Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1188: Convince Long Zun (Part 1)

"Boy visit Long Zun!"

Standing in front of Long Zun, Wu Chi also bowed down and bowed, paying tribute. ?? E novel???

On the surface, there is nothing unusual about the Black Crow Demon Lord, but in his heart he is already anxious. The news is clearly released at the same time. Why did Long Zun arrive first? This makes no sense!

Facing Long Zun, he had no room for interruption. It can be said that since Long Zun arrived, the situation has completely fallen into Long Zun's control.

So in addition to hoping that Lord Xuantian would arrive, he could only hope that Longzun would also kill Wu Chi.

It's a pity that God seems to be dozing off and didn't hear his inner prayer.

"Are you waiting for the deity?"

Long Zun's eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, and he said in a deep voice.


Meeting Long Zun's gaze, Wu Chi also did not hide the slightest, and calmly replied, "I have been waiting for you to appear since the seal collapsed."

"Oh?" A slightly unexpected glance at Wu Chi, Long Zun continued, "At this time, you still dare to return to the Sealed Land. You are really courageous. You are so sure that Xuantian will not rush first. To?"

"Long Zun left a mark on me at the beginning. Even if I escaped into the land of chaos, this mark has not completely disappeared! Therefore, as long as Long Zun is willing, he can naturally be faster than Lord Xuantian."

Slightly surprised, Long Zun couldn't help but take a look at Wu Chi, quite surprised with Wu Chi's mind.

When he used the imprint to catch up with Wu Chi from outside the territory, the imprint had been broken from the surface, and even the Lord Xuantian did not notice that there was still a mark left by the dragon on Wu Chi.

It can be said that with Wu Chi's strength, it is impossible to detect this at all. In other words, Wu Chi can only guess it. Such a mind will naturally inevitably surprise Long Zun.

Of course, in fact, this time Long Zun overestimated Wu Chi.

It is not Wu Chi who guessed this, but Ruoyunshan!

When Wu Chi explained Ruo Yunshan's extraterritorial situation, he explained in detail the matter of Long Zun and the Lord Xuantian chasing and killing himself, and of course, it also included Wu Chi's imprint left by Long Zun.

After all, what Wu Chi can analyze is only a small part of many things, but after telling Ruoyunshan about these things, Ruoyunshan will soon be able to analyze deeper meanings from them!

This included the fact that Long Zun had no intention of killing Wu Chi, and the mark on Wu Chi must have not completely dissipated.

It was based on this that Wu Chi dared to venture back to the upper realm and waited for Long Zun to show up.

"You're so sure, the deity won't kill you?" Long Zun asked lightly, looking at Wu Chi coldly.

"Since the mark has not dissipated, so many days have passed since the seal collapsed. If Long Zun wanted to kill the kid, he would have done it long ago, why wait until now?" Wu Chi answered calmly, spreading his hands.

"You are very courageous and a little clever, but it's a pity... it doesn't make much sense!" Long Zun replied with squinting eyes, "The deity is not strong enough to kill you, but you want to use the deity, but it's not immune. I look down on yourself too much."

It is good that Long Zun doesn't want to kill Wu Chi, but it doesn't mean that he will definitely not kill Wu Chi! Now, Wu Chi clearly wanted to use him to deal with the Black Crow Demon Lord. Such behavior was enough to make Long Zun give birth to killing intent.

"It's not a use, but a transaction!" Looking at Long Zun, Wu Chi replied earnestly, "Prince Long Qi, this is my reward for you!"

Before Wu Chi didn't know the identity of Taigu Minglong, it was natural to use it as a bargaining chip, but now that he knows the identity of Prince Longqi, there is no reason not to use it.

When these words came out, Long Zun naturally understood Wu Chi's meaning.

Prince Longqi was trapped in the upper realm before, and there was even only a skeleton left. It was the weakest time. At that time, holding the shadow-bearing sword, Wu Chi could naturally kill the prince Longqi easily. The killer is equivalent to giving the life of Prince Long Qi to Long Zun.

With this as a reward, a little use of Dragon Venerable will naturally be within a tolerable range.

"Dragon Qi..." After repeating the name, Long Zun also fell silent.

After a while, this faintly replied, "Not enough!"

Long Qi is his son, yes, but saving a Long Qi is like letting Long Zun let go, or even helping him escape, this is still not enough!

Wu Chi's identity was placed there. From the moment he obtained the inheritance of the Shadow Sword Master and realized the moment of Fanghua, his value was far beyond the comparison of Prince Longqi.

But Long Zun's words did not make Wu Chi give up, and even a hint of joy was born in his heart.

The reason is very simple. Long Zun said that it was not enough, which at least means that Long Zun has admitted to this transaction, but Wu Chi's bargaining chips are not heavy enough now.

But with such a sentence, it shows that Wu Chi is betting right this time, and the conditions can always be negotiated slowly.

"Dragons have always been independent, and during the First World War, the dragons and the humans were not enemies... I don't mean that now the humans and the dragons are enemies!" Looking at Long Zun, Wu Chi continued. , "I don't want Long Zun to be able to stand by Human Race now, but at least it shouldn't be difficult to stand by and watch?"

"My human race is not rootless after all. At this time of life and death, even the Lord Xuantian may not necessarily be able to destroy the human race! This is a war, and no one can easily win until the last moment. Lost." Spreading his hands, Wu Chi said slowly, "As long as the dragons don't intervene, then in the end, no matter who wins or loses, the dragons can gain benefits."

"I know, Dragon Lord has always been close to the human race! Even in these years, he has never attacked the human race outside the territory...If so, why can't you wait any longer? Maybe it won’t be long before the kid and the human race will Bring you some surprises?"

Wu Chi said this very natural, but in fact, the string in his heart was tight.

Even at this moment, he still can't forget the situation when Ruo Yunshan said this to him.


"Wu I know, saying this is a bit of a blow to confidence! But facing the battle of the monsters outside the territory, my human race's chance of winning is really very low! We need time, so the seal has just been broken for a while, It will be the most difficult time for my human race."

"The situation outside the territory, I have heard you explain almost! Then, for us, the greatest hope lies in the dragon!"

"I don't care what method you use, but as long as we can stabilize the dragon clan, our chances of winning will increase by at least 30%!"

"I can't guess the mind of a master-class powerhouse, but at least from the current situation, he has no intention to kill the human race but it is a fact..."

"So, try to convince Long Zun, maybe it is you and my human race's greatest hope now!"

ps: Although it doesn't seem to be of much use, let me explain. I went out yesterday afternoon and thought I could come back to update at night, but I couldn't come back. Sorry!

There are still things to be dealt with in the past two days, and there is no way to make up the debt, so let's wait until I finish the two days.

Today is still 2 more, and I will try to release it as soon as possible in the next chapter.

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