Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 981: Place of inheritance


The Sword Master of Chengying once lived in Yaochi, and it is not a secret that he has left the inheritance in Yaochi Immortal Palace!

However, it is only limited to knowing.

Even if the Queen of Heaven had refined the Jade Lake and used it as her natal star, she still could not obtain the inheritance of the Shadow Sword Master, and could not even approach it.

At this moment, the Queen of Heaven naturally noticed that Wu Chi had broken into the Yaochi Immortal Palace.

But being dragged by Yan Beichen, she had no idea at all, so she could only watch.

The disciples in Yaochi couldn't see how weak Wu Chi was at the moment, but the Queen could guess it. Now she can only pin her hopes on Wu Chi where she can’t find a place to inherit, or because of her injuries, she can’t pass. Test, like her, can't get close to the land of inheritance.

The Yaochi Immortal Palace is very large, and the place of inheritance left by the Shadow Inheritance Sword Master is also very special. If you don't know it, you may not be able to detect where it is.

But for Wu Chi, there is no difficulty at all.

Because the Yingying Excalibur will naturally follow the aura left by the Yingying Sword Master to guide Wu Chi.

In less than a cup of tea, Wu Chi faintly sensed the scary sword intent and slowly stopped.

There is no gorgeous palace in front of it, nor is it blocked by numerous prohibitions. It is just a lake, built in the Yaochi Immortal Palace, and used for decoration. It seems not to be big, at most it is only about ten miles away. .

Wu Chi can even see exquisite and gorgeous boats floating on the lake. Obviously, even on weekdays, it is not a forbidden place in Yaochi.

However, when he walked here, Wu Chi could vaguely perceive the difference in this lake.

Wu Chi could feel that terrifying sword intent, but this sword intent didn't radiate from the lake.

The feeling is very strange, as if it is clearly in front of you. You can see and feel it, but you can't touch it.

Closing his eyes slightly, Wu Chi carefully felt every strangeness around him, as if the whole world had stopped at this moment.

Seeing Wu Chi stop by the lake, the Queen suddenly felt a little bit more relaxed in her heart.

Wu Chi has the first fierce sword of the Primordial Ancients in her hand. She is not surprised to find the place of inheritance, but she also vaguely heard from Master at the beginning. A small test. If it fails to pass the test, even if the Shadow Sword is in hand, the inheritance cannot be obtained.

If Wu Chi was at his peak, the Queen had no doubt that Wu Chi's talent would surely be able to pass the test, but now that Wu Chi is already so weak, how could he pass the test of the Shadow Sword Master?

Even if it was just a small test, it was set by the Master of Shadow Sword after all.

She had tried to enter the land of inheritance more than once, but even though she had become the lord of the Jade Lake, borrowing the power of her natal star, she could not pass.

Although this was attributed to her lack of the Shadow Sword, the difficulty was also evident.

Just as these thoughts kept flashing in Tianhou's mind, the starry sky was torn apart again, and a powerful heavenly power suddenly appeared in the Jade Lake.

"Emperor Donghua!"

Even the Emperor Donghua hadn't really stepped into the Jade Pool, and everyone couldn't help but suddenly moved, and directly recognized the identity of the other party.

The only person who can apply the power of heaven to this level can only be the Emperor of Donghua.

For an instant, there was a burst of ecstasy in the Queen's heart.

She was even desperate before, but now the appearance of Emperor Donghua suddenly brought hope of life into her heart again.

The existence of Yan Beichen could only be dealt with by Emperor Donghua.

In fact, it was not only the queen, but Ruoyunshan also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He had already guessed that Yan Beichen would come, and he was naturally prepared to deal with Yan Beichen. Emperor Donghua himself was the most important part of his plan.

The emperor's decree had already been issued, but Emperor Donghua never responded.

The existence of Emperor Donghua is not something Ruoyunshan can arbitrarily mobilize. Even with the help of the emperor's will, he is not completely sure that Emperor Donghua will be there!

Just relying on the judgment of the general situation, he believed that in any case, Emperor Donghua should not see the Queen of Heaven die.

According to Ruoyunshan's plan, when Yan Beichen attacked the Yaochi guardian formation, Emperor Donghua should have arrived. As long as Emperor Donghua could stop Yan Beichen, the situation would naturally be under his control.

But Donghua Dijun never showed up, so that he had to take action personally, desperately dragging Yan Beichen here.

Fortunately, the Emperor Donghua finally arrived, even if he came a little late, as long as he came, it was enough.

In an instant, whether it was Yan Beichen or Ruoyunshan and Tianhou, they both closed their hands tacitly at the same time.

Emperor Donghua arrived, but at this moment, his eyes did not fall to Ruoyun Mountain and the Queen of Heaven, or even Yan Beichen, but directly in the direction of Wu Chi.

