Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 572: Introductory ceremony and... afterwards!

In the next few days, Wu Chi has been suffering beyond words. [Latest chapter visit: {Dagger Qi Chinese Network шшш.Ыqi.mЁ}]

Liu Changtong stayed on, Han Shuang's eyebrows were cold, and he didn't give the least bit of a good face. Wu Chi felt that he was like a prisoner, no matter how much he resisted.

During this period, Wu Chi also tried to resist once.

Unfortunately, without a sword in his hand, where he is now Liu Changtong's opponent, he was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face in a blink of an eye.

The most annoying thing is that Han Shuang not only didn't help, but sneered coldly beside her. Did this stupid woman forget, who rescued her in the first place? If I knew today, I should have let this stupid woman fall to death.

Time flows slowly, and in a blink of an eye, the half-month period ends, and the introductory ceremony officially opens.

Only at this time did Wu Chi truly understand how terrifying the elimination rate of the Fairy Palace assessment was.

So many people came to participate in the assessment at the beginning, but in fact, there were only more than a hundred people who could rush here before the start of the introductory ceremony.

In other words, the tumultuous examination of the Immortal Palace, in fact, only a few hundred people can pass the examination.

However, it is relieved to think about it.

Han Shuang's talent is already considered good in strength, but in fact, if it weren't for Wu Chi, I'm afraid Han Shuang would never pass the assessment.

"The avenue is hard to find, but my fairy palace inherits the celestial dao, but I never shut out people who really have the heart of dao! Your ability to walk all the way to the dangerous peak is enough to prove your daoism. Now, the old man The palace lord’s decree is to hold an introductory ceremony, and you will be included in the gate. You should wait for the future to practice and practice, and you must not slacken."

Hundreds of disciples started together, and it was considered a grand event. Except for the palace owner who did not show up, the other elders and disciples were basically there.

The lengthy etiquette and ceremonies naturally need not be mentioned. When these are over, the key part of the introductory ceremony has just begun.

"This formation, called the Thousand Fantasy Star Formation, was created by the palace owner himself. It contains the power of the star evil spirits, which can help you wash the marrow, condense the star power, and temper the soul! After entering the formation, persist in time as a test. The ten most outstanding people can be directly promoted to core disciples! If there are those who can persist until the end of the formation, they can even be accepted as direct disciples by the palace lord."

With these words, not only those who participated in the assessment, but also the other disciples around could not help but boil over.

Of course, in fact, Wu Chi and the others are even more aware that this is probably the last test after this illusion!

The so-called top ten should be the ranking of this assessment.

This ranking is extremely important to everyone, and even if you work hard, you must fight to the end.

In a blink of an eye, Wu Chi followed these disciples and stepped into the thousand illusion star array at the same time.

However, no one knew, the moment they stepped into the thousand illusion star array, everything around them began to collapse.

Everything is vain, and the vain, at this moment, turns into reality.

From the moment of stepping into the thousand illusion star formation, the illusion has actually begun to merge with the reality.


Outside the illusion, looking at the scene in the illusion, the elders of the fairy palace couldn't help but admire again.

"The imaginary is real, and the real is imaginary... It's amazing! The Palace Master's method is simply unparalleled in the world."

The examination of the fairy palace has never been just a test, but also a precious opportunity.

Now what Wu Chi and the others experienced is no longer illusion, but reality!

In other words, the gains they have gained in this thousand illusion star formations are no longer false, but the real immortal palace masters have given these disciples good luck.

Of course, this opportunity is limited to the core disciples of the Immortal Palace. If you do not persist in this introductory ceremony, you will not be qualified to become a disciple of the Immortal Palace, and naturally you will not get this opportunity.

It's just that they are still in the game, Wu Chi and the others are still affected by the illusion, and they are not aware of all this.


Stepping into the circle, Wu Chidang felt a terrifying pressure.

The star power instantly boiled, and there was also the impact of the star evil spirit on the soul. In just a moment, it almost made people breathless, and there was a sign of collapse.

Almost everyone sat down the moment they stepped into the circle, putting all their minds on the confrontation between the star power and the star evil spirit.

The reason I say almost is because there are always some people who have not practiced honestly.

For an instant, the sword soul shook slightly, and Wu Chi's eyes showed a cold light, he didn't mean to stop at all, but to win was to walk forward under the terrifying pressure of his surroundings.

From the time when Wu Chi seemed to bear it down, in fact, Wu Chi had already made plans in his heart.

If you don't settle accounts with Yu Youren, that's bullshit!

I didn't do it before, but it was because I was not in time.

