Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1302: That's too late

Venerable Marble's attack was weaker, but it was also relative, and now a punch blasted out, let alone an altar, even if it was a real mountain, it could be broken in an instant. >1 novel <

However, when the punch hit the altar, the **** veins that were hidden on the altar were only clear, let alone broken, and even a small pit was not left.

This is what outsiders have seen. In fact, Lord Marble's feelings are more real.

This punch didn't seem to fall on the altar at all, but completely fell into the great formation of the sky. The aftermath that vaguely revealed from the altar made him clearly feel a sense of fatal crisis.

At this moment, Lord Marble really had a feeling that this so-called altar was not built by Luo Maw at all, but was derived from the great formation itself! It is not the normal material that makes the altar, but the origin of the avenue.

With the strength of Lord Marble, it is easy to destroy a mountain, but it is far from enough to defeat the origin of the Great Dao formed by the Great Array.

In order to confirm what he was thinking in his heart, Lord Marble shook his body slightly, and instantly urged his power to the extreme, and slammed into the altar!


A dull loud noise suddenly blasted in my ears, and the moment the Lord Marble hit the altar, a terrifying rhythm of the road followed, turning into a huge force along the **** veins on the altar. , Headed towards the Lord Marble.

In a blink of an eye, the blood-colored veins seemed to extend to the body of Lord Marble. Within just a few breaths, Lord Marble’s white jade-like body was stained with blood, like a rope. , Tightly bound the body of Lord Marble.


Master Marble could no longer control his body, and fell straight from the air. The blood veins still all over his body were even more shocking, causing a chill in the heart.

"Marble, how are you?"

Seeing Lord Marble falling, Venerable Dragon suddenly appeared next to Lord Marble, helping him to get rid of the **** veins on his body like a net.

"It's the power of the Dutian Great Array." Looking at all this coldly, Lord Zhenyou said slowly.

Although Lord Marble seems to have suffered a loss, in fact, with their eyes, it is natural to see that Lord Marble is not a major problem. The **** veins are more like a force of killing! For people below the Lord, it may be fatal, but for the Lord Marble, it is not difficult to resolve.

The real trouble is that after this time of temptation, it is almost certain that attacking the altar will inevitably touch the power of the Dutian Great Array. In this way, I want to use violence to smash the altar and interrupt the recovery of the Twelve Capital Gods and Demons , Almost impossible.

"It's the strength of the Dutian Great Array, but the strength of the Great Array to counterattack is much weaker than expected!"

Staring at the altar, Wu Chi said in a deep voice.

Before Gu Qingcheng attacked the Dutian God and Demon, the big formation was instantly touched, and the counterattack at that moment, even Gu Qingcheng couldn't resist and was hit hard!

Compared with it, the backlash received by Lord Marble is simply not worth mentioning.

The difference is enough to make Wu Chi infer the problem.

The Dutian Great Array was originally laid down before the Twelve Duty Gods and Demons fell asleep. The purpose was actually to protect themselves. In this way, the power of the Great Array would be truly touched only when the danger that threatened their lives appeared.

But now Luo Hou wanted to use the altar to revive them, although he could also use the power of the big formation, but after all, he could not completely mobilize the power of the big formation.

Therefore, although on the surface, it seems that such a large formation seems invulnerable, but in fact, there is undoubtedly a great hidden danger, and this is the real reason why Luo Hou is afraid of Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng still frowned tightly. He naturally heard what Wu Chi said. In fact, he had already seen it with his eyesight, but the problem was that it was still worthless.

Attacking the altar has a weaker force to trigger a counterattack, and at best it is less dangerous, but in fact, it still cannot break the altar.

Although the previous attack was against Lord Marble, Gu Qingcheng can also feel the power in it when he did it. The altar is now connected to the big formation. Unless it has the power to break the big formation, it will be the same. The altar cannot be destroyed.

In a short while, with the help of Long Zun, Lord Marble finally got rid of the **** veins on his body and returned to Gu Qingcheng's side.

"The entire altar was built with Daoyuan. It is impossible to break the altar based on the strength of each individual."

Now that he did it, Lord Marble would not conceal anything at this point, and he explained to himself.

"Why, Gu Qingcheng, don't you try it yourself?"

There was a touch of mockery in his eyes, Luo Mou sat on the altar and sneered again.


After a moment of silence, Wu Chi still shook his head and said in a deep voice.

This time to break into the formation, according to the plan itself, it is to first explore the reality of the Dutian Great Formation. I have not thought about breaking the formation once. Now I have gained a lot of useful confidence. How to break the formation specifically? Just discuss the method.

"I'm afraid it's too late." Gu Qingcheng faintly said with a sigh.

"Haha, there is finally someone who understands!"

As he spoke, Luo Mau suddenly laughed again, "What do you think is the place of the Tianda Formation that can allow you to come and go if you want?"

Whether it is Wu Chi or Ruoyunshan, after all, their limitations and horizons are a bit underestimated for Du Tian Dazhen.

Today's Dutian Array is unhosted ~ can not wield the real power is good, but after all, it is the Cosmos Array, once in the formation, and then want to go out, how easy it is.

As if to confirm Gu Qingcheng's words, in an instant, thunder and lightning flashed across the entire array, and the terrifying avenue rules suddenly burst, sweeping the entire array.

In an instant, everyone except Gu Qingcheng couldn't help but change suddenly.

The peace before was just an illusion. At this moment, the great formation was really touched.

The twelve capital gods and demons, each one is in control of the ultimate original Dao rules, and when the Dutian Great Array is touched, these twelve Dao rules burst out at the same time, and the threats they bring are even to the Lord. For the strong in the environment, it is deadly enough.

It’s good that Luo Hou can’t control the great formation, but in fact, for these years, Luo Hou has been trying to revive the twelve capital gods and demons. In this process, every once in a while, he will touch the great formation, plus ten. The process of the resurrection of the Erdu gods and demons.

Luo Mou had been delaying time before, waiting for the big formation to be touched, and using the power of the formation to deal with Gu Qingcheng.

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