Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 125: Meet the Lord


While stepping into the Celestial City by night, Wu Chi couldn't help but raised his brows slightly.

The origins of the five elements were gathered, Wu Chi's perception was much more acute than before. Now, as soon as he stepped into the Celestial City, he vaguely felt an extremely powerful force covering the Celestial City.

"Daotai powerhouse? It seems that the strength is still above the original Lan Yuanhai, what do you want to do?"

With a whisper to himself, Wu Chi's gaze suddenly fell to the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, revealing a stern look.

As soon as his thoughts changed, Wu Chi had already guessed that there was something wrong with Tiancang City, otherwise, no matter which of the other two city owners this person was, he shouldn’t have been so rashly in his absence. Arriving in Tiancang City.

Wu Chi didn't doubt that this had anything to do with the Demon Lord. With the Demon Lord's strength, he really wanted to embarrass himself. He didn't need to use such small methods.

Thinking that he hadn't shown up for more than two months, and only Qingqing was supporting the situation, Wu Chi's mouth suddenly overflowed with a hint of coldness. It was only two months, and some people couldn't help but want to bully him. ?

The aura on his body suddenly converged, just like an ordinary liquid condensate realm, Wu Chi strode silently towards the city lord's mansion.

........ .

"Haha, how about it, Brother Zheng! I just said it, this Qingqing girl, I'm afraid that you may not see you and me in my eyes."

Seeing Mr. Zheng being backed by Qingqing, Mr. Li who stood by and watched the jokes for a long time suddenly joked.

There was a chill in his eyes, and Mr. Zheng said lightly, "Brother Li also watched the excitement for a long time, don't you want to say anything?"

"Girl Qingqing, who even beaten her belt, has created such a big temptation. To be honest, I am a little moved! What a great thing, I look at this Ye Daoist who is now bewitched with enthusiasm and sees us as The enemies, I'm afraid they will fight with each other at all costs."

His gaze slowly swept across everyone, Mr. Li said with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, not only the Night Daoist, but also the vacillating Celestial City masters just now, are all enthralled by Qingqing!

Leaving this secret realm itself is their biggest obsession, not to mention the beautiful blueprint described by Qingqing, which has almost mobilized the expectations and excitement in everyone's hearts.

If it is not possible to extinguish the enthusiasm in everyone's hearts, even if the two of them represent Tianying City and Tianji City, I am afraid it will arouse everyone's anger! If the trouble is to such a degree, I am afraid that Huangsha Palace will intervene, and no one can do it well.

As soon as his smile narrowed, Mr. Li's eyes revealed a touch of coldness, and he said sensibly, "Girl Qingqing, based on how you confuse people, I only ask you, when can the secret seal be opened?"

When she felt cold in her heart, Qingqing also knew that this was what really hit her.

"Brother was just to help the Demon Lord open the secret realm seal before encountering accidents. Even so, it is enough to bring certain help to the Demon Lord. What kind of means is the Demon Lord, do you dare to question whether the Demon Lord cannot open the secret realm? "

At this point, Qingqing could only push the matter to the devil, and no one would dare to question the devil anyway.

"It's a sharp mouth." With a sneer, Mr. Zheng interjected, "City Lord Wu was to help the Demon Lord find a way to open the seal. That's right, but you also said that he has suffered an accident."

"Naturally, I dare not question the demon's methods, but the seal of this secret realm is that Emperor Donghua used the immortal mansion to seal the town. Even the devil has been trapped for thousands of years! With the devil himself, breaking this seal is just It’s just a matter of time! But for us, time is the biggest issue."

Mr. Zheng pointed to the crowd with a sneer.

"If you don't enter the Daotai, everyone will only have a life span of more than a hundred years! What will you say after you go out, but how long will it take to go out? Ten years, twenty years, or hundreds of years?"

With that said, everyone's hearts couldn't help but sink slightly, waking up from the excitement just now.

Yes, how long will it take? Decades, or even hundreds of years, are nothing to the devil. But for them, it is too long.

"The devil's method is monstrous, I naturally dare not question! Let's calculate it in ten years! Even if the secret realm can be opened after ten years, dare to ask, is it for your illusory promise, the young girl, everyone must serve you as the master? , Let you give orders for ten years?"

"But ten years later, even if you really go out, how much influence will your former disciple have on everything outside? Even your master, the demon master, will still trust you?"

