Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1273: Reunion of old friends

Although he kept going deep into the sea of ​​stars, one old friend after another appeared in front of Wu Chi.

Fu Lei, Yang Xiuchuan, Changsun Sheng... and even the former Sword Palace Lord He Deguang, the Supreme Elder Cao Wenfei, and the appearance of old people one after another, made Wu Chi a touch of indescribable joy from the bottom of his heart.

Each of these people has extraordinary strength. In the words of Dao Ancestor, when these people were in the upper realm, they were blessed by the heavenly power and luck. After leaving the upper realm and truly stepping outside the realm, their strength improved even faster.

Now it is no exaggeration to say that any one of these people is enough to be alone.

When Wu Chi was away, these people were rarely connected, but now with Wu Chi’s return, when these people gather together again, people are suddenly alert. Before they knew it, these people were already It is an extremely powerful force.

Even without Wu Chi's move, once these people join forces, they are already enough to walk sideways in the sea of ​​stars.

Nearly a month later, when Wu Chi really stepped into the depths of the sea of ​​stars, Princess Changning finally appeared in front of Wu Chi.

After more than a thousand years, Princess Changning is still beautiful, her face is still cold and clear, but she finally can't hide the faint joy and tenderness in her eyes.

Holding the hand of Princess Changning, Wu Chi said softly, "It's nice to see you again."

Since leaving the upper realm, Wu Chi has been in danger almost all the time. He has never seen Princess Changning and the others again. Now that they meet again after a long absence, he can't help but feel such a sense of joy.

With Princess Changning's temperament, naturally she would not be indifferent to each other with Wu Chi, just holding hands in a quiet hug is enough.

After a short rest, Wu Chi didn’t talk any more, and said, “Everyone, I’m not telling you, this time I’m here because I need your help...Of course, this is bound to be very dangerous. Once we get involved, every one of us People may be in danger of falling at any time."

"So, I don't force my family. Those who are willing to fight side by side with me return to the Buddha Realm of Bliss. Those who do not want to stay in the sea of ​​stars. No matter when it comes, I will never complain. "

After thinking about it again and again, Wu Chi still didn't directly say about the forbidden place, but gave them the right to choose first.

"Wu Chi, when did you start to become so verbose? What do you want or not, our friends for so many years, don't you understand? When you leave, just say it."

Glancing at Wu Chi, Chang Sun Sheng spoke in an angry voice.

From the time when he was in the Immortal Ancient Dojo, he and Wu Chi had already had a fateful friendship, and naturally he had no scruples in speaking.

"Brother eldest grandson is right. If there is anything you can do to help, just speak up. As long as you don't dislike our low strength, just give the order." Fu Lei nodded, and followed Cheng.

Although they all have the strength of a powerful person now, they are also clear in their hearts that there is still an unbridgeable gap between them and Wu Chi.

Both are powerful people, but the gap in strength will still be huge.

Although I knew the result a long time ago, when I heard these words, there would still be an indescribable touch in my heart.

No matter when, having so many sincere friends is undoubtedly the most precious asset.


Bliss Buddha World!

When Wu Chi came back again, it was not only the friends like Princess Changning and Changsun Sheng, but the Wuwu Demon Lord also contacted Ye Chenxing, who was cultivating in the Demon Heart Domain, Gai Jiuxiao.

In addition, Wuwang Demon Lord and Bliss Buddha Lord also selected some existences that are not very familiar with Wu Chi, but are both top-notch in strength and potential.

These people are undoubtedly the most promising geniuses among the human races today.

It was only at this moment that Wu Chi really told them about the Forbidden Land.

Even if they had been mentally prepared before, these words still shocked these people!

Before that, they didn't even know the existence of forbidden places, whether it was Lord Luo Maw and the twelve gods and demons who were much stronger than Lord Xuantian and Lord Dragon.

However, in addition to the initial shock, a hint of excitement was also uncontrollable.

Since leaving the upper realm, their strength has improved very quickly, and after being able to step into the Star Sea and Demon Heart Realm, they have quickly increased their strength to the realm of the Mighty One.

But in fact, everyone is very clear in their hearts that they can do all this not because they have talents comparable to Wu Chi or Yan Beichen, but because the overall situation of the human race has improved, they have more improved cultivation. Only chance.

If the seal hadn't been broken, and hadn't stepped into the seal, perhaps some of them might not even be able to step into the realm of the star master, but now, all have stepped into the realm of the mighty.

It's very simple, because the levels that can be touched are different.

By the same token, under normal circumstances, even if they can stay in the Star Sea or the Demon Heart Realm for cultivation, perhaps in tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, they may not be able to step into the realm of the Lord.

After all, the examples of Wushu Demon Lord and Bliss Buddha Lord are here.

But if they can step into the forbidden place, under normal circumstances, only the strong of the master realm can stand in it, then it is really possible for them to take the opportunity to improve their strength faster and gain stepping into the master. The hope of the homeland.

For practitioners, this is the biggest temptation in itself, and it is worth it even if the risk is great! Not to mention, apart from that, this matter is also related to the safety of the entire human race and even all living beings.

With little consideration, everyone unanimously passed the plan to step into the to confirm this, and the rest of the details do not need them to worry about.


In fact, in these days when Wu Chi went to Xingchenhai to find people, Ruoyunshan was also not idle.

In other words, from the time he saw Wu Chi this time, he had already guessed the result now, so from the very beginning, he had been thinking about how to arrange the follow-up plan.

Compared to the dangers that may be encountered in stepping into a forbidden place, the human race is still absolutely weak!

The more such a situation, the more precious the arrangement and planning in advance.

For the human race, it is not only to win, but also to avoid a large number of casualties as much as possible, and to prevent the terrible consequences that may occur if it fails, and the corresponding response plan!

And these are undoubtedly the issues that Ruoyunshan must consider now.

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