Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1192: Chasing Wu Chi

Although Long Zun kept his eyes closed, as if he was absent, no one dared to really ignore the existence of Long Zun from beginning to end. One novel?????????

When Long Zun opened his eyes, everyone's hearts couldn't help but jump.

"You want Xiaoqi to stand up to you, I promised! But now it seems that the facts may not be what you said...So, do you still insist that the deity punish Xiaoqi now?"

Long Zun's voice was a little low, although it was just a few simple words, it still made the three demon masters from Yuanji and Xuantian Palace burst into cold sweat.

These seemingly random words, in fact, are tantamount to a conclusion on this matter.

You have no evidence!

Yes, to put it bluntly, it is actually just this sentence.

Faced with the son who was backed by Long Zun, even if it was the intention of the Lord Xuantian, without conclusive evidence, it would be meaningless.

Before Long Zun did not express his position because it was not clear whether Prince Long Qi could deal with people like Xuan Tian Gong, but now the result has made Long Zun very satisfied.

In the past, the Prince Longqi was too arrogant, and in many cases he didn't know how to work, otherwise he would not have been trapped in the upper realm in the First War.

For millions of years, Prince Longqi has been trapped in the upper realm, unable to return, and even suffered serious injuries. He has no flesh and blood, and only a skeleton is left. This may be the case. It took 10,000 years to gradually erase the edges and corners of Prince Longqi and learn to handle things smoothly.

For other strong people, this may not be a good thing, but for the heirs who may take over the dragon clan, this is undoubtedly a necessary quality.

Although facing the question from the people from Xuantian Palace, it was actually only a trivial matter, but Long Qi's response by Prince Long Qi really satisfied Long Zun.

That's enough!

As long as Long Zun speaks, even if it is a great trouble, it can help him stop it, not to mention that it is not too much trouble.

"Don't dare!"

Facing Long Zun, Yuan Ji hurriedly bowed and saluted, "Long Zun Mingjian, this time I am here only to verify things on the Heavenly Luck Star, not to ask sin."

After a pause, Yuan Ji continued, "Prince Longqi has been trapped in the sealed land for millions of years. Under severe injuries, some of the situation is not clear, and it is possible! This matter, after I return to Xuantian Palace, I will find a way to continue exploring."

These are just some scene words, facing Long Zun, Yuan Ji has to say, but it does not mean that he can only say some scene words.

"However," Yuan Ji's tone turned sharper, "This matter was caused by Wu Chi after all. No matter what, Wu Chi can escape, after all, it has something to do with Prince Longqi. So, In my opinion, in order to prove his innocence, Prince Longqi might also participate in the pursuit of Wu Chi."

The corner of his eyes swept over Prince Long Qi, Yuan Ji said again, "I was a little worried at first, I don’t know if Prince Long Qi can regain strength in a short time. Fortunately, when I saw it today, Prince Long Qi had already recovered from the past. Fengcai, therefore, in the name of Xuantian Temple, I asked Prince Longqi to help chase and kill Wu Chi. I wonder if Longzun allowed it?"

These words are the real softness with rigidity.

In the words of Prince Longqi before, there are actually many flaws. If you ask carefully, you will definitely not be able to justify it.

Now Yuanji retreats as advancement, and with a single word, he exposed the lie of Prince Longqi, but he also pointed out that unless he catches Wu Chi, the suspicion on Prince Longqi will not be completely cleared after all. Under such circumstances , To ask Prince Longqi to help chase Wu Chi and prove his innocence is naturally a reasonable request.

His eyelids twitched slightly, and Long Zun's gaze fell on Prince Long Qi again.

At this point, how to deal with it is naturally the matter of Prince Longqi. Although he can make a forceful decision, he will eventually fall behind. Besides, he also wants to see how Longqi will deal with this matter.

Perceiving Long Zun's gaze, Prince Long Qi immediately understood what Long Zun meant.

After groaning for a while, he slowly said, "I, Long Zun, have never been very involved in human affairs, and it is the same now! However, what you said has some truth, after all, Wu Chi is the Shadow Sword. The successor of the Lord is of great importance... this matter is related to me, so I am naturally willing to contribute!"

After a pause, Prince Longqi continued, "However, this matter is just my personal position and has nothing to do with the attitude of my dragon clan!"

These words made Long Zun's eyes more admiration.

The identity of Prince Longqi is there, and his every move is easily understood as the attitude of the dragon clan.

In fact, now Yuan Ji used words to run the Longqi Prince to participate in the pursuit of Wu Chi, which in itself has a bit of tricking the Longqi Prince to speak for the Dragon Clan.

But I didn't expect that as soon as the words were spoken here, Prince Long Qi saw it through.

With these simple words, he was well picked from the dragon clan.

The Dragon Clan did not make a statement, so whatever the Dragon Seven Prince did, it was only his personal business and would not cause the Dragon Clan's actions.

A deeper understanding... If, in the process of hunting down Wu Chi, Prince Longqi really made some unhelpful actions, naturally it is also just his personal problem, and has nothing to do with the entire dragon clan!

No one said this clearly, but in fact, everyone knew what it meant.

Looking at Prince Long Qi again, Yuan Ji couldn't help showing a dignified color in his eyes.


No one would have thought that, the Prince Longqi, who had disappeared for millions of years, would be so difficult and even directly disrupt his plan.

It is really not easy to deal with being able to be trained by Long Zun as an heir!

However, the matter is now, even no matter how difficult it is, he must stick to it.

Leaning slightly, Yuan Ji said softly, "Prince Longqi understands the righteousness. On behalf of Xuantian Palace, Yuanji thanked Prince Longqi."

"Don't dare!" Waved his hand, Prince Long Qi replied softly, "You know, after all, I just got out of the Sealed Land, and many things are unclear, so...this matter is still dominated by Xuantian Palace. , I’m just following errands and doing my best, not worth mentioning."

The matter has not been arranged yet, the Prince Longqi has already begun to shirk responsibility, and the reason is reasonable, so that no one can pick it out.

After a moment of stagnation, Yuan Ji smiled lightly, "This is natural, but even the Black Crow Demon Lord died in Wu Chi's hands. Wu Chi's strength is much stronger than we had previously expected! At that time, it will be indispensable. There are places where you want to use Prince Longqi, please don’t turn away."

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