Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 148: Purple clothes for help (part 2)


"What's that?" His chest was almost pierced by a sword, and the man was horrified, covering the wound with his hand, a faint look of fear was already in his eyes. {First issue}

Regarding the demon master and the Taoist master, although these people were a little jealous before, they are still far from fear. But just now Zihua Xing Luo Umbrella's blow has undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to their growing self-confidence.

"That is the treasure of enlightenment. It seems that this purple flower demon is more powerful than imagined." Zhao Yan explained in a deep voice, "I heard from the city lord that these treasures are connected by blood and are the most important treasure for practitioners. It's not something outsiders can drive at all."

The Zihua Xingluo Umbrella itself is the treasure of the Zihua Demon Lord. He is connected with each other and cannot be taken away by anyone! Only Yuan Ziyi was able to temporarily motivate him with the power of his bloodline, and if he changed other people, even if he was the same demon master or Taoist master, don't even want to drive Zihua Xing Luo Umbrella.

"Don't be afraid, she is a little girl, she can't exert the power of such treasures at all, even if it is dragged, we can drag them to death!" There was a murderous intent in his eyes, and Han Dong said in a deep voice.

"Why, still wanting to die?" Yuan Ziyi retreated safely, the old man suddenly relaxed a lot, and shouted coldly.

"Old man, let us scare us with less demon lord! Demon lord is here, so no demon lord has the courage to stop us from doing things for the demon lord." Zhao Yan stared at the old man without flinching, and said with disdain.

With a fierce wave of his hand, Zhao Yan said in a deep voice, "Brothers, do it together and take them down for me!"

There was still some fear in the heart of the Purple Flower Demon Lord, Zhao Yan didn't want to delay any longer, and sternly ordered.

Obviously knowing Yuan Ziyi's identity, she even dared to do it. This obviously shocked Yuan Ziyi. For so many years, no matter who she met, as long as she revealed her identity, no one would embarrass her again. But once, these nasty guys were not even afraid of grandpa.

For a moment, Yuan Ziyi couldn't help but panic.

Seeing that he couldn't be kind, the old man didn't dare to keep his hand anymore, and with a backhand shot, a group of flags flew out and rose in the wind. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a magic circle, enveloping him and Yuan Ziyi.

If he is alone, there are so many ways to save his life, it is not difficult to want to go, but Yuan Ziyi is also there, how can he escape?

This set of formation flags is really the treasure of the old man at the bottom of the box. The thirty-six array flags, in an instant, turned into a yin-yang universe formation, not to mention all the people of the Daotai realm, even if it is the devil’s pros. It takes a lot of effort to break open.

Han Dong and the others' attack fell into the formation, and it was resolved in a blink of an eye. Don't even want to hurt the old man and Yuan Ziyi.

"Damn, what a powerful circle!"

Zhao Yan was a little annoyed. He has been following City Lord Tianji, so naturally he understands the power of the circle! Although it was only a momentary contact, he also knew that with the power of people like himself, he didn't even want to break the magic circle.

The key to this plan lies in the drunkard genius doctor! Encountering Yuan Ziyi was an accident in itself. What made people even more unexpected was that they had suffered under the umbrella of Zihua Xingluo before, and now they were blocked by the circle, completely disrupting the plan.

"What to do? Wouldn't you really provoke the Purple Flower Demon Lord?"

Temporarily rushing into the circle, Han Dong and the others were also a little flustered, especially after seeing the power of Zihua Xingluo Umbrella, they were even more unwilling to provoke Zihua Demon Lord.

"You go to the Blood Sect to find someone, and let others come as soon as possible! As long as we have enough people, even if the Purple Flower Demon Lord comes, we may not dare to do anything to us! Don't forget, there is a Demon Lord behind us!" Yan Shensheng ordered.

........ .

"How about, think about when will you hit Daojia?"

Seeing Wu Chi stepping into his palace with a depressed look, the Demon Lord Zihua asked with some amusement.

"Anyway, I can't hide. I plan to meditate for a few days. After I adjust my state, I will break through in this purple palace." Wu Chi said angrily, touching his nose.

Now that it's messy outside, it's not easy to find a safe place. He plans to stay in Zihua Palace.

Nodding slightly, the Zihua Demon Lord is not surprised, "You have almost reached the limit now whether it is true energy, original power, or spirit, and it really doesn't make much sense to drag it on. The most important thing now is to adjust your mentality, said Although the robbery is terrible, the old man believes that you can still survive it."

This is not a lie. To a certain extent, Demon Lord Zihua may have much greater confidence in Wu Chi than Wu Chi himself.

The young man in front of him is so outstanding, impeccable in almost every aspect.

Rolling his eyes, Wu Chi didn't bother to talk anymore.

"By the way, I still have some cherished materials. You use them when you are condensing the Dadao lotus platform. Although it doesn't have any effect, it is still the icing on the cake. It can make you..." Just halfway through. Demon Lord Zihua suddenly changed his face, revealing a terrifying murderous intent on his body.

In an instant, Wu Chi noticed the abnormality, and the sword soul naturally reacted, and this was not affected by the terrifying killing intent of the Purple Flower Demon Lord.

