Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 465: Responsive

Luo Ying felt that he already had confidence in Wu Chi, but in fact, it proved that Wu Chi was much better than he thought.

In just twenty days, Wu Chi lit his natal star in the middle of the night!

The moment the natal star was lit, the terrifying fluctuations, even in his sleep, Luo Ying was instantly awakened.

Big hands cover the sky!

For an instant, the breath of Wu Chi's residence was completely cut off by Luo Ying.


The entire room was completely crushed by the star power, it was a mess, and there was hardly anything intact.

The moment he opened his eyes, Wu Chi really felt the explosive power in his body.

Although there have been speculations before, Wu Chi can understand the gap when the real star of life is now condensed.

It is no exaggeration to say that the power alone is almost ten times stronger than before.

The fingers were lifted slightly, and in an instant, there was a star power condensed, and the terrifying sword intent burst out in an instant, and now this casual blow is even more powerful than the previous full burst.

While breathing, the natal star loomed between his eyebrows, and the powerful aura in Wu Chi's body was also captured.

As soon as he looked up, Wu Chi saw Luo Ying in front of him, and immediately bowed and said, "The disciple pays respects to Master."

"Good, good, good!"

He said three good words in one breath, which undoubtedly proved how good Luo Ying was at the moment.


In just twenty days, the fate star actually lit up, but from his perception just now, the power of the fate star was far stronger than he thought.

How can such a disciple make him dissatisfied?

Scratching his head, Wu Chi said with a simple face, "Master has overwhelmed the award, but it doesn't seem to be as difficult as I thought."

Nodded in agreement, Luo Yingxin said, "Yes, it seems that I still underestimate you as a teacher. In the future, the requirements of you can be higher!"


In an instant, Wu Chi's triumphant smile froze on his face.

Is this a complacency?

"No, Master! It’s just good luck. Really, the disciple just got a little better. Master didn’t underestimate the disciple! I’m almost exhausted, really."

Hearing this dumbfounded nagging, even Luo Ying couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, what the teacher promised you will not change! From now on, within a hundred years, you can do whatever you want." As if he had guessed what Wu Chi was thinking, Luo Ying immediately gave him a reassurance.

Hearing this Wu Chi breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes rolled, Wu Chi continued, "Master, that... disciple has completed the task ahead of schedule this time? Do you also have a reward?"

The slut's instincts are on the verge of getting benefits.

Hearing Wu Chi's words, Luo Ying showed a playful smile on his face, "Reward? What reward do you want?"

Obviously, Wu Chi, who was a little overwhelmed, obviously didn't notice Luo Ying's abnormality, and said casually, "Master has any magical secrets and weapons that can be rewarded to disciples. You know, I just Ascending to the upper realm, poor and white, if you go out, I'm sorry you really passed on your identity as a disciple."

"It makes sense!" Nodded in agreement, Luo Ying naturally agreed, "As soon as I will teach you a magical power as a teacher, you should practice it carefully, and it is best to enlighten it before leaving for the teacher."

Hearing that Luo Ying was really going to spread his magical powers, Wu Chi suddenly lifted his spirits. He didn't doubt that Luo Ying would fool him. After all, he was the only disciple of Luo Ying, and Luo Ying would definitely not fool him.

Soon, Wu Chi discovered that Luo Ying today seemed surprisingly generous.

"As for the weapon of the magic weapon, there is naturally no shortage of magic swords in our Ten Thousand Sword Sect. However, according to the rules, I have to go to the sword mound to get it! This way, the teacher can give you a handwriting, when do you feel capable If you have a sword, you can go to the sword mound to select it yourself.

With a burst of excitement in his heart, Wu Chi nodded repeatedly like a chick.

"As a true disciple now, you can receive a lot of star stones and pills for cultivation every month, but you won't be short of your expenses." It seems that you are still not satisfied with the reward given to Wu Chi, and muttered. After a while, Luo Ying continued, "I promised to assign you Dongfu before, and it was also allocated according to the highest specifications, and it must be the best among all true disciples."

If Wu Chi had been a little proud before, he had already faintly noticed something wrong.

Somewhat suspiciously, he looked at Luo Ying carefully, and thought to himself, "Is it possible to break through in advance and really make this cheap master so happy? Isn't this right, is there a fraud?"

"By the way, you can also find some disciples to serve you in your daily life! So let's order for the teacher, let someone choose a few female disciples for you from outside..."

Wu Chi is not stupid after all. Hearing this, he immediately reacted. There is definitely a problem in it.

Before Luo Ying could finish speaking, Dang Even shook his head and said, "No, no, no! Master, I'm just fine, no need to be served."