Although in fact, Wu Chi didn't know what would happen in the introductory ceremony before, but since he wants to rank, it is almost certain, and there is bound to be a test.

Taking the opportunity of the test to kill the killers and directly cut off the possibility of them continuing to survive is the most effective.

Even if they may not fail the assessment, the first one to be eliminated is a good result.

I have calculated myself, and I want myself to suffer a dumb loss so simply, how is this possible!

For Wu Chi, revenge is the kingly way.

When Yu Youren was in the illusion and shot him again, and was threatened by Han Shuang, Wu Chi had a real murderous intention in his heart! Not only is it as simple as killing the opponent in the illusion, but it is truly killing it completely.

If they are cut off, they may get more opportunities, but it is just the first step.

Stepping out, Wu Chi immediately began to look for Yu Youren and Ji Yifeng in the crowd.

In this situation, let alone Yu You let them go, even Liu Changtong couldn't think of it.

From Wu Chi's search to Yu Youren's side, the total distance was less than 100 meters! However, at this short distance of one hundred meters, Wu Chi has walked close to a stick of incense.

Every step must withstand extreme pressure, even with Wu Chi's terrifying will, there is a feeling of being unable to hold on.

There was still the sword soul here, resisting the erosion of the star evil spirit.

Denial, even if you have this mind, you don't even want to do it.


Turning his wrist slightly, a touch of sword intent suddenly burst out.

What Wu Chi held in his hand was still a crude wooden sword.

However, even the wooden sword, in Wu Chi's hands, can also burst out terrifying power.

The moment the wooden sword shot, Yu Youren's heart suddenly gave birth to a warning sign, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Unfortunately, this vigilance came too late after all!

Even if Yu Youren's reaction was fast enough, he barely avoided the vital point of his heart, and the sword still passed through his chest, bringing with it a splendid blood.

"Wu Chi!!!"

For an instant, Yu Youren was horrified!

In just this time, he already vaguely felt that the star evil spirit in this circle was of great help to the soul. This kind of improvement is definitely not limited to the illusion. However, before he can react, he actually felt a terrifying killing intent. When he opened his eyes and reacted subconsciously, it was fundamental. It's too late.

"Senior Brother Yu, I said, the days are still long... Let's wait and see!"

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corners of his mouth, and Wu Chi didn't mean to give Yu Youren any chance at all. His wrist shook slightly, the sword edge pulled out, and he cut towards Yu Youren again.


Blood was splashing, this time, Wu Chi directly chopped off You Ren's head.

Killing together, there is no longer any hesitation!

While slaying Yu Youren, Wu Chi kept under his feet and killed Ji Yifeng again.

Compared to Youren, Ji Yifeng’s reaction was much slower. It wasn't until the Jianfeng reached his body that Ji Yifeng reacted, but he didn't even have the opportunity to say a word, so he was cut off. First level.

After killing two people in a row, the breath that Wu Chi had been holding in his chest finally relieved.

However, the next moment, Wu Chi couldn't help but wonder again.

Originally in Wu Chi’s plan, he was in the circle and forcibly beheaded them at Youren. It was undoubtedly a taboo, and he would definitely be interfered by the elders. Even if he did not kill himself, he would have to expel himself. The circle is right.

Even Wu Chi had already made preparations, and was also beheaded by the elders in order to behave like You.

However, the weird thing is that nothing happened at all!

No one interfered, except for the two corpses, as if nothing happened.


"This bastard!"

The moment Wu Chi shot Yu Youren and Ji Yifeng, several elders outside of the fantasy world couldn't help but laugh and cry.

Even if it was them, they didn't expect that at this time, Wu Chi didn't try to fight for the first place, but was hoarding his mind to kill people during the test... Even if it was revenge, you should divide the occasion!

However, choosing to kill someone at this time, this **** is a bit too hurt.

Maybe he didn't know Everything before was just a test, and now is the real opportunity.

Missed this opportunity, although theoretically still passed the assessment, but in fact, it will even affect the sentiment in the Seventh Palace of Immortality.

The most coincidental thing is... no one would have thought that someone would do it at this time!

Today, the illusion has actually collapsed, the overlapping of thousands of illusion star arrays, the illusion and the reality alternate.

Although Wu Chi's action like this is obviously a violation of the rules, but the illusion has collapsed, where will anyone punish him?

For nothing, it was tantamount to letting him take advantage of a loophole.

Of course, if you really want to be true, you can be punished after Wu Chi comes out.

However, these Immortal Palace elders had a very good impression of Wu Chi. Now that they saw this result, they just laughed and cursed, and there was no real meaning to him.

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