Perceiving Emperor Donghua's gaze, Tianhou immediately reacted, with a hint of anxiety on her face, "Emperor, stop him, there is a legacy left by the Shadow Sword Master, and you must not fall into the hands of the Demon Realm."

In the first battle of the sky star, Wu Chi was already on the side of the Demon Realm. In this way, it is natural to say that Wu Chi is a person of the Demon Realm!

Holding the Primordial First Fierce Sword was already terrifying enough. If Wu Chi were to obtain the inheritance of the Shadow Sword Master, the consequences would be hard to imagine.

"It's too late!"

Looking at Wu Chi's body as well, Yan Beichen spoke lightly.

As if to confirm Yan Beichen's words, almost at the same time his voice fell, Wu Chi stepped out, apparently only stepping into the lake, but the moment he stepped out, the whole person suddenly disappeared!

In the next moment, that vague sword intent suddenly disappeared.

Watching this scene, the Queen's face was pale, and she couldn't say a word.


She has worked hard for many years, but she has never been able to step into it, but now Wu Chi is already very sad, but he has passed the test so easily. How can she not hate it?


Time went back to the moment when Donghua Emperor appeared.

Standing by the lake, Wu Chi could easily feel every change in his surroundings, but he still couldn't grasp the key!

Wu Chi's spirit is already very strong, but it is impossible for it to break the mystery.

Wu Chi could vaguely feel that the location of the sword intent seemed to be in an independent space, but this space had no entrance at all.

If it were in the peak state, Wu Chi might also be able to try to break the void with the magical power of the sword, and try to break into it with the sword in his hand, but now Wu Chi has not used the sword to break the ten thousand magic. Possibility of vanity.

In this case, Wu Chi can only try the dumbest way!

Release the sword intent.

This is the inheritance left by the Shadow Sword Master, and that touch of sword intent must also be left by the Shadow Sword Master. At this moment, Wu Chi is holding the Shadow Sword in his hand, so he can naturally try to guide the sword intent, but touch bump!

Sinking all his mind into the Yingying Sword, releasing the sword intent, but at this moment, Wu Chi was keenly aware of something strange!


The inheritance place left by the Shadow Sword Master overlaps this lake and is almost perfect, but there is no real flawless thing in this world.

No matter how perfect it seems, there are still flaws!

This kind of flaw may not be noticed by others, but Yingyingjian can detect it!

When Wu Chi truly sank his mind into the Shadow-Changing Sword and released the sword-intention of the Shadow-Changing Sword, he immediately and clearly felt the existence of this flaw!

Then, Wu Chi didn't even think about it, so he subconsciously raised his hand and cut out a sword!

Just like this sword, it didn't even contain the slightest star power. It just shot the sword intent out, and suddenly opened a channel for Wu Chi. Just lifting his foot, Wu Chi easily stepped into it and directly entered the Cheng The heritage of the Shadow Sword Master.

And this moment happened to be the moment when Emperor Donghua arrived.

If Wu Chi is one step late, even if he finds a way to enter, I'm afraid he might be stopped by Emperor Donghua, but Wu Chi is just one step faster.

What kind of character is Chengying Sword Master, even if it is just the restriction he left behind, it is not something that the Emperor Donghua can break.

Wu Chi's step, stepping into the land of inheritance, is equivalent to stepping into another dimension, even if Emperor Donghua wants to intervene again, it is impossible to catch up.

Yan Beichen was aware of the sword intent radiating from Wu Chi, and then he dared to speak late.

For a moment, the audience was silent!

Taking a deep look at the place where Wu Chi disappeared, Emperor Donghua suddenly turned around and quietly looked at Yan Beichen and said, "Nothing is too late, even if he steps into the land of inheritance, he will still come out after all ...Not to mention I forgot about the son of Modao, Wu Chixi Japan is my disciple, why should I stop him?"

Smiling indifferently, Yan Beichen looked at Emperor Donghua and said, "Congratulations, Emperor finally took this last step."

A very simple sentence, but suddenly made everyone look upset!

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell subconsciously on Emperor Donghua.

"It's already a step slower, and now it's just Zhan Zhan catching up with you." With a slight smile, Emperor Donghua said softly.

Star Lord Realm!

Although the Emperor Donghua had the strength to compete with Yan Beichen and Princess Changning, he was still a step behind, and he had never stepped into the realm of the star master!

But now, when he stepped into Yaochi to face Yan Beichen again, he had truly entered the realm of the star master!

In fact, the reason why he didn't appear in the Jade Lake in time according to Ruoyunshan's expectations was because he broke through in the Ziwei Palace, and it took a lot of time to step into the Star Lord's realm.

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