On the street, there is a century-old Tang Ji Tea House.

When lining up today, several Tang Ji's guys appeared.

The buns in Qin Mo's shop bought several of them, and even the sugar water was packed in a few portions.

"How about it, Master Liu!"

"I was so shocked that I didn't expect such a delicacy to appear in our place." "

Liu Jianhua, special pastry chef.

In the Tang Ji Tea House, he has been working for most of his life.

Specializes in the study of buns and pastries.

"I've been making buns for almost thirty years, but I didn't expect to lose in the hands of a young man who is not even thirty, it's really the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves, if you don't obey, the young people are really powerful now!" "

Master Liu, is the other party really so powerful?"

He is forty years old and has just been taken over from his father for less than five years.

No wonder he is in such a hurry, the profit of the bun itself is very high.

Not to mention in this prime location.

His buns are twice as expensive as others.

This is usually a good business, a bun costs only a few cents, but he sells it for more than six yuan.

Qin Mo's appearance suddenly reduced the flow of customers in their store by half.

According to this scale, if Qin Mo could earn 10,000 a day, then Tang Ji would lose 20,000 a day.

In the long run, that's a lot of money.

"Boss Tang, I have tasted all the buns just now, and to reach this point, it must be a talented situation and after decades of training.

"What I can't understand now is that the owner of this store is only thirty years old at most, do they have any secret recipes, or do they violate the law and add ingredients to it?" Tang

Ruizhi, whose face was full of gloomy, when he heard Liu Jianhua's words, his eyes lit up, and his heart seemed to grasp the point.

A month without a loss of 600,000.

It was like cutting a piece of meat from his heart.

Being able to stay in this golden location for a hundred years must have the energy of his Tang family.

"You'd better not break the law, even if you don't break the law, I will..."

"I know, Master Liu, please work harder, see if you can study more, and see if you can draw any hints from it." "

Their Tang family has hired a total of two special chefs.

One is Liu Jianhua.

The other is Qiu Zhengye.

They are all left by the Tang family with high salaries, each with a monthly salary of 40,000, and usually does not have to work, and stays to sit in the tea house.

Usually point out the tea house master, or when receiving important guests.

"Boss Tang, then I'll retreat.

After that, Liu Jianhua said goodbye to Tang Ruizhi and walked out, and the apprentices behind quickly packed up their things to follow.

Looking at the departing Liu Jianhua, Tang Ruizhi's face became gloomy again.

Pick up a phone from your desktop and look for it in your address book.

"Hello Chen Bureau, I'm Tang Ruizhi..." Today

the business hours were very early, Qin Mo did not go home directly, but took his daughter straight to Huaming District, the largest commercial area.

"Xinxin, today Dad will take you to eat delicious!" "

Great, Tang Yuan, I want to eat ice cream, grilled chicken wings, fries... Xinxin wants to eat too much..." As

soon as she heard that Qin Mo was going to take her to eat something delicious, she didn't even do her job, and directly dropped the rag.

No matter how delicious the buns are, they can't be used as a meal, and besides, both father and daughter are southerners.

Buns are okay once a day, if you eat three times a day, sooner or later you will get tired of it!"


this moment, Qin Xinxin suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong, Xinxin!" Qin Mo asked with a smile.

Following his daughter's line of sight, Qin Mo immediately knew what his daughter wanted.

It's a pet store, no wonder the daughter stopped by.

Qin Xinxin, who has not been accompanied since he was a child, has always wanted a pet, but he has never bought it because of his sensitivity to pets in the early stage.

"Dad, I want a dog. Qin Xinxin had an expectant expression on her face.

"Dad has made money now, or let's go in and take a look." "

Okay, Daddy hurry up. As soon as Qin Mo's words fell, her daughter ran towards the store.

"Shin Shin, watch out for the steps, slow down. After agreeing, her daughter ran happily towards her target