Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 461: Star Gate

Chapter 461: Broken Void

In a single thought, the void collapsed!

The long sleeves flicked slightly, and Xi Junying took Wu Chi and Li Yunpeng into the void. For others, the soaring was extremely difficult. In Xi Junying's eyes, it seemed like walking in the courtyard.

At this moment, Wu Chi couldn't help but feel a little bit astonished. It seemed that he had stepped into the void and completely escaped from the dark world without doing anything.

If that's the case, doesn't it mean that even if he is just an ordinary person, as long as Xi Junying is willing, he can easily fly through the air?

However, such doubts lasted for a while, but suddenly disappeared.

The moment he stepped into the void, Wu Chi felt a terrifying pressure, and his true energy was naturally released, wrapping his body.

Looking up, Wu Chi saw an endless starry sky!

Wu Chi had never thought that the starry sky that he could see when he raised his head on weekdays would be so vast that he was as small as a dust in it.

In the dark, Wu Chi felt a strong traction, as if he was about to draw himself in.

Shuttle through the void!

Feeling that his arm was gently pulled by Jun Xi, the time and space around him suddenly changed again, as if in an instant, he had already left thousands of miles away.

After a second thought, Xi Junying let go of the arm holding Wu Chi again.

In the next moment, Wu Chi felt a strong traction again, and his body involuntarily moved towards a star gate.

"Stabilize your mind and absorb star power. There is only one opportunity like this!"

Xi Junying's voice suddenly rang in his heart. Before Wu Chi could react, the terrifying star power rushed into Wu Chi's body in a trance.

Whether it is the body or the soul, it seems to be undergoing a refining at a moment.

Breaking the Void is never as simple as breaking the barrier of space.

This star gate seems to be the most important change.

Vaguely, Wu Chi had already understood a little bit. After reaching the peak of the Dao Realm, breaking the void is not just a simple separation from the small world, but an increase in the realm.

And the most important change of this kind of improvement may come from crossing the star gate this time.

However, Wu Chi now has no time to think about it anymore. The star power that is constantly pouring into his body is the most important thing for him now.

True Qi degenerates into star power, this is the biggest change.

........... .

Stepping in the void, looking at Wu Chi and Li Yunpeng inside the star gate, Xi Junying's eyes couldn't help showing a bit of expectation.

Li Yunpeng is the successor of Xi Junying's selection, and Wu Chi's horrible talent and ambition also gave Xi Junying a little love for talent. It is not an exaggeration to say that these two people are the people he chose.

Before in the dark world, both of them had been amazing enough.

And now, in the star gate, how much star power can be refined is another test of the potential of the two.

"Subordinates pay respect to Tianjun!"

At the same time, several figures immediately appeared beside the star gate and bowed to Xi Jun to salute.

"Congratulations Tianjun is back."

"Returning?" There was a bit of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, and Xi Jun should slowly ask, "How is the situation now?"

"Sword Ancestor Wanjianzong has reached the most critical moment in refining the heart of stars, and success or failure will be within this thousand years." Slightly leaned back, one of them replied respectfully.

"Now that any cat or dog dare to claim to be the ancestor of the sword?" With a sneer, Xi Junying sneered, "With this idiot, how can he become a star owner even if he is given ten thousand years?"

"Heavenly Monarch returns, the heart of the stars is naturally Tianjun's."

Shaking his head slightly, Jun Xi should calmly say, "Heart of the stars, this seat is bound to win, but now this seat is greatly damaged and inconvenient to show up, you don't have to come to see me again after today."

Trapped in the dark prison for tens of thousands of years, even though Xi Junying is now out of trouble, in fact, his cultivation has not fully recovered. What's more, the Dark Star Lord is bound to be still tracking his whereabouts, and he shows up at this time. Undoubtedly seeking a dead end.

"What does Tianjun mean?"

Looking at the star gate again, Wu Chi's body, Xi Junying said calmly, "These two little guys are the people chosen by this seat. You must ensure their safety when this seat is away."

Hearing what Xi Junying said, several people noticed Wu Chi and Li Yunpeng in the star gate, and they were startled slightly.

"Tianjun meant... to arrange them to worship Wan Jianzong?"

"Why make arrangements?" Shaking his head slightly, Xi Junying said indifferently, "They have just ascended to the upper realm. With their talents, how can Wan Jianzong be willing to let go?"


"Thirty percent, in just less than a stick of incense, thirty percent of the star power was refined! Elder Zheng, this time we have found a treasure!"

Looking at Wu Chi in the star gate, the eyes of the two elders of Wan Jianzong showed a touch of excitement, and the emotion that had just arrived reluctantly was wiped out.

"Wait, wait!"