"What's the matter?" Wu Chi naturally understood that this murderous intent could not be aimed at him, and asked in confusion.

"Zi Yi used the Zi Hua Xing Luo Umbrella!"

Shen Sheng said this sentence, and the murderous intent in the eyes of Demon Master Zihua was almost as real.

Yuan Ziyi is now a powerful Taoist platform. Even if there is any danger, she can still get away if she can't beat it. Now that she is forced to use the Zihua Xingluo Umbrella, it is obviously a real fatal danger.

Originally, Wu Chi didn't have any expressions, but after hearing the words of Demon Master Zihua, his face changed drastically.

"Where is Ziyi?"

With his eyes closed slightly, the Zihua Demon Lord did not answer, but judged the location of Yuan Ziyi through his own perception of Zihua Star Luo Umbrella.

In just a moment, the Demon Lord Zihua determined the location and said in a deep voice, "In the Valley of Bacchus!"

"At the drunkard grandfather?" Wu Chi was slightly startled, and then a feeling of uneasiness developed in his heart.

Yuan Ziyi is with the drunkard doctor, and the drunkard doctor will naturally not let her suffer, but even so, she has used the Zihua Xingluo umbrella! Obviously the opponent is extremely strong, even the drunkard genius doctor is also in trouble.

Almost the next moment, a letter talisman on Zihua Demon Lord suddenly lit up, and Yuan Ziyi's aggrieved voice came from the letter talisman.

"Grandpa, come and save me! Ziyi and Grandpa drunkard are trapped!"


In an instant, the ground of the palace was suddenly stepped out of a terrifying crack by the Purple Flower Demon Lord.

The letter talisman can only convey a very brief message, only this sentence will be broken up, but this sentence has already conveyed enough information.

Ziyi has always been his favorite granddaughter, has never been wronged?

The other party obviously saw Zihua Xingluo Umbrella, knew Ziyi's identity, and even dared to make a move, simply forcing him to kill.

"Devil, let me go!"

Seeing Zihua Mo's main departure, Wu Chi spoke quickly to dissuade him.

"Knowing Ziyi's identity, I still dare to start, only those in the secret realm have the courage!" Wu Chi said in a deep voice, "Now it's too chaotic outside. If the devil leaves Zihua Palace rashly, I'm afraid Zihua Palace will be in danger. ."

Hearing this, Zihua Demon Lord finally calmed down a bit.

Regarding the old drunkard's methods, he still knew very well that as long as it was not for the devil's personal visit, with the old drunkard's ability, security would not be a problem for the time being. When Ziyi asked for help just now, he only said that he was trapped.

In this situation, he knew better than Wu Chi the lawlessness of those people in the secret realm! He had already given Zihua Xing Luo umbrella to Yuan Ziyi. If he left the Zihua Palace again, there was indeed no way to guarantee the safety of Zihua Palace.

If someone really attacked Zihua Palace boldly and presumptuously, it would probably end up not much better than other sects.

These days, he has heard too many tragedies happen, and it is impossible to allow such tragedies to be staged in Zihua Palace anyway.

However, the safety of Yuan Ziyi is undoubtedly what he is most worried about, even above the safety of Zihua Palace.

If Wu Chi was not there, he would naturally risk the destruction of the Zihua Palace and save the little girl first, but now that Wu Chi is here and has made it clear that he is going to save people, he will undoubtedly give it. He has more choices.

"Are you sure?"

The gaze fell on Wu Chi, and the Demon Lord Zihua asked in a deep voice.

With a murderous intent in his eyes, Wu Chi replied in a cold voice, "Don't worry, the devil, no matter who it is! If you dare to attack Grandpa Drunkard and Ziyi, I will not let one of them leave alive!"

The murderous intent of the Zihua Demon Lord was very high, but how could Wu Chi's murderous intent be less than him?

"They are the people of the Demon Lord. If the Demon Lord comes forward, it may not be a killer! But I am different. I am the Lord of the Sky Cang. I want to kill. No one can say a word!" He turned around suddenly, Wu Chi stopped Talk more, turned around and walked out.

Time is running out, so I don’t have time to talk about it!

His eyes flickered The Zihua Demon finally acquiesced to Wu Chi's decision, and said coldly, "Wu kid, I don't want to see Ziyi suffer a bit of grievance! Don't let me down."

There is a murderous masterpiece in his heart, but the Demon Lord Zihua also understands that in his capacity, no matter what the reason, if a large number of people in the secret realm are killed, it will definitely cause the devil to dissatisfy! If Wu Chi shot it, the meaning would be different.

But even so, he had already made up his mind. If Wu Chi couldn't solve these things, even if he would annoy the devil, he would personally take action to kill these people clean.

Wu Chi did not answer, but the steps under his feet were a bit faster.

Some words don’t need to be said at all.

Not to mention that he himself has received the favor of the Zihua Demon Lord and has constant contact with Zihua Palace! The fact that the other party dared to attack Yuan Ziyi was enough to make him kill at all costs.

In an instant, Wu Chi's figure had turned into an afterimage, revealing a terrifying murderous intent and rushed down the mountain.


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