Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 129: Shao Zong?


Returning to the Huangsha Palace, Wu Chi is no longer the unknown kid at the beginning. Even in this Huangsha Palace, everyone has shown enough respect for him. {First issue}

"City Lord, Demon Lord asked me to lead people to familiarize themselves with the environment of Huangsha Palace, and then go to the hall to see him later."

A gesture of please to Wu Chi, the maid said softly.

"Familiar with the environment of Huangsha Palace?" Wu Chi couldn't help being a little surprised, what is this?

"That's what the devil commanded, and the maidservant is only acting on orders." Seeing Wu Chi's doubts, the maid shook her head and explained.

Although a little confused, since this was the order of the demon Lord, Wu Chi naturally had no right to say no. What's more, although he had been to Huangsha Palace before, he was placed under house arrest in the room as soon as he came, and it was no different from having never been.

"Dare to ask the girl?" Wu Chi asked casually following the maid.

"I forgot to explain to the son that the maidservant is named Lan Lan, and is responsible for some chores in this palace." Lan Lan explained softly.

"Miss Lan!" Wu Chi naturally wouldn't really think that the other party was in charge of it. He was able to meet the demon directly and arrange the affairs of the Huangsha Palace. His status was naturally extremely high. It must be respectful.

"The son called me Lan Lan." With a chuckle, Lan Lan led Wu Chi forward and explained, "There are a total of 108 large and small palaces in Huangsha Palace, except for the lord who lives in Outside the temple, there is..."


"Senior Brother Feng, what does Master mean? Let Aunt Lan lead him to familiarize himself with Huangsha Palace."

The fact that Wu Chi was familiar with the palace by Miss Lan quickly spread to the ears of the named disciples of the Demon Lord, which immediately caused a violent backlash.

You know, Miss Lan is responsible for almost all the affairs of the Huangsha Palace. Even if their named disciples have improprieties and can even make certain punishments, they are usually called Aunt Lan by everyone, and their status is extremely respected.

Feng Xuan's expression was even more gloomy, "Master naturally has Master's intentions, which is not something we can guess! Remember, don't provoke him now, and wait until the secret seal is opened."

Feng Xuan's mind is very clear. Now that Wu Chi is related to the opening of the secret seal, the devil will never allow anyone to perform any small actions, otherwise Lan Yuanhai will be a lesson for the past.

"Brother, Tianji City Master has already sent a message and is willing to talk to Senior Brother, and besides him, there is also Tianying City Master who will also be there."

Glancing at the figure of Wu Chi and Girl Lan in the distance, someone suddenly leaned to Feng Xuan's side and whispered.

With eyes flickering, Feng Xuan nodded coldly, "I will go to see them now. Please stay in the palace for more thoughts. If there is something unusual about Wu, please tell me when you come back."

"Brother, don't worry! We know what to do."


Taking Wu Chi around the Huangsha Palace, Lan Lan led Wu Chi into the main hall at dusk.

"The maidservant sees the devil."

Leaning slightly, Lan Lan bowed softly.

"Wu Chi has seen the Demon Lord." A glance at the Demon Lord from the corner of his eyes, Wu Chi did not dare to look at him, and saluted honestly.

Raising his head, the Demon Lord spoke lightly, "Lan Lan, give him the Shao Shang Palace! In addition, from today onwards, you will be his personal maid, taking care of his daily life in the palace."

There was a slight tremor in her heart, and the shock in her heart was suppressed. Lan Lan was startled for a moment, and then he bowed and saluted Wu Chi, "The maidservant sees the master."

"Huh?" Wu Chi was a little dumbfounded, "No, no! I don't need it. I can't afford Miss Lan's status."

"What's your status?" The demon snorted and said lightly, "You just need to remember that from today onwards, she will be your personal maid."

"No, I'm used to being lazy, and there is no life left to serve." Wu Chi quickly refused.

"I heard that you just accepted a maid a few days ago? Why, do you think she is not as pretty as that happy woman?" The Demon Lord stared at Wu Chi and asked coldly.

"It's not... I, I don't need it!" Wu Chi himself couldn't figure out how to defend himself, what kind of thing is this!

Looking cold, the demon lord calmly said, "Since Shao Zong can't look down on you, what is the meaning of your life?"

After hearing this, Lanlan's face suddenly turned pale, and she knelt down with a plop, her lips were bitten and bleeding, but she still replied, "The maidservant understands."

Almost the moment the voice fell, a palm was already slapped towards his heart.


Seeing that Lan Lan was about to commit suicide, Wu Chi couldn't help but finally took the shot and grabbed Lan Lan's arm, "Can't I agree to it?"

After a grateful look at Wu Chi, Lan Lan stood up from the ground.