Another elder rubbed his hands and said, "As long as he can refine more than 70% of the star power, the identity of a core disciple will definitely not escape!"

Normally, the person who has just ascended can only refine 50% of the star power in the star gate, and the rest will inevitably be wasted.

Five percent star power, this is a threshold!

As long as it can exceed 50%, it will be accepted by the big sect, and once it can refine 70% of the star power, it is a true genius, even if it worships the big sect of Wan Jianzong, it is bound to become a core disciple.

Normally, in thousands of years, it may not be possible to encounter such a genius.

But now, in just a short time, Wu Chi's refining star power has reached 30%, and the refining speed is really terrifying.

For thousands of years, they seem to have never encountered such a genius.

At this refining speed, there is no problem in refining 70% of the star power.

Able to bring back such a genius disciple, they will definitely get great benefits when they return to the sect, and the errands of guarding the star gate can be removed immediately.

"Wait, you see, the other refining speed is also very fast, and now it is almost 30%."

Soon, after the elder Zheng moved his gaze away from Wu Chi, he suddenly realized that the refining speed of the other person was also not much slower. Obviously, there was a good chance to refine more than 70% of the star power.

Once I found two geniuses who could become core disciples, the luck was too bad.

In fact, it is not only the two elders of Wan Jianzong who discovered the potential of Wu Chi and Li Yunpeng at this moment, but on this star, the Wan Jianzong family dominates!

Such a genius, other sects simply have no qualifications.

Especially, when they discovered that the speed of refining star power between these two people was more than 70%, they almost stopped the idea of ​​soliciting.

50%, 60%...70%!

In half an hour, Wu Chi's refining star power had already exceeded 70% in one breath. What's even more frightening was that even so, the refining speed hadn't even weakened at all!

In an instant, the crowd suddenly boiled.


Such a character is undoubtedly the most top enchanting genius, and may even become a talent!


Moreover, the refining was still going on. At this moment, even the two elders of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect did not dare to deal with them alone anymore.

......... .


Slightly shook his head, hiding in the void, Xi Junying whispered to himself, "Proving the Dao with perfect swordsmanship. Before stepping into the upper realm, he has realized two magical powers... This is to cause celestial phenomena. Such a genius, even if it is Your so-called sword ancestors will also be heart-warming?

Xi Junying had already guessed this result in his mind since he decided to bring Wu Chi here.

The most important thing is that Wu Chi is not only talented, but also a sword repairer. For Wan Jianzong, such a disciple is simply perfect!

Even if the sword ancestor is now busy refining the heart of the stars, and receiving such news, there is a 50% chance that he will harvest it as a direct disciple.

And this is exactly what Xi Junying wants to see.

Wanting to seek the heart of the stars, now he can't make a move rashly, so he can only make tricks, and Wu Chi, without a doubt, is the best chess piece!

Now that the game has been set, it depends on whether the opponent will enter the game.

His figure shook slightly, Xi Junying immediately disappeared into the void and completely disappeared.

Soon, the real master of Wan Jianzong will arrive. Although the possibility of detecting him is extremely small, Xi Junying is still unwilling to take this risk.

Only by truly concealing all traces can the sword ancestor be concealed.

What's more... the chess piece he buried is not only Wu Chi!

.......... .

From the time the news came back to the sect, to Luo Ying rushed to the star gate, it only took a short time for a stick of incense!

Wearing a sword robe like fire, the moment Luo Ying appeared, he completely cut off the last glimmer of illusions of other sect members.

"I have seen Lord Sword!"

In an instant, everyone in the vicinity of the star gate bowed and saluted at the same time, including those from other sects.

Ignoring the others, Luo Ying's gaze immediately fell on Wu Chi in the star gate.

Although he had been rewarded before, when he really saw Wu Chi, he was still not only moved by him, not only because Wu Chi's refining star power had reached a terrifying 90% at this moment.

More importantly, Luo Ying clearly felt a hint of sword intent from Wu Chi's body.

Although this perception is very weak across the star gate, Luo Ying still clearly concluded that it must be the sword intent.

This kind of kendo genius is simply a natural disciple of Wan Jianzong.

No, it should be said that he was born to be the descendant of his Slaughter Sword Lord!

At this moment, before even seeing Wu Chi's face, Luo Ying had almost made up his mind to bring this genius into his own sect.

ps: Yesterday I took the notebook to clean the dust, but the goods of those two knives actually broke my book, all the documents became garbled, and all the software could not be opened. It was a curse!

I am still redoing the system, and it should be fine at night. This chapter is still written in an Internet cafe, and I feel dizzy.

The second one will be later today!

In addition, it will break out tomorrow! ()

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