Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 912: In troubled times, there must be demons

The outbreak of the Fairy Demon War also means that the world is in chaos!

The flames of smoke are everywhere, and countless people die every day. Similarly, there will be a large number of geniuses rising in such a cruel war. Please search (product% book ¥ ¥ net) to see the most complete! The fastest newest novel

In the battlefield, above an unremarkable remote star, a vague blood shadow slowly wandered into the battlefield, eyes full of excitement!

What's even more strange is that in this battlefield, there are more than ten people on both sides who are the powerhouses of Heavenly Sovereign and Demon Sovereign level. However, no one can discover the existence of this blood shadow!

If anyone could see it, they would find that this blood shadow was greedily devouring the souls of the dead every moment!

Regardless of Immortal Dao or Demon Realm, as long as someone dies, he will immediately devour the other's soul.

As the souls of people were constantly being swallowed by him, the blood shadow on his body became more and more dense.

As his eyes fell on the battlefield, Fu Yongqing suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Above the current scene, Ming Tomorrow Court has the advantage. According to the current situation, the people of the Demon Realm will have to retreat for two or three days at most. But I don’t know why, but he feels unusually uneasy in his heart, like something. The danger is about to appear in general.

"Leng Jun, do you think there are any methods hidden in the Demon Realm? I always feel that there seems to be a problem, but I just don't know where the problem is."

Leng Jun is his deputy, and also his think tank. This battle is actually under the command of Leng Jun, allowing him to lay such a big advantage! According to the current situation, as long as the battle is over, he will be promoted.

But just as this was about to end, his heart became more and more disturbed.

If it is an ordinary person, anxiety may be caused by nervousness or other reasons, but for a strong man in the Heavenly Monarch realm, anxiety is a whim and must be a warning sign for crisis.


Looking at the battlefield intently, there was a moment of silence, Leng Jun's eyes suddenly showed a look of astonishment, "At least tens of thousands of people have died these days, but you see, there is no blood evil spirit on the battlefield... if not With so many corpses, people can't even feel the evil spirits that should be on the battlefield!"


With that said, Fu Yongqing reacted immediately, with a look of shock in his eyes.

"No, it's the soul... there is no soul at all here!"

As the leader of a party and commanding tens of thousands of sergeants, Fu Yongqing himself is an amazing figure. After being so touched by Leng Jun, he immediately reacted. But that's why it was even more shocking.

Being able to collect the souls of so many people in a silent and direct manner...what terrifying strength is this?

"Jie Jie!"

Almost at the same time, there was a sharp burst of laughter in the air, like a night owl.

"I only noticed the abnormality now, don't you think it's too late?"

In the battlefield, the blood shadow finally slowly showed his figure, completely ignoring the battle situation of the fight, and directly appeared in the air, condescending, revealing an evil smile.


This time it was not only Fu Yongqing, but even the Demon Lord on the other side of the Demon Region also noticed the strangeness and exclaimed in amazement.

"Why do the dead know so clearly? Come on, let the ancestors send you on the road!"

Between the breath, the blood flame is overwhelming!

In just a few breaths, the terrifying blood flame spread to the entire battlefield.

In an instant, the wailing of pain suddenly resounded through the world.

The existence under the Xingjun hardly even had the opportunity to struggle, so he was directly swallowed by the blood flame. Even the Xingjun couldn't compete with the blood flame at all, and could only barely struggle to get out of the blood flame.

Only Tianjun and Mojun can fight in this **** flame.

At this moment, without any hesitation, Fu Yongqing and Leng Jun flew into the blood flames at the same time, and even the Demon Lord on the other side of the Demon Region also cooperated with Fu Yongqing's shot.

Although it was a hostile position, the pressure on them from the unknown blood shadow now was too great, and the opponent's attack was fundamentally divided, as if it wanted to kill everyone here.

In an instant, there were as many as ten Heavenly Monarchs and Demon Monarchs who broke into the blood flame.

This kind of power cannot be said to be not strong, but the person who is wrapped in blood shadow has no color of fear at all, and even spontaneously laughed wildly.

"It's really rampant. The ancestor has endured it for so many years. I didn't expect it to finally wait for such an opportunity. It is really wonderful! This is the age of my ancestor!"

In an instant, the blood flames burned wildly, pointing directly at the soul!

It wasn't until they broke into the blood flames that Fu Yongqing and the others were shocked that this terrifying blood flame was an attack on the soul. Even if the small world was opened up, it could not even stop the blood flame's invasion. The soul will be greatly impacted.


Without any hesitation, everyone at the same time mobilized the power of the small world to forcibly cut off the intrusion of the blood flame, and at the same time killed the blood shadow!

No matter how terrifying the surrounding blood flame is, as long as you kill the opponent, the blood flame will naturally dissipate!

I have to say that this kind of thinking is not wrong in itself, but it is a pity that what they met was not a normal person at all!

Numerous terrifying attacks fell on the blood shadow. In just an instant, the blood shadow was shattered. Fu Yongqing could even feel the broken body of the opponent. However, what scared everyone was that the surrounding blood flames were fundamentally broken. There is no meaning to fade away.

Even the figure that was just shattered by them was reunited in the blood flames in an instant!


In an instant, someone reacted and couldn't help exclaiming!

This sentence immediately caused everyone to feel a chill in their hearts, and could not regenerate the least thought of being an enemy!

As Tianjun and Demon Lord, they naturally felt that it was not an illusion, but a true immortal body!

Because the opponent's body itself is not a flesh and blood body, but a soul body, unless the opponent's soul can be completely obliterated, the opponent can be easily resurrected no matter how many times it is killed!

If it were other times, it would be fine, so many Heavenly Lords and Demon Lords joined forces, even if it consumes energy, it will kill each other.

But, this is the battlefield. These days, I don’t know how many people have died and how many souls have been swallowed by the opponent. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to exhaust the opponent's soul!

At least with their strength, it is absolutely impossible.

At this everyone flees out at the same time!

There was a cold laughter in the mouth, and that blood shadow suddenly pounced. Wherever the blood flames reach, even with the strength of Tianjun and Demon, it is difficult to escape!

Pain and wailing seem to be the only melody on this battlefield at this moment!

In troubled times, there must be demons

ps: Calvin, I didn't feel good for a day!

I have a bad cold these days and my throat is so irritated that I can't speak, and I feel uncomfortable to death. I really don't want to say this, lest someone say I am making excuses!

Today’s second time will be a bit later, let me slow down, but there will definitely be! Sorry, it is really bad spirits!

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