Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1119: Beheading plan


Sky star!

The war has lasted for nearly half a month. Heavenly Court’s army has increased to 500,000 and launched dozens of strong offensives. However, the situation is still in a stalemate. No matter how strong Heavenly Court’s offensive is, Xi Junying Can always lead the master of the sky star to defend steadily.

Of course, in fact, if there were only the stars in the sky, it would be impossible for the heavens to defend it under the continuous increase in troops.

But not long after the Heavenly Court began to attack the Sky Star, the Demon Realm then began to send troops, restraining most of the Heavenly Court's forces, and this stabilized the situation.

The strength of the 500,000 Guards is actually a lot for the Sky Star.

It is a pity that under the influence of many factors, everyone on the sky star has a high fighting spirit, and the resilience that broke out in the battle is far beyond anyone's imagination.

Although from the current situation, Heavenly Court still holds the initiative, but true discerning people can see that the more procrastinated, the more disadvantaged it will be for Heavenly Court.

The heavenly court occupies the general momentum, but can not attack a small sky star for a long time, which will affect morale itself.

The longer the delay, the lower the morale, and the balance of victory and defeat can easily be tilted when one trades up.

What's more, this time the attack on the firmament star was originally forced by the emperor of heaven, and there was no explanation for the reason for the war. If it can be defeated under the thunder, it will naturally be fine, but once it is caught in a protracted battle, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction within the heaven.

You know, in everyone's hearts, the real enemy of Heaven is Demon Realm.

The longer it drags on, the more voices in the heavenly court demand for withdrawal of troops.

Heaven has never been monolithic, and there are many things that even the Emperor of Heaven cannot completely suppress.

Under this premise, the commander who attacked the Celestial Sky this time quickly obtained the emperor's secret decree, requiring him to capture the Celestial Star within ten days.

After reading the secret decree three or four times in silence, the Wuling Star Master couldn't help talking a little, and immediately gave the order, and all the Star Master level masters in the general summoned.

"Everyone, there is a small star in the sky. We have been attacking for half a month, but we still have no progress. This matter has caused dissatisfaction with the emperor..." The gaze slowly swept away from the crowd, and the Wuling Star Master continued, " If we continue to fight like this, I'm afraid that in another month, we may not be able to attack, so... this commander wants to ask you all to take a risk and make a concerted effort to attack Xi Junying!"

When this remark came out, everyone couldn't help but feel an uproar.

The meaning of the words of the Witch Spirit Star Master is to allow them to forcibly break through the stars in the sky, and attack Xi Junying on the natal star of Xi Junying. This is a truly dangerous fight. If you are a little careless, even if it is these stars. The masters of the main realm do not know how many deaths will be on the sky stars.

"Witch Ling, it's not that we are unwilling to contribute, but there are also many masters on the sky stars, and there are also many star masters. How easy is it to attack and kill Jun Xi?"

"Yes, if others don't say, Meishan Jianjun alone is far from what I can match!"

It is rumored that Wu Chi is now on the Sky Star. When the Heavenly Court is aggressively attacking, Wu Chi will not take action due to his identity, but if they break into the Sky Star to attack Xi Junying, it is another matter.

He waved his hand and suppressed the voices of the crowd. Only then did Star Master Wu Ling speak, "Don't worry, this commander has just received a secret report. Now Wu Chi is not on the Sky Star! Moreover, Star Master Yongye and Star Master Xiuchuan , And are also dragged into the Dark Star Territory... Now, at the time when the Sky Star masters are the least, the decapitation plan can be implemented!"


Hearing this, everyone's spirits were immediately lifted, and they asked repeatedly.

For a long time, besides Wu Chi, the most famous masters on Cangqiangxing are Ye Chenxing, Yang Xiuchuan and Xi Junying. If these people are really not there, Xi Junying is the only one, then you can take it seriously. There is a possibility of a successful attack.

"Naturally take it seriously!" Nodded, Wu Ling Star Master said in a deep voice, "Now, the sky star seems to be high in fighting spirit, but in fact, it is only supported by the momentum of Wu Chi's return! Now Wu Chi is not here, forever Lord Ye Xing and the others are not there either. As long as I can kill Xi Junying, Sky Star is bound to collapse without fighting! At that time, you will be the first in this battle!"

Hearing this, everyone finally truly moved.

Among the masters of the Star Realm, they are not the top-notch existence in themselves, otherwise they would not be sent here!

For them, as long as they have enough resources, their strength will inevitably be improved again, and they are inextricably linked to the forces behind themselves, and this credit naturally has great temptation.

Facing Wu Chi or Ye Chenxing, they may not have confidence, but if they join forces to siege Xi Junying alone, they will be more confident.

Who is willing to give up such a lucrative opportunity?

Seeing that everyone’s enthusiasm was aroused, the Star Master Wu Ling said in a deep voice, "Tomorrow morning, I will launch a strong attack on the sky star again. At night, the other party must be tired! You can take the opportunity to act and execute the beheading. The plan As long as we can kill Xi Junying, this battle will be won!"


In the starry sky, a vague figure walked silently between the battlefields.

If there is a master of the Star Realm nearby, you can find that the soul on the battlefield is being silently swallowed at this moment!

Unfortunately, in high-intensity wars, there are casualties everywhere, so few people can detect such anomalies.

Moreover, when the opponent makes a move, he always deliberately bypasses the position of the master star realm, which is naturally more difficult to detect.

Licking his lips, the vague figure let out a ridiculous laugh. After devouring the soul in this battlefield, it quietly escaped into the void again.

On this day, Heavenly Court’s offensive was extremely strong. In this battle alone, the casualties on both sides amounted to tens of thousands. For him, it was simply a feast of gluttony.

What's more interesting is that when the soul was devoured this time, he could easily feel that the masters of the star master realm who had originally sat on the battlefield in the heavenly court seemed to have disappeared together.

Such an abnormality immediately made him keenly aware that something big must happen.

Compared to the souls of these ordinary soldiers, the souls in the star main realm were the real big tonic for him.

And now, it seems that the opportunity is just around the corner.

Silently, the vague figure also quietly leaned towards the sky star.

In the darkness, a terrifying aura suddenly burst out of the sky stars, and the center of the explosion was the sky palace, where Xi Junying was located.

In an instant, the killing intent was overwhelming, and almost immediately, the entire sky star was awakened.

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