Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 427: Dead end and... breakthrough!


The collapse of the sword soul instantly made Wu Chi's whole body aura completely confused. For more exciting novels, please visit

The change at that moment immediately shocked Zhou Xu and Li Funan. Although it was not clear what Wu Chi was doing, the violent spirit fluctuations were extremely clear when the sword spirit collapsed.

In a moment, a few people reacted, Wu Chi is desperate!

Suddenly, whether it was Li Funan, Zhou Xu, Yang Xiuchuan and Ye Chenxing, they couldn't help but gasp.

Now Wu Chi has realized more than nine thousand Taoist Enlightenment Tablets. Such achievements are enough to shock the sky. Throughout the history of the six layers of the prison world, people who can reach this level are definitely rare! If they had such good fortune, they would have been satisfied, but who could have imagined that in order to break the record of breaking through ten thousand steles, Wu Chi would not hesitate to work hard!

The courage and determination alone are enough to shock people.

Yang Xiuchuan and Ye Chenxing were better, but Zhou Xu and Li Funan had already watched them at this moment.

Before they were jealous of Wu Chi's talent, but at this moment, when they saw Wu Chi, in order to continue to enlighten Dao, even at the expense of breaking his soul, the jealousy in his heart had already disappeared cleanly.

Such characters are far from what they can compare, and the gap between them is no longer measurable by talent and understanding.

Taking a deep breath, Li Funan said softly, "Now, I begin to believe that he can really break the legend of Yan Beichen."


It is naturally impossible for Wu Chi to know what they are thinking at the moment. In fact, Wu Chi can't care about the others at all.

Breaking the sword soul is truly putting life and death aside.

The dismantling of the soul kendo was carried out at the same time as the sword soul was broken.

In an instant, the originally stuck bottleneck broke through in an instant, nine thousand two hundred, nine thousand three hundred...the speed of enlightenment almost increased frantically.

However, the price of this enlightenment is that Wu Chi's own spirit is constantly weakened, always on the verge of life and death.

The way of life and death!

If it were not for the realization of the Great Way of Life and Death, in this case, Wu Chi would have already died.

At the same time that the sword soul collapsed, Wu Chi was not only dismantling the soul kendo, but also dismantling the life and death kendo.

These two problems that bothered Wu Chi were solved at the same time when the sword soul collapsed.

The sword intent became more and more pure, however, at the same time, the vitality and spirit in Wu Chi's body were also declining.

This is a gamble in itself!

If you can't complete the dismantling before the vitality and soul are completely dissipated, and you can understand the ten thousand steles and realize the real swordsmanship, then the price will be Wu Chi's life!

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, Wu Chi is racing against the **** of death.

In just a few hours, Wu Chi's enlightened stone steles have reached 9,990!

However, at this moment, Wu Chi's enlightenment was once again stuck.

Wu Chi's dismantling of sword soul and life and death kendo has reached the final moment, but Wu Chi suddenly discovered a fatal problem.

Now, his soul has dissipated ninety-nine percent, it can be said that he is completely relying on the road of life and death to hold on.

Once he completes the dismantling of life and death kendo, it means that he has given up the road of life and death.

But at this juncture of life and death, giving up the Avenue of Life and Death also means that he can no longer rely on the Avenue of Life and Death to support it, and may complete the final dismantling, which is the moment of his fall.

Realizing this, Wu Chi's head buzzed and almost exploded.

Obviously only this last step is missing, but he just couldn't take it anymore.

What's more frightening is that when things have reached this point, even if he regrets it, it is too late to give up dismantling.


"Stop it? What's the matter?"

Keeping an eye on Wu Chi's state, several people quickly realized something was wrong.

Obviously there are only the last ten steles left. According to the previous speed, the comprehension can be completed in no more than a stick of incense at the most. However, Wu Chi is stuck here again.

Everyone can clearly feel Wu Chi's weakness at the moment, and that little bit of soul seems to be completely dispersed at any time.

If it is impossible to break through, then perhaps this is the last moment of Wu Chi's life.

Suddenly clenching his fists, Ye Chenxing took a step forward, but finally found out that he couldn't do anything.

Time changed and passed, and it was obviously just a little time for a stick of incense, but it seemed so long at this moment.

Even though there is still a distance, a few people can clearly feel that Wu Chi's life has come to an end.


Although it was amazing enough, even though there was only a gap between the last ten steles, and even though Wu Chi had bet on his life, he failed at this last moment.

The hearts of several people are not only full of various complex emotions, they can't even be described in words.


"Dead end, no, no matter how deduced is a dead end!"

