Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1347: Sweep the sky

Not long after Xie Changning became the throne, a terrible killing soon swept the world.

The twelve capital gods and demons came out of time and space, driving nearly a hundred ancient gods and demons to sweep across the sky, wherever they went, blood flowed into a river!

No matter whether the twelve capital gods and demons encountered human races or demon races, they simply pushed all the way, and any creatures that appeared in front of the twelve capitals gods and demons were all slaughtered.

In just half a year, the whole world was raging!

The urgent reports flew into the heavenly palace like snowflakes, and for the first time made the world aware of the violence and horror of the Twelve Capitals.

According to Ruoyunshan's orders, the Bliss Buddha realm and the heavenly palace disappeared again. Except for a few powerful human masters, no one can accurately know the location of the heavenly palace and the Bliss Buddha realm.

However, whether it is the Buddha Realm of Bliss or the Temple of Heaven, the human race that can be accommodated is limited after all!

Most human races still had to hide in various star regions, and ran and fled with the news that the twelve capital gods and demons were slaughtering everywhere.

Soon, the Twelve Capital Gods and Demons sent a message through some deliberately released Human Races and Monster Races. As long as the Human Race was willing to hand over Wu Chi, the Twelve Capital Gods and Demons would stop killing, otherwise, they would continue to kill like this.

Under the instigation of interested people, this news was spread wantonly and soon spread all over the world.

Many people in both the human race and the demon race have felt resentment towards Wu Chi and Heavenly Palace.

What was even more frightening was that with the passage of time, the Twelve Capital Gods and Demons sent the Primordial Gods and Demons to attack separately, starting a larger-scale massacre.

Originally, the twelve capital gods and demons personally took action. Although terrifying, the stars that can be attacked are limited. After the news spreads, people in the surrounding stars and star regions will be able to take the opportunity to escape.

But once these Primordial Gods and Demons were dispatched to attack, the threat posed would be even more terrifying.

You must know that every Primordial God and Demon possesses strength comparable to that of the Lord Realm. In other words, unless there is a strong person from the Lord Realm, no powerful person or demon Lord will be able to compete with the Primordial God and Demon.

Among the human race and the monster race, all the lordships now add up, I am afraid that there are only more than ten, and there are all the threats of the gods and demons, and they dare not act. In this way, what the ancient gods and demons have said , And still swept!

After discussing everything with the human race to resist the monster race and dragon race, a different voice finally appeared!

In the sound of questioning, the seeds that Luo Jun planted before finally took root!

A civil unrest broke out.

Headed by the ancestor of Taoism and the ancestor of the magical way, the human races who were dissatisfied with the Tiangong gathered again and attacked the area controlled by the Tiangong, with the intention of forcing the Tiangong to reveal where Wu Chi was hiding, and let Wu Chi come out to face the twelve capitals.

Coupled with the secret cooperation and support of the Dragon Race and the Monster Race, more and more dissatisfied human races joined in, and once again set off a turmoil to overthrow the rule of the Heavenly Palace.

The selfish and vicious side of human nature is suddenly revealed at this moment.


"Your Majesty, the situation is getting more and more serious. Now it is difficult for us to control the situation... what should we do now?"

News continued to spread into the palace, and Ying Hui and Master Tingyu, who were most loyal to Princess Changning, became more anxious in their hearts.

Of course, today's Ying Hui and Listening to the rain star masters have naturally stepped into the realm of powerful people. In the heavenly palace, they have truly become heavy ministers in charge of power, but it is also the case that they are more aware of To the grim situation.

You know, the human races who could step into the forbidden land are limited. For most people, they don’t know the hard work of Wu Chi desperately slaying Zhu Jiuyin, and they don’t even know if Wu Chi falls into the hands of the gods and demons. , Awakening the Jiuyin of the candle, the consequences of allowing the twelve capital gods and demons to open the capital city formation.

They only saw the front, because Wu Chi refused to show up for a long time, the boundless killings of the gods and demons.

I only saw the originally thriving and gradually rising human races, so they were struggling. I only saw that as long as Wu Chi did not show up for one day, they would be in danger of being attacked by the Primordial Gods and Demons.

Therefore, even if some explanation comes from Tiangong, no one believes it at all!

In just a few years, Wu Chi has changed from the hero who countless people admired to the despicable despicable villain who fears death.

Even Xie Changning, the emperor in charge of the heavenly palace, has become a little woman who only cares about her children's personal affairs and has no regard for the overall situation. Even in the heavenly palace, there are faint rumors that she hopes that Xie Changning will retreat!

There were still many people who had hoped that Ruoyunshan would be able to turn things around in a strange way!

But for some reason, Ruo Yunshan remained silent during this incident, as if he didn't care about all the rumors at all, and seemed to have acquiesced to this kind of civil strife.

Standing quietly in the palace, Xie Changning listened to Ying Hui and the others, but he still stood at the table and watched the report in front of him without saying a word.

"Princess, the only plan for the present, it is better to let Tiangong come forward and order to find the Sword Master Qinglian, at least make a gesture, no one knows where the Sword Master Qinglian is..." Hearing Master Yu Xing said against his scalp.

