Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1112: Against the sky


"So... Dao Zu lied, he doesn't want the seal to be opened at all?"

Xi Junying couldn't help but ask. Please search (products & books ¥ net) to see the most complete! The fastest newest novel

"No, the seal will definitely be opened. What Dao Ancestor wants to do is to absorb the power of the Heavenly Dao Stone and reshape the Heavenly Dao." Before Wu Chi answered, Ruo Yunshan just opened his mouth and said, "In the first battle at Yaochi, Dao Ancestor felt When it comes to the threat that you may bring, I deceive you out of the chaos...The purpose is to isolate you from the outside world."

"I even have reason to suspect that Dao Ancestor simply cannot seal this place again! He just wants to refining Heaven Dao Stone's power breakthrough."

If Yunshan made a mistake in his judgment before, it was because his realm was not enough and the information he knew was too little, but now listening to Wu Chi's explanation, what he didn't understand before suddenly became clear.

Halfway through, Ruo Yunshan again overturned his inference, "No, it still doesn't make sense. If he just wants the power of the Heavenly Dao Stone, there is no need to stop you... Wu Chi, refine the entire upper realm, really Is it possible?"

The idea of ​​completely refining the entire upper realm like refining stars is so crazy that even if Ruo Yunshan makes such an inference, it is still unbelievable.


Nodded, Wu Chi explained, "I have been to the Paradise of Bliss. It is a world created by the Lord of Bliss. All the laws are controlled by the Lord of Bliss, and it can also accommodate a large number of humans!"

After a pause, Wu Chi continued, "This is only the realm of the Lord of Buddha. If the Lord of Bliss can go further, the world of Bliss will surely undergo earth-shaking changes! My human race does not have a realm of Lord, so for The realm of the Lord Realm can only stay at the stage of speculation."

"The Dao Ancestor has controlled the Heavenly Dao for many years. If he can refine the power of the Heavenly Dao Stone, it is indeed possible to completely refine the upper realm galaxy and become a world that truly belongs to him! If it succeeds, it is very likely that he will be able to become a deity in this way. The realm of the Lord." Shaking his head, Wu Chi continued, "Of course, this is just a guess. Whether it will succeed, I am afraid Dao Ancestor himself is not sure."

With a sigh, Wu Chi continued, "The most important thing is that even if he really has the luck to step into the realm of the lord, it still doesn’t make sense! In the outside world, the power of the lord that I saw, There are two of them...Even if Dao Ancestor succeeds, it is impossible for them to be opponents of the monsters outside the territory!"

"If you trap humans in the upper realm, you can only perceive this incomplete way of heaven, and you will never be able to give birth to a real strong man. In the end, it will only be a chronic death."

" any case, you must stop Dao Ancestor!" Ruo Yunshan said in a deep voice, "Then, are you sure you can defeat Dao Ancestor?"


Shaking his head, Wu Chi replied honestly, "If my strength is not suppressed by the power of Heavenly Dao, maybe I can give it a try, but now...With Heavenly Dao Stone in hand, I will definitely not be the opponent of Dao Ancestor! If it weren’t for the Heavenly Dao Stone that had indeed begun to crumble, Dao Ancestor would need to suppress the Heavenly Dao Stone and refine the power in it at all times. I am afraid that Dao Master would have already attacked me when I returned."

Speaking of this, Wu Chi couldn't help but feel helpless!

This is the gap in absolute strength, so even if he guessed the truth, he still seemed a little helpless.

"More than that!" sighed, Ruo Yunshan said, "If you really fight against Dao Ancestor, I'm afraid it will speed up the collapse of the Heavenly Dao Stone! According to you, the power of my human race is simply not enough. Against the demon outside the realm, once the Heavenly Dao Stone collapses in advance... I am afraid that the result will be more serious than the Taoist Refining Heavenly Dao Stone and reshaping the Heavenly Dao seal."

"..." After opening his mouth, Wu Chi still didn't refute it.

Yes, this is the biggest worry in his heart now!

Terran needs time now, so the situation is particularly bad.

"What to do then?" Xi Junying frowned and asked.

After a moment of silence, Ruo Yunshan looked at Wu Chi and asked, "So... would you like to believe me?"

If Yunshan asked this sentence very seriously!

From the time when Wu Chi was still in the Upper Realm, the relationship between Wu Chi and Ruoyunshan was not good. This time Ruoyunshan took the initiative to join forces with Ye Chenxing, but they had their own goals instead of genuine cooperation.

Now that Wu Chi has returned, although he has not done anything to Ruoyunshan, it is also a huge problem to have some trust in Ruoyunshan, the former enemy.

This is not just a casual word of belief.

If Yunshan wants to intervene, he must follow Ruoyunshan’s idea to make a comprehensive layout. Naturally, Ruoyunshan cannot explain everything clearly, because there are many things that he needs to rely on. To decorate.

If Wu Chi can't fully trust him, then it will be impossible to achieve the desired results. In this case, it is better not to intervene.

