Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1154: Laozi


Yinhua is all over the sky!

With ten fingers flicking, countless silver needles came out, each with a sacred breath, forming a silver judgment blade in the air. Please search (品#书……网) to see the most complete! The fastest newest novel

Heavenly ruling!

This is the strongest magical power of Princess Changning. The masters of Heavenly Court are actually very aware of the horror of this kind of magical power, but no one thinks that they need to face such magical powers one day.

"Wu Chi is my husband, whoever dares to take action, I will kill whoever!"

The brow raised slightly, and Princess Changning's cold voice sounded again. Although the voice was not loud, no one dared to ignore the power contained in it.

At least half of the Heavenly Court masters who originally wanted to besiege Wu Chi were forced back by Princess Changning's words.

In addition to the terrifying strength of Princess Changning, the invisible influence that has been dispatched by Princess Changning for many years has also taken up a huge factor.

"Presumptuous! Changning, do you know what you are doing?"

Eyelids twitched slightly, and the Emperor of Heaven shouted angrily.

Only this time, Princess Changning raised her head without hesitation, and directly met the gaze of the Emperor, "Does your Majesty want to make a shot personally?"

His Majesty!

When these two words came out, it caused a sudden pain in the Emperor's heart. Looking at Princess Changning, he even forgot to speak.

Your Majesty!

For so many years, Changning has always been known as his father, even when he was going to bestow Princess Changning to death, Changning still called him his father!

But at this moment, he heard clearly, and Changning called him his majesty.

Is this to completely cut off the relationship with him?

In fact, although Princess Changning’s kneeling and bowing had already explained this point, when he really saw this scene, it still made the Emperor difficult to accept.


After such a delay, there was also a sound of fighting outside Changning Palace. In a moment, Ruoyunshan and Ye Chenxing appeared in Princess Changning and appeared in front of the Emperor.

When his eyes fell on Ruoyun Mountain, the emperor's pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly, and the anger in his eyes was even harder to suppress.

"Ruoyunshan, do I treat you badly? Why are you betraying me?"

Facing the question of the Emperor of Heaven, Ruo Yunshan did not have the slightest fear or guilt, and said calmly, "The minister has been with your majesty for many years, and the customs and aspirations of your majesty can be seen clearly by the minister... you only care about the position of the emperor. , It’s just the arbitrariness that is in charge of the world, with great power."

"But... what does the minister want, do you know?"


Ruo Yunshan's words caused the Emperor to lose his voice.

Yes, Ruo Yunshan knows him well, and even in some aspects, he knows him better than himself.

However, after so many years of monarchs and ministers getting along, does he know Ruoyunshan again?

Do not!

He doesn't understand! In other words, he never thought about needing to understand.

At this moment, when Ruoyunshan broke through, he was shocked.

Ruo Yunshan was worshipped by him as an emperor, and he was also his number one confidant. He was in charge of great power, but Ruo Yunshan had always kept a low profile most of the time and never interfered with anything in the heavens when it was unnecessary.

In front of Ruoyun Mountain, the supreme power that has been rushed by the world is not mysterious, and it is not worth the effort to seize.

If Yunshan itself is a master of the Star Realm, but he has never been too concerned about cultivation, the various inherited magical powers in the heavenly court, and the treasures are unknown, but when Yunshan has been moved?

As for money and beauties in the earthly world, for Ruoyunshan, it is naturally like dung, so where is it worth spending even a little thought?

So...what does Yunshan want?

At this moment, the Emperor of Heaven couldn't help being a little lost, yes, it turned out that he never knew what Ruoyunshan wanted.

"The monarch treats his ministers like hands and feet, and his ministers treat him like his heart; the king treats his ministers like dogs and horses, and his ministers treat him like a countryman; the king treats his ministers like soil and mustard, and his ministers treat him like enemies!" Slightly leaned, Ruoyun Shan continued, "What's more, for the rights in your hands, you have not only regarded your ministers like soil mustards, but you regarded the people of the world as soil mustards."

"Why is Wu Chi turning against the sky... Others don't know it, do you not know?" Ruo Yunshan continued, shaking his head slightly, "You just can't bear the power in your hand. Once the seal is opened, in front of so many primordial powers, you This heavenly emperor will become insignificant, and even the entire heavenly court structure will collapse."

"You certainly have your reasons, but this is...fair to the people of the world?"

"The minister does not seek power or profit... Only for this name behind him, it is still unbreakable!" Looking at the emperor calmly, Ruo Yunshan said lightly, "The minister does not want to be in the dying, even after tens of thousands of years. For one hundred thousand years, he was still poked and scolded by posterity!"

"What's more... If it really depends on your mind, it doesn't matter whether there will be a future!"

"The matter that affects the survival of the entire human race... how can you be able to do it alone? Therefore, if the minister turns back, you have to turn back!" Once again, he bowed his body and saluted the Emperor, Ruo Yunshan continued, "The minister said this , Not to ask your majesty for forgiveness, but to tell your majesty, tell the people of the world... why are we against the sky!"


For a moment the entire Changning Palace seemed to be quiet.

Ruoyunshan's incident was like the last straw that was pressing down on the camel, causing the Heavenly Court master who was already a little shaken to stop again, and even... fell to Princess Changning!

You know, Wu Chi is just a Kou in the eyes of most people in Heaven!

Even if the strength is strong, it is still impossible to get the allegiance of people like Heavenly Court, but Princess Changning is different!

Before, Princess Changning did not resist, so the Emperor of Heaven could easily disperse Princess Changning's subordinates and disrupt Princess Changning's influence in the heavenly court.

However, when Princess Changning was no longer restrained and really stood up to resist, these people would have no psychological pressure to fall to Princess Changning.

Ruoyunshan said before that the general trend is about to happen!

Over the years, Ruoyunshan has made too many arrangements, and all of this has completely exploded with his words at this moment.

From this moment on, it's not that the general trend is about to happen, but the real general trend has been achieved!

Wu Chi rescued Princess Changning. Princess Changning was blatantly against the sky. Ruo Yunshan brought a large number of masters from the Star Realm of the Sky Star to come. These piles of piles, like weights, were placed on the balance. Above.

Then, at this moment, it finally reached the point where it was enough to control the balance.

Countless strategy!

This is the terrible and exhaustive strategy Ruoyunshan.

Only relying on Heavenly Court and Heavenly Emperor, under the general situation, it is impossible to compete with Ruoyun Mountain and Wu Chi.

But Ruo Yunshan's face still didn't have the slightest joy of victory, on the contrary, it became more solemn.

Because he knew better than anyone in his heart that the real enemy was not as simple as the Emperor of Heaven.

"Taozu, I have settled... now it's your turn!"

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