"No, what did you just say? Shaozong?" After saving Lan Lan, Wu Chi reacted and asked, pointing to his nose.

"Yes, from today, you will be the Shao Zong of my Huangsha Palace." Nodding lightly, the Demon Lord confirmed in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Wu Chi jumped up in shock, "Monarch, are you kidding me?"

"This gentleman never jokes with people." Looking at Wu Chi, the devil replied with disdain.

"But I am the descendant of Emperor Donghua." Wu Chi defended with staring eyes.

"No one said that the descendant of Emperor Donghua can't be the Shao Zong of my Huangsha Palace." The demon said unhurriedly.

"I came from the right way, and I will never join the evil way." Wu Chi assured him.

"The Lord will kill all the people in the right way, so that there is no righteous and evil in this world." The devil said proudly, as if this itself is an extraordinary thing.


Almost without breathing for a breath, Wu Chi looked at the demon silly, his mind full of exclamation marks.


Who said he was domineering before? Comparing with the devil, can you compare yourself with a little finger domineering?

"Kunlun, the Tianshan Li faction has a profound background, even if it is the devil you, I am afraid it can't be destroyed, right?" Wu Chi still reluctantly said.

"You can try it." The Demon Lord said lightly without any excuse.


Give it a try? Wu Chi really didn't dare to try.

When his cultivation base was low, he still couldn't really understand the power of the devil, but now with the increase in strength, he can feel the horror of the devil more and more! If such a peerless expert really wants to do something, even if he can't destroy all the righteous sects in the end, it is bound to set off a **** storm! I don't know how many people will die.

Although Wu Chi is cynical on weekdays, he seems to be a little guy who doesn't care about anything. But in fact, he was born in Tiejianmen, he was instilled in his master the righteous thoughts since he was a child, and he was not the kind of person who could ignore life and death.

"Mojun, I am a small person! Don't scare me, this is too much involved, I can't afford it."

The demon lord still didn't care, and said indifferently, "Perhaps before, but from now on, you are no longer a small person, but the Shao Zong of my Huangsha Palace, the descendant of this lord."

"...I won't do it!"

Wu Chi is shameless again! What do you want to do one by one! At the beginning, the Demon Lord Zihua forced himself to worship the evil way, no matter how to refuse it. Now the Demon Lord is here again, without such bullying!

Glancing at Wu Chi contemptuously, the devil spoke indifferently, "You will agree."

"Mojun, you are someone who is as famous as Emperor Donghua! Can't you force me to agree? If you insist on doing something less than me, it will be a big deal! Lord, I am dead, and I can't control anything. "Wu Chi's temper came up too, he was bitten to death and refused to let go.

"My lord acts and never disdains forcing people." The devil smiled openly and shook his head. "If you insist on not agreeing, it's up to you! However, my lord thinks that you will eventually agree."

Waving his hand, the demon lord turned to Lan Lan and said, "Okay, you go down first."

She was already a little numb in her heart by Wu Chi's bold answer, and Lan Lan hurriedly backed out.

Regardless of her status and respect in the Huangsha Palace, but in fact, she is just a subordinate, life and death are all within the thought of the devil! She knows this better than anyone else.

Regardless of Wu Chi's attitude, but from the short conversation just now, she can already clearly judge the devil's importance to Wu Chi.

This is far from comparable to those in the palace.

Shaozong, is Demon Lord planning to pass on everything to Wu Chi?

The most incredible thing is that Wu Chi actually refused?

Even if he is the descendant of Emperor Donghua, doesn't he know that Emperor Donghua is no longer in this world, and he can't really help him at all?

But the devil is still alive, and the Emperor Donghua is not there. Looking at the world, who can compare with the devil?

Of course, regardless of the final result!

Mojun's words have not been taken back, she is still Wu Chi's personal maid, even if this identity cannot be announced to the public for the time being, she must firmly remember this identity in her heart.

The Demon Lord didn't care about the thoughts of a maid, and after Lan Lan left, he did not mention Shaozong again.

"Since you have gathered the origins of the five should you feel the power of the seal?"

Wu Chi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the devil no longer entangled Shao Zong. In fact, he was far less confident than he seemed on the surface.

"I can feel it, but I still don't quite understand how to unlock the seal." Wu Chi also followed the demon's words and quickly changed the subject.

"Starting from tomorrow, you must adjust your own state and attack the seal with your master! You can undoubtedly unlock the seal within a month."

After a pause, the Demon Lord continued, "The opportunity to unlock the seal is also an opportunity to practice! You should pay attention to your own observation, and don't simply miss this opportunity."

The Mojun's reminder made Wu Chi even more disturbed.

When I forced myself to go to the land of the source to understand the source of the earth, the devil was not in this attitude!

Now, how do you look at these words, how do they resemble the posture of ordering the younger disciples.


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