Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1177: Siege


After confirming the news again and again, with the concentration of Lord Xuantian, Rao couldn't help but brow fiercely, and he couldn't control his emotions.

He prepared for a long time, mobilizing a large number of masters to prepare for the crazy counterattack of the human race, and even prepared to pay a certain price, but after the seal was opened, the expected desperate counterattack did not wait, but the human masters broke up. The news of the escape makes him feel so embarrassed?

Since the time immemorial, haven't the human races been fearful of death? When did it start to become so shameless?

After a brief period of anger, Lord Xuantian quickly calmed down.

"The human beings above the main star realm can escape, what about those below the main star realm?"

Above the star realm, there is the ability to tear the starry sky. It is much easier to escape naturally, but people under the star realm, in this vast starry sky, want to escape, but it is not so easy, so much The siege of the demon from outside the territories is not to see after all.

"Human beings of low strength were included in the inner world by the mighty human race to escape our pursuit."

Slightly stagnated, Lord Xuantian suddenly revealed a fierce murderous intent in his eyes, "Shall other people be included in the world? So, as long as you kill these powerful human races, you can solve those people together?"


The world of the mighty human can of course take many people away, but in the same way, all the risks are passed on to the mighty human. As long as he is killed and the world collapses, all the people in it will naturally follow. And die.

Things in this world have their pros and cons, and there can be no absolutely perfect things.


Nodded, Lord Xuantian said in a cold voice, "If this is the case, if the order is passed on, all the demon masters will give up their attacks on the Chaos Land and pursue and kill all human powers!"


"And!" With a raised eyebrow, Lord Xuantian continued, "After all, the power of Human Race is limited. It is impossible to take everyone away, especially ordinary people... Don't look at them now, but for Human Race, But it is the foundation! Kill me freely, kill as many as you can... Remember, this is a battle of genocide!"



The seal was completely shattered, and without the barrier of the seal, Wu Chi quickly contacted the Wuwang Demon Lord and the Bliss Buddha Lord!

After hearing about Ruoyunshan’s plan, Wuwang Demon Lord and the Lord of Bliss also expressed their agreement at the same time. The Lord of Bliss opened the door to the realm of Bliss for this reason. Even if it is not a Buddhist disciple, you can also enter the realm of Bliss for refuge. .

Among the great powers of all races, the Bliss Buddha Realm of the Bliss Buddha is the most perfect real world. Even ordinary people can easily survive in the Bliss Buddha. Under the support of the Bliss Buddha, a large number of ordinary people All were put into the realm of Bliss Buddha.

Of course, as a price, the Lord of Bliss can no longer easily deal with the demon outside the realm. After all, once the position is exposed and found by the Lord Xuantian, all people in the realm of Bliss will be threatened. The consequence is , Can't afford it anyway.

The human power is actually not too small, once fully cooperated, the influence it brings is still great.

Taking advantage of the fact that the monsters outside the territory have not yet reacted, the first batch of people brought out by these human races is as many as tens of millions.

Except for ordinary people and those with too low strength, they can only stay in the realm of Bliss for a while. After escaping from the upper realm, the others were quickly evacuated and fled into the endless starry sky.

Disperse, although the ability to deal with danger is weaker, but the same, the target is small, the probability of being discovered by the demon outside the domain will also decrease.

Of course, with the passage of time, there will inevitably be conflicts with the demon from outside the territories scattered everywhere, but that in itself is expected, and the human race needs this pressure and combat power to promote more people. Practice!

As long as it can survive a period of time, more masters will inevitably appear. At that time, it will be the time to launch a counterattack against the monsters outside the territory.

This is part of Ruoyunshan's plan.

Of course, for these Human Race great abilities, things are not so simple. After taking the people out, they must return to the upper realm again to find a way to rescue more people.

To a certain extent, these human powers are like transport ships. Only by constantly taking risks and running back and forth can they continuously rescue more people.

It's a pity that things won't always be smooth sailing. In just a few days, the demon outside the realm reacted. Countless demon masters gave up their attacks on the upper realm and began to besiege these human powers instead!

Then the cruel battle broke out.

Even if they just wanted to escape, in this case, faced with countless demon masters chasing and blocking them, there were still many human powers left behind.

The death of these people also led to the burial of the human race hiding in their world!

In less than half a month, as many as dozens of human beings died, and as many as tens of millions of human beings died.

More importantly, according to the rumors, Lord Xuantian has left the Xuantian Palace and began to look for the traces of the most powerful human beings such as Wu Chi, the Buddha of Bliss, and the Wuwang Demon Lord.

Once these people are caught by Lord Xuantian, the losses they will bring will be even more severe.

In fact, this is exactly why Wu Chi insisted on opposing Daozu's refining Heavenly Dao alone.

Sealing the upper realm again may be able to guarantee the safety of these people for the time being, but cannot feel the real way of heaven. These people are destined to not be able to embark on the road of the great road, and they will never be able to give birth to new powerful people!

Moreover, once it is refined again, the entire upper realm will merge with Dao Ancestor!

Not to mention whether the ancestor can break through to the realm of the lord, even if it is possible, can a Taoist ancestor who has just broken through the realm of the lord contend with the lord Xuantian or the dragon?

Now that Lord Xuantian can still hunt down the mighty, it's really to the point, wouldn't it be possible to hunt down Daozu?

Nowadays, there are many powerful human beings, and there is a fault tolerance rate, but if there is only Dao Ancestor, then once Dao Ancestor is killed, everyone in the upper realm will have nowhere to escape. At that point, it is really an extinction!

With the targeted siege of these demon masters, the easiest time to escape has completely passed.

Up to this point, in the upper realm, only less than 40% of the people who escaped.

This is already a pretty terrible number!

As Emperor Donghua said, what is hidden under this plan is truly cruel and cold-blooded, because a large number of people are destined to die, and no matter how hard Wu Chi and the others work hard, they can get up to this point. The effect of this has been very limited.

It is not the cold numbers that die, but the fresh lives!

PS: Go out the door, the second time today is estimated to be later.

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