Hearing what Ruoyunshan said, Wu Chi couldn't help being silent.

To be honest, his impression of Ruoyunshan is not good!

This is not only because Ruoyunshan and him had conflicts and grievances. Looking at Ruoyunshan’s previous layout of the sky star and the Yaochi, his shots were extremely cold. To some extent, Ruoyunshan was simply Don't care how many people die! In order to achieve his goal, Ruoyunshan often uses no means at all.

Can such Ruoyunshan really be trusted?

Under such circumstances, Wu Chi could not hesitate.

But this hesitation did not last long. Wu Chi raised his head and met Ruo Yunshan’s gaze, "Things can’t go bad anymore... and I must admit that I didn’t succeed alone. Sure! So... it’s not whether I’m willing to trust you, but I can only choose to trust you.”

After taking a sigh of relief, Wu Chi continued, "I said before that in the face of a demon outside the territory, this battle is not a battle of a certain person or a group of people, but a battle of the entire human race! To win, everyone must work hard, even desperately!"

"We did have grievances before, and I did not hide my murderous intentions towards you... I thought of killing you more than once! But I also have to admit that if it is a scheming method, Mr. Ruo does win Overtake me a hundred times...Under such a crisis, Human Race needs you to stand up!"

"Then... I can only choose to believe you!"

After a pause, Wu Chi's eyes suddenly revealed a murderous intent and continued, "It's just that, Mr. Ruo, I also hope that you can promise me. In any case, I must consider the survival of my human race! If, Mr. Ruo someday You can't do this...Unless you kill me first, if you go to the poor and fall to the yellow spring, I will definitely take your life!"

This in itself was a naked threat, and Wu Chi didn't add any embellishments at all.

Moreover, he does have this qualification!

With the Yingying Sword in hand, if Wu Chi is determined to kill a person, even the existence of Dao Ancestor or even the Exalted Master Realm may not be able to keep it.

"it is good!"

Ruo Yunshan was not dissatisfied with Wu Chi's threat at all, and even a touch of appreciation appeared in his eyes, and he directly raised his palm.


Reaching out and swearing with Ruoyunshan high-five, it is considered to have made a promise.

It wasn't that he was unwilling to make harsh oaths. It was just that when he reached the realm of Wu Chi, he was already very clear in his heart that whether it was the natal oath or the Primordial Covenant, in fact, after reaching a certain level, there would be no more binding force.

The only one who can really restrain the other party is the original heart.

After the high-five, Ruo Yunshan also didn't have the slightest wordy, and said, "Before, you were right. Since you are not sure of defeating Dao Ancestor by yourself, then you must mobilize more people to participate... This is A war is a war that concerns the survival of all people."

"Emperor Donghua said that the cycle of heaven has its own cause and effect! This is very reasonable, even if the ancestor is in charge of the stone of heaven, it is impossible to completely control everything, and the heaven itself must also have great restrictions on him!"

"At least, it was like this before he really refined Heavenly Dao Stone and reshaped Heavenly Dao!"

"Then...the first thing we have to do is to fight for the luck of heaven! Only by forming a general trend, so that everyone is willing to break the seal and go outside to fight against the demons of the demon realm, can we break the situation of the heavens!"

"You just said to the Emperor Donghua that it is anti-the sky... This is very interesting! So, from now on, we will start to... anti-the sky!"


"See Your Majesty!"

The closed palace suddenly began In an instant, everyone outside the hall knelt down at the same time.

No one thought that the Emperor of Heaven would leave the customs at this time!

Although all the power was given to Changning Palace before, the Emperor of Heaven is still the Emperor of Heaven after all. As long as he is still there, he is the true ruler of the Heavenly Court, the supreme Emperor of Heaven!

"Have seen your Majesty!"

Leaning slightly, Emperor Donghua, who had been waiting outside, spoke softly.


Nodding slightly, it was considered a courtesy, and the Emperor slowly said, "I already know what the Emperor said! There is Emperor Lao who told Dao Ancestor, three days later, I personally went to the Taoist Temple and saw Dao Ancestor!"

"it is good!"

Nodded, Emperor Donghua replied softly.

Before speaking, the emperor immediately turned to the servant next to him and said, "Tell me, tomorrow morning, all ministers will see you!"


"Procedure Changning Palace, all recent memorials will be sent to the High Heaven Hall, I want to check!"


"Chuan Ruo..." Halfway through the words, the Emperor of Heaven suddenly remembered. In the battle of the Dark Star Region, Ruo Yun Shan had already rebelled. He sighed, and then changed his words, "See you, Master Wen Chang!"


A series of wills were passed on, and the Emperor of Heaven walked towards the Lingxiao Palace at the same time.

After more than a hundred years of retreat and decentralization, the first thing he has to do after leaving the customs is to take back power, and he also has this confidence that as long as the will is passed on, he will surely be able to take back all power.

Regardless of whether Princess Changning is willing or unwilling, as long as he returns, Heavenly Court will remain his Heavenly Court!

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