Although Xie Changning is now the emperor of heaven, they, who have followed Xie Changning's confidant early in the morning, still prefer to call Xie Changning a princess in private.

Now that I heard the name of Yuxing Lord changed, I also wanted to use this to show my heart and to get closer.

Brows were raised slightly, and Xie Changning's cold voice slowly sounded, "You mean to let the palace personally order the arrest of the husband of the palace?"

Hearing this, the Lord Yuxing suddenly changed his face and knelt down, "The minister dare not! It is just an expedient measure. The relationship between the princess and the Qinglian sword master is naturally clear, and the minister also believes that even if it is the Qinglian sword If the Lord knows, he will also understand the princess's painstaking efforts, and there won't be any gaps because of this!"

"Nowadays, the situation is becoming more difficult to control. If it is not so, I am afraid that it will be even more difficult for Tiangong to control the situation. When the time comes, I am afraid that it will be even more unfavorable to the Qinglian Sword Master! On the contrary, as long as you put aside the relationship with the Tiangong as an expedient, I'll be able to suppress the different voices later and stop the Gonni chaos! Please think twice!"

"As an emperor, a lot of things are a last resort... Now that the princess has ascended the throne as the emperor, she has to give up something!"

After listening to the last sentence, the Lord Yuxing almost finished gritting his teeth, and his back was already wet with cold sweat.

"As an emperor..." These words were repeated slowly, but Xie Changning suddenly sneered, "What about the position of the emperor, am I... rare?"


Shaking his head slightly, Xie Changning said indifferently, "Listen to the rain, you may be mistaken, this palace rebuilds the heavenly palace just to help him, not to covet the position of the emperor! Now you want this palace for the position of the emperor, Doing things that are not good for him, isn't it a matter of ruining the past?"

"But..." Hearing the Master Yu Xing wanted to say it again, he was interrupted again by Xie Changning coldly.

"No, but!" Slowly walking by the Master Listening Yuxing, Xie Changning spoke lightly, "My intention has been decided, no need to say more!"

Calling himself Zhen, returning to the status of Emperor of Heaven means that this controversy is over.

Hearing what the Lord Yuxing said before, Xie Changning could forget the blame, but from this moment on, he must not mention it again, otherwise, there will be no affection to talk about.

"Chen, follow the order!"

With a wry smile, he listened to the rain star master bow before bowing.


Tiance Mansion!

Yang Xiuchuan and Emperor Donghua came together.

Although Ruoyunshan has a high reputation among the human race, Ruoyunshan himself has not stepped into the realm of the lord after all, and has always regarded himself as a minister, so the place where he lives has always been called a mansion, not a palace!

In fact, it has been a long time since Ruoyun Mountain had been out of the Tiance Mansion since the attack of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Demons.

Originally, Ruoyunshan had ordered not to see any foreign guests, but with the current status of Yang Xiuchuan and Donghua Emperor, who would dare to really stop it? Who can stop it.

In the study room, Ruoyunshan was painting leisurely. It seemed that there was no surprise at all about the arrival of Emperor Donghua and Yang Xiuchuan, and he also had no intention of getting up to welcome him.

"Mr. Ruo, when is it, you still have the mind to paint." Looking at Ruoyun Mountain, Yang Xiuchuan said in an angry voice.

"When is the time? Xiuchuan might as well talk about it." Ruoyunshan said carelessly.

Over the years, under tremendous pressure, Yang Xiuchuan's strength has continued to improve. Although he has not been able to step into the realm of the lord, he is not far behind, occupying a high position in the heavenly palace and holding a heavy soldier.

It's just that in front of Ruoyun Mountain, Yang Xiuchuan's shelf can't be picked up anyway.

"There are rumors that Dao Ancestor has received the support of the Yao Clan and is now about to step into the realm of the Lord! Moreover, it is said that an agreement may have been reached with the Dutian God and Demon..."

Before Yang Xiuchuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ruoyunshan, "Does Xiuchuan believe these nonsense?"

"..." Yang Xiuchuan said a little annoyed after a moment of stagnation, "Although it hasn't been confirmed, but what Guan Zuo is doing now, how can I say these are just nonsense."

The last stroke is completed. If Yunshan puts down his pen, he still doesn’t look up. “The Taoist ancestor is a bit selfish, but after all, he is the Taoist ancestor of my human race. He said that he joined forces with the monster race to force Wu Chi to show up and even kill Wu. It's possible for Chi... if he is in collusion with the Dutian Gods and Demon, you would be too small to look down on our Dao Ancestor's heart.


"I understand your intentions. It's natural not to be beaten so passively. However, with these words, why should you come and tell me that although our heavenly emperor is a female generation, courage and means are not in the way of men. under?"

He got up and picked up the scroll in his hand. He walked to the wall and hung it on his own. Ruoyunshan continued, "Xiuchuan, you are now only a line away from the realm of the Lord? If you want to make a breakthrough, you can only experience the real battle of life and death... The ready-made whetstone is in front of you. If you don't use it, what will you do with me?"

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