"Brother Qin, you don't participate in such an important project?"

Today is the first day of official opening for Baisha Town attractions.

Kong Yuanhang ran over to the villa excitedly, wanting Qin Mo to go over together.

"Yuanhang, you are personally responsible for this project, so if you support it in the past, I won't go over, and there are other things."

He couldn't imagine that Qin Mo refused to participate, and this project was entirely responsible for himself.

"But you're the boss!"

Qin Mo wanted to use this opportunity to push Kong Yuanhang in front of the public and pave the way for him in the future.

As for himself, just hide behind the scenes in the future, now he finally understands Ding Jianyi's idea, once people lose momentum in something, they will turn on the salted fish mode.

"No, this matter was decided like this, and the time is almost up!"

Qin Mo began to be tough again, not giving the other party a chance to speak, after saying this, he got into the car and prepared to go to the training base, and the three daughters were waiting for him there early in the morning.

Not only did he not go alone, even Qin Xinxin was like this, but he just arranged for personnel to lead the classmates over.


Watching the vehicle go away, Kong Yuanhang shook his head helplessly, he knew the purpose of his old classmate doing this.

After a few days of brewing on the Internet, there are now more than tens of thousands of new faces in Shuijiang County, and these people are tourists.

A few days after learning that the longest coastline in China was about to open to the outside world, the developer was still Qinchuang Technology, and the tourists made a decision without thinking about it and left for Shuijiang County.

"There are so many people!"

"Hahaha... We're really going to get rich!

"Finally, in vain, I quit my job and went home to start a business!"

Today's residents of Baisha Town all have smiles on their faces.

Looking at the constant flow of passengers, their laughter can make ducks.

On one side of the beach, exquisite two-storey villas stand side by side.

How long the coastline is, how long this villa is.

These villas alone cost four billion dollars, a total of a thousand villas.

These villas, which are inhabited by the rich and have hotel-type accommodation on the outskirts of the beach, are relatively cheap, and can accommodate up to 3,000 guests at a time.

If you add the tourists in the villa, if you count it less, Baisha Town can receive 5,000 tourists a day.

The daily consumption of these tourists is in the vicinity of Baisha Town, and you can imagine how much business they can bring to the local residents.

It has not yet officially opened, and the residents of Baisha Town have already placed local specialties, snacks, and other goods in the designated area, the price is not expensive, but it is a little more expensive than the supermarket, compared to other scenic spots, it is a big discount.

This is the regulation of Qinchuang Technology, if you want to set up a stall here, you must abide by the relevant rules and regulations.

You can't ruin the reputation of Qin Chuang Technology because of some small profits.

Originally, the local residents still had opinions at first, but after seeing the number of visitors on the first day, they immediately closed their mouths.

So many travelers can make a fortune selling mineral water, not to mention other goods.

"It turns out that what Xinxin said is true, from today onwards, the beach of Baisha Town will frequently appear in front of the eyes of the people of the whole country!"

"After graduation, I want to come here to work, usually tired for a day, walk along the beach, any tiredness will disappear!"

One classmate had an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Don't think about it, our major, this Songshan City does not have a post, let alone Shuijiang County, it is still possible to come and travel when you have time in the future."

Another classmate quickly showed a regretful expression, but quickly recovered, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, revealing a hint of a smile.

"I really admire Shin Shin now, if we are all here, after seeing these situations, can we still give up here?"

"Yes, I will definitely lie flat at home, blowing the sea breeze here, drinking red wine, and looking at the beautiful women on the beach every day..."

a male classmate said here, with a lewd expression on his face.

"Let's go, don't even think about it, go over and take a look."

It was nearly half past nine, and a stage was set up on the edge of the beach, surrounded by a dense crowd of tourists, and from a distance, only a human head could be seen.

"Today is the first day of the opening of our beach in Baisha Town, I have the honor to represent Qinchuang Technology, my name is Kong Yuanhang, and I am the main person in charge of this project..."

As the distance approached, everyone found that the opening ceremony had begun, and quickly quickened their pace.

"Hey, who is this person, how is it not Qin Mo, making us happy in vain!"

Originally, everyone was disappointed that they didn't see Qin Mo yesterday.

Now when I heard about the opening of the beach in Baisha Town, I thought that Qin Mo would definitely be on the scene for such a big project, but in the end, I still couldn't see it.

"Forget it, there will still be a chance in the future."

He and Qin Xinxin are classmates, and they will definitely have the opportunity to recognize Qin Mo, which is everyone's expectation.

"Thanks to friends from all over the world, in the next three days, as long as it is the consumption of attractions in Baisha Town, everything will be discounted by five!"

As soon as Kong Yuanhang finished saying this, the passengers in the audience roared excitedly, and the strength of the five-fold is not small.

Let's say that the two-story villa, the consumption of one night is five thousand, and now it is five folds, that is, to save two thousand five, if you go for three consecutive days, this is seven thousand five hundred, which can withstand a month's salary.

"It is worthy of Qinchuang Technology, which simply takes the people-friendly route to the end!"

"Just for this, if you want to travel in the future, the first thing to consider is here."

"Shuijiang County wants food and food, attractions and attractions, and the most important thing is that this price is favorable, and the public can consume it."

"Let's go, let's go over there and take a look, some foreign projects, there are also here, no wonder it has been rated as the first beach attraction in China by netizens."

After the opening ceremony, travelers dispersed and began to find their favorite items.

The rich directly charter a yacht, and those who have no money are right on the beach.

As for Qin Xinxin, these students have already said hello in advance.

They are free of charge for any purchases here.

An hour later, several classmates had envious expressions on their faces and their eyes glued to the yacht heading out.

"How about we go over too?"

This can only be experienced by rich people, and now everyone can experience it without spending money.

"Wouldn't this be bad, but I heard that this yacht goes to sea by the hour, tens of thousands an hour, if we go out, we must have a yacht, besides, going to sea is not an hour can be done..." Everyone

wants to drive the yacht out, but when they think of the consumption of each hour, if they wait for others to go out, people will earn hundreds of thousands less.

"We don't go for a long time, just go out for an hour and come back, I don't know what everyone thinks?"

In the end, someone could not resist the temptation to make this suggestion.

"Well, I think this is okay, it's hard to come over once, no matter how you say it, you have to play well, Xinxin's family is not bad for this money."

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