As soon as this remark came out, Qingqing's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

"Everyone, what kind of means does the demon lord use? When the day is really going to go out, no matter what the right way or evil way, what demon lord and Dao lord, can anyone dare to be an enemy of the devil lord?" Seeing the fire, Mr. Zheng said loudly. "What's more, we can step into the condensate peak in this mysterious realm with thin aura. Once we have sufficient aura in the future, I dare say that at least half of us can step into the Daotai realm smoothly!"

"At that time, as long as we are united, based on his good and evil faction, is it still afraid that he will not succeed?"

These words also poke the itch in everyone's hearts, involuntarily producing a touch of arrogance.

There was a bit of bitterness in her mouth, Qingqing already understood that after all that she had arranged, she still failed.

These two people's words have almost completely dispelled the idea of ​​desperate resistance from the people in Tiancang City. If they want to control these people by playing tricks, they are finally falling behind! Once a lie is exposed, there is no ability to resist.

With a touch of contempt at the corner of his mouth, Mr. Li took a step forward, "Girl Qingqing, what you promised to everyone is nothing but plain words! But what I can bring to everyone is real benefits."

"Lan Yuanhai has fallen, and now the Lord Wu is also in an accident! We are in the secret realm, I am afraid it is impossible for a third Taoist powerhouse to appear in a short time! So, it is better to honor the orders of the two city masters. ! With the identity and strength of the two city masters, can it be that you can't be treated badly?"

After going around such a big circle, in fact, all they want to say is just this sentence.

Feng Xuan, the disciple of the Demon Lord, had already vaguely handed over the words, as long as it does not cause turmoil, the Demon Lord will not interfere in the affairs of Heavenly Cang City, and there is no other plan to cultivate a Taoist powerhouse to take control of Heavenly Cang City. As long as they can solve the problems of people like Sky Cang City, the strength of Sky Cang City will naturally be transformed into two two cities.

Once control of the power and resources of the Celestial City, not to mention the two City Lords, their benefits will naturally increase a lot.

the most important is!

Just as Qingqing said, with the strength of the demon king, one day the secret seal will be opened. At that time, the greater the power under his hand, the greater the right to speak, and the benefits are simply hard to estimate.

How could you miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Seeing that everyone's resistance has become weaker and weaker, Mr. Zheng continued, "As for this young girl, it is naturally impossible to control Heavenly City! But, such a beautiful woman, don't everyone have a heart?"

Upon hearing this, Qingqing's face changed drastically, her fingers tightly holding the sword, and she looked a little pale because of excessive force.

"You guys should know, let's Baihualou in Cangcang City? From my point of view, it is very appropriate to go to Baihualou with the beauty of a young girl to be the top card! As long as the spirit crystals are released, we all have a chance to kiss Fangze."

Unscrupulous! Disintegrating the minds of the people in Tiancang City to follow Qingqing, he suddenly no longer had a trace of scruples, and sneered unscrupulously.

There is a dark side in human nature!

If the woman who was in charge of Tiancang City in the past is truly reduced to the Hundred Flowers Tower, who can not be moved?

His face was pale, and there was a touch of determination in his blue eyes, "Mr. Zheng, your mind is so vicious, the little girl naturally has nothing to say! However, if I fail, I fail. Do you really think that this can be at your mercy?"

With a murderous intent in his eyes, Aomori said.

At this point, she had completely put out the last trace of fluke and gave birth to a desperate heart.

With her strength, as long as she is not facing the Daoist powerhouse, she may not have the power to fight.

She hated the two people very much in her heart, Qingqing had already had a murderous intention, desperately trying to die, she was also bound to injure each other severely, and even die together.

What's more, no matter what the result is!

It's better to die here than to fall into the Baihua Tower, and let others be better.

At this kind of time, even if it is a Night Daoist, naturally it is impossible to work hard with Qingqing anymore, and he sighed in his heart, turned his head and stopped looking here.

However, it was this turning head Ren's pupils suddenly shrank, and his mind was blank, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

Not far away, a familiar figure was standing lazily among the crowd, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, looking at everything in front of him coldly! There was even a fruit in his hand, and he watched indifferently as everyone performed **** stage.

That's right!

Just acting!

As soon as he saw the figure clearly, the Ye Daoist understood that everyone here today, even the two triumphant Mr. Zheng and Mr. Li, were all just beaming clowns.

An inexplicable sense of fear suddenly rose in his heart, and the night Taoist took a deep breath and knelt down with a plop.

"Subordinate Ye Dao Ren, meet the city lord!"

This sudden change caused the entire hall to be completely quiet. Everyone's eyes followed the direction the Ye Daoist had knelt down, and there was a thud in his heart, which gave birth to an indescribable fear.


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