Feeling that the last trace of the power of the soul is about to dissipate, Wu Chi's heart is also full of bitterness.

Countless deductions in my mind, but the results are always consistent!

As long as Wu Chi dared to dismantle the last step of life and death swordsmanship, it was bound to disappear immediately.

But even if it is not dismantled, the damage of the soul is now beyond the limit that Wu Chi can recover by himself, and it is impossible to return!

Both left and right are dead, it seems that no matter how he chooses, he has completely fallen into a dead end.

The kind of pain that has clearly seen the hope of success, but can't make this last step anyway, makes Wu Chi almost crazy.

With death constantly approaching, Wu Chi couldn't even let himself go on deducing.

This is a real desperation!

Perhaps it was wrong to choose such a dismantling from the beginning. When stepping down this path step by step, it is tantamount to stepping into a desperate situation.

Wu Chi could feel that the remaining power of the soul can only support the time of hundred breaths at best, and this hundred breaths may be the last moment of his life.

When he found that he was truly in a desperate situation, the tense string in Wu Chi's heart finally relaxed.

Also completely gave up the final dismantling.

With a silent sigh in his heart, Wu Chi's mood is a bit complicated, but after all, he has no regrets.

This path was chosen by him himself, and he had already had this kind of preparation from the moment the sword soul was broken.

If he could not break the limit, then he would rather die on the road to enlightenment.

Even if it falls, I will never regret it.

"Born by the sword, mad for the sword! I am like this, even if I die... I am not losing to anyone!"

This sentence was repeated silently in his heart, however, almost at the same time, a flash of light flashed in Wu Chi's mind!

Not lose to anyone? !

and many more!

In an instant, Wu Chi woke up suddenly!

This breakthrough and insight stemmed from his perception of Yan Beichen’s magical intent, that pure magical way deeply touched him, so he embarked on the dismantling of various roads, trying to restore the purest. kendo.

But, is this really right?

Everyone is different!

Yan Beichen's road belongs to Yan Beichen. He can cultivate into the purest demon way, without intertwining with any other avenues, and cultivate into the heavenly demon transformation.

But inspired by him, I also want to cultivate the purest swordsmanship. This sounds okay, but in fact, is it not the wrong way?

"Yan Beichen's road belongs to Yan Beichen, but not mine, Wu Chi!"

"I am not defeated by anyone, naturally including Yan Beichen!"

The road to dismantling is a dead end, so I will break a path by myself, cut a path with my sword!

In this way, what is accomplished is the sword that truly belongs to me!

The thoughts turned, and while breathing, Wu Chi's body once again exploded with a shocking sword intent.


The breakthrough in his mood caused Wu Chi to suddenly break the shackles, and he was no longer constrained by the dismantling of kendo. In an instant, the insight that had been stopped broke through again.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-one!

Although it was just a breakthrough, it undoubtedly meant that from this moment on, Wu Chi was back on the right path.

"What is the **** of the rules of heaven and earth? In fact, maybe it is just a concept!"

"Just as there is no absolute limit between good and evil, there may be no absolute limit between good and bad either!"

In the old days, Wu Chi was born in Iron Sword Sect, and he was taught since childhood to follow the right way.

At first, Wu Chi gritted his teeth and refused to give in. He always regarded himself as a person in the right way. But with the end of Yuan Ziyi and the guidance of the demon, Wu Chi finally discovered that the so-called righteousness is itself. A very ridiculous thing.

In the end, it was to take advantage of the Kunlun Mirror to personally initiate a battle between good and evil!

Even now, Wu Chi can't even measure it. He pointed out Kunlun for Yuan Ziyi's sword, and it was an evil to instigate a war!

For him, conforming to his will is the most important thing!

Just like the original sentence, why do you hold the sword?

There is no boundary between good and evil, so does the so-called obedience under the rules of heaven and earth really have boundaries?

No matter the Avenue of the Five Elements, the Avenue of Thunder, the Avenue of Darkness, the Avenue of Life and Death, and the Avenue of Souls, aren't all of them already integrated into Kendo?

Since is so, then why must we force some pure kendo?

Kendo, why can't it be all-inclusive?

How about conforming to the rules of heaven and earth?

If all of this can be completely integrated into kendo, why not override the rules of heaven and earth?

How is such a smoothness not an inverse?

On the contrary, if it is purely for the sake of reversing, wouldn’t it also make yourself a joke?

Dismantling kendo is just to make yourself understand kendo more deeply!

It is to let yourself not be constrained by other avenues, but not really blindly abandon other avenues.

No matter what kind of Tao, in the final analysis, it still needs to be used by me!

That being the case, why must we dismantle pure kendo?


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