"Wow, this is Shin Shin's home!"

Ten minutes later, five cars drove into the villa.

After everyone got out of the car, they were stunned.

Only Qin Xinxin rushed out as soon as he got off the car.

"Dabao, do you want to sister!"

Not far away, two identical little girls, about five years old.

People can't help but want to go over when they see it, and it's so cute to hug and kiss it.

"Hee-hee... Sister, you are wrong again, I am Erbao!

At this time, the little girl who was picked up by Qin Xinxin spoke mischievously.

"Dabao, is this your idea!"

For his own mistaken sister, Qin Xinxin was embarrassed at all.

Dabao and Erbao stood still, and when they didn't speak, even Ye Yin could admit that they were wrong, let alone Qin Xinxin.

is afraid of recognizing the wrong two, so they have a difference in dress.

Qin Xinxin recognized it at first glance, relying on this.

"Big sister, this is not what I thought, it's Erbao."

Dabao saw his sister staring at him, and quickly put the responsibility on Erbao.

"Er Bao is so well-behaved, he will definitely not come up with this idea, only Dabao will do this!"

Putting Er Bao down, Qin Xinxin walked towards Dabao.

"Dabao, don't run, when can you run away from your sister's hands, I'm going to spank you when I catch you."

Dabao, who was going to escape, stopped his body at once, and looked at Qin Xinxin pitifully.

"Big sister, can you not spank!"

Five-year-old Dabao is already sensible, and he feels that spanking is humiliating, or in front of so many people.

"It's okay if you don't fight, you stand still, and don't turn your eyes, dad is not here, he can't save you!"

Qin Xinxin walked over, picked Dabao up at once, and began to twist her little face, just like her father pinched her when he was a child.

"No wonder Dad used to like to pinch people's faces."

In the hands of the eldest sister, Dabao confessed to let the family pinch their faces, who let themselves be sisters, just like he often bullied Erbao.

"How about you two?"

It's been so long since he came back, and he hasn't seen his parents come out, Qin Xinxin asked suspiciously.

"Mom is in the kitchen, and Cao Cao hasn't come back for lunch recently, and Dabao thinks it should be the same today."

Hearing the eldest sister ask herself, Dabao responded without thinking.

"Dad hasn't eaten lunch at home for a long time."

Dabao said as he counted his fingers.

"1, 2, 3, 4..." After

counting for a while, Dabao found that he still couldn't calculate it, and quickly shook his head and said.

"Big sister, it's been many days anyway, and I can't count the big treasures."

The fifteen students who got off the bus looked at this warm scene, and their faces involuntarily showed envious expressions.

"This is Shin Shin's sister, so cute!"

"Can it not be cute, just look at the appearance of her parents, there is really everything perfect in this world."

"Yes, people are so good, and they work so hard."

Seeing all this, everyone does not have such a trace of jealousy in their hearts, it is impossible, think about it, people are born at the peak, they can still struggle.

However, students, I didn't see this from Qin Xinxin, I only saw that she had such a family situation and worked so hard every day.

If you change to yourself and don't think about it, you will lie down directly.

Now the money earned by the family can not be spent in several lifetimes, why do you have to work so hard.

Taking advantage of the time now, the students began to visit the villa.

Qin Xinxin did not continue to play with the two younger sisters, walked to the restaurant, and just saw Ye Yin busy inside.

"It's back!"

After seeing Qin Xinxin, Ye Yin just finished the work at hand.

"Dad won't come back for dinner at noon?"

"During this time, your father has some things that he can't get rid of, except for coming back at night, he stays in the Yanxia Science and Technology Park the rest of the time."

"Hmph, even Xinxin comes back."

Qin Xinxin wrinkled his nose and said.

"Xinxin, this is angry!"

Ye Yin also recently learned what Qin Mo was doing, she did not tell her daughter the specific reason, this was Qin Mo explained, said that before the matter was not done, she didn't want Xiang Xinxin to know, and she would be given a big surprise when the time came.

"No, Shin Shin is no longer a child."

Seeing the smile on Ye Yin's face, Qin Xinxin's face turned slightly red.

"Okay, hurry up and call your classmates to come over for dinner, and tell your father about anything in the evening!"

Ye Yin walked over and pinched Qin Xinxin's face.

"Mom. You also pinch people's faces and hate them as much as your father.

"Why, I thought that when I went to college, I didn't want to pinch my mother, as long as you are my mother's daughter, I can pinch your face at any time."

Ye Yin said so, pinched it and let go.

"Hello Aunt Ye, you are so beautiful!"

"Hello Aunt Ye!"

"Aunt Ye is even more beautiful than in the photo!"

After these students saw Ye Yin, they all went over to say hello.

"You guys come in quickly, don't stand outside."

Hearing her daughter's classmates and greeting herself, Ye Yin didn't know what to say.

It was supposed to praise you for being beautiful, which was something to be happy about, but hearing the previous title was a little weird.

These students are eighteen or nine years old, and they themselves are only thirty-one years old, and it must be a little strange to be called auntie by them.

But everyone is just a title, who makes himself Qin Xinxin's mother.

Thinking that it was just a title, he took a deep breath and continued to entertain everyone.

"Hey, why didn't you see Shin Shin's father?"

After everyone took their seats, they found that there was no Qin Mo on the table, and when they saw such a scene, they were inevitably a little disappointed.

After all, Qin Mo is a legendary character, and one purpose of coming here this time is to take pictures with him, and after going back to school, he can pretend to be forced again.

"You guys hurry up and move the chopsticks, don't sit still, the dish is not delicious when it is cold!"

Ye Yin looked at her daughter's classmates, all sitting still, and quickly enthusiastically let everyone eat.

"Mom, they didn't see Dad, so they didn't dare to eat first, let's forget this."

Before coming over, Qin Xinxin said that the family invited the classmates to dinner, and she only remembered this question when she saw the expressions on everyone's faces.

"You guys eat first, don't wait, Xinxin's father is busy with work, and he doesn't come back to eat at noon, he eats at the company."

"Eat, what my mother said is true."

Seeing that the classmates were all looking at him, Qin Xinxin nodded towards everyone.

"Then you're welcome."

"It's delicious, it's really the same as Xinxin."

After a classmate tried a bite, his eyes lit up, and then he glanced at the table full of food, and involuntarily swallowed his saliva.

At the beginning, everyone was still a little reserved when eating, and the first time they came to be a guest with a fellow scholar, they did not dare to let go too much.

"Hee-hee... Don't care about these details, you can eat whatever you want, we don't pay attention to these things at home. Seeing

the classmates restraining one by one, with strange expressions on their faces, Qin Xinxin couldn't help but laugh.

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