saved a sum of money for her, and she wanted to take some and return it to her teacher.” The woman laughed.

“Then let her stand a little longer tonight, and she will understand who the money belongs to!” The man said.

The woman pouted and nodded.

Zhang Xiaonian stood in the courtyard.

Then there was no one in the yard.

She stood alone in the dark.

After a while, she finally began to wipe her tears.

You have to take care of yourself.

She suddenly thought of what the man had said to her a long time ago.

The person said that if in the future, if something that cannot be solved, contact that number.

It’s true……

May I?

When the RV drove through the Daxingling area.

Ning Chen saw Mohe City.

The first snow after the beginning of winter had already fallen three days earlier.

At this time, the entire Mohe City was shrouded in white.

The city is not large, with a population of just over 80,000.

If it were not for the establishment of the border, I am afraid that it would not even be a small county here.

Ning Chen kept moving along the navigation.

The RV drove into Mohe City.

In the middle of Mohe City, in the middle of Chaolin Road, shuttle.

The ground of the entire road is already covered with snow.

No one cleansed.

The people here have long been accustomed to the road after snowfall.

But in order to move smoothly on such ground, Ning Chen had to pretend to have some equipment for his wheels.

Drive to a car training station.

Maintenance workers fitted snow chains to the wheels of the motorhome.

After that, Ning Chen continued on the road.

The destination shown by the navigation is within the city of Mohe.

But the frost cannot be in the urban area.

Therefore, this city will be his next foothold.

The RV drove for a while to a hotel.

Outside the hotel is an open-air car park with large swathes of withered weeds and snow.

There are almost no cars in the parking lot and the hostel looks basic.

This is it.

Ning Cheng parked the RV and just got out of the car.

And then.

He saw the husky.

At the time, the husky was doing push-ups.

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