However, Luo Ying seemed to have decided, and he did not give Wu Chi the opportunity to refuse. "Are you thinking that the outer disciple's cultivation level is too low? That's right, you are just a true disciple as a teacher, so let the outer disciple come. You are so wronged! I will let someone choose the most outstanding female disciple from the core disciples."


This time Wu Chi is really dumbfounded, this rhythm is completely wrong!

"Master, the disciple was joking just now, really! Disciples don't want any rewards. These are all the disciples should do. How dare you ask Master what rewards they want."

Although he hadn't figured out what the problem was, Wu Chi instinctively smelled the danger and immediately retracted.

"Naughty!" With a cold face, Luo Ying reprimanded in a deep voice, "Who are you as a teacher? What I said always counts! That's it."


"You can practice all night, and tomorrow morning, I will come to teach you magical powers as a teacher."

After saying this, Luo Ying didn't give Wu Chi a chance to answer at all, and flung his sleeves and left the room.

When Wu Chi recovered, Luo Ying had already disappeared.


Abandoning Wu Chi, Luo Ying's mouth was full of smiles.

Does this **** still want benefits? well!

I was afraid that he would suffer a loss before, but now it seems that I should add another fire to make this **** kid suffer.

Early in the morning, Wu Chi arrived at the Power Transmission Hall on Jianfeng and walked carefully to Luo Ying.

That night Wu Chi didn't rest at all. He tossed and turned, how he thought, how did he feel that there was a problem in it, but he just couldn't understand what the problem was.

After a glance at Wu Chi, Luo Ying said calmly, "Now your strength is indeed a little weak, even if you have top-level magical powers, it is difficult to exert your power in your hands! However, as a teacher, I really thought of a magical power that suits you perfectly. , You come here to remember."

Reluctantly moved to the side of Luo Ying, Wu Chi was still a little suspicious, but apparently Luo Ying didn't pay attention to his thoughts.

"This magical name is shrunk!"

Hearing these four words, Wu Chi couldn't help but jump in his heart. Just by listening to the name, he knew that this must be a top-level magical power. Is he really thinking too much?

"This magical power can be cultivated to the extreme, between one step, and even across the stars! Of course, those who can really achieve this level are also legendary characters. However, you only need to practice with your heart and count the miles. It should still be possible to move within it. If there is any danger in the future, it can be a little more vigorous."

Luo Ying carefully passed this magical change to Wu Chi until Wu Chi completely memorized it.

If Wu Chi still had doubts at first, when Luo Ying really spread his supernatural powers, he had already forgotten everything else.

Such top supernatural powers are absolutely precious to Luo Ying.

This friendship is absolutely true to be able to pass it on to myself.

After imparting magical powers, Luo Ying handed the manuscript that had been prepared long ago to Wu Chi, "This is the voucher for entering the sword tomb. When you think you have the strength, you can use it as a basis to enter the sword to choose the gods. sword!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Wu Chi bowed before bowing! This thing has a mana mark on it, and it is definitely not a fool.

I don't know what the situation is for the time being, but from the teaching of supernatural powers and this manuscript, it seems that it will not be fake.

It's just... Is there such a good thing?

This benefit is too easy.

Countless thoughts turned in Wu Chi's mind, and he was immediately ready to go out and find someone to ask about the situation.

It’s a pity that Luo Ying hadn’t finished his thoughts yet, so Luo Ying said again, “There are still a few days left as a teacher. These days, you can stay here. Regarding the magical powers of shrinking the ground into an inch, what do you still don’t understand? You can come to me at any time! You must not leave half a step before you learn this magical power."


Little idea was strangled to death as soon as he started fighting. This gave Wu Chi a feeling of being choked to death, but he couldn't resist. Can't even complain.

After all, what Luo Ying has given are benefits, and they are still benefits that he wants. Can you still complain about being a master when you ask for it?

It's just that the more so, the more disturbed Wu Chi is.

I always feel like I have fallen into a pit again!

It's no wonder that this suspicious person is really frightened.

From the original Zihua Demon Lord to the Donghua Emperor and the Great Demon Lord, which one has not pitted him severely?

Now that he came to this Wan Jianzong, he was also pitted by Xi Jun, but he didn't know when it would erupt.

Although Luo Ying, the newly-admired master, was good to him, he was obviously not a kind master. This can be guessed from the fact that when the disciples looked at Luo Ying, there was a sense of fear in their eyes.

Even if you are optimistic about your only disciple, it doesn't seem to be so responsive, right?

Unfortunately, even if Wu Chi wanted to break his head, he couldn't guess Luo Ying's mind at all.

ps: There is one more chapter today, I will try to get it before 12 o'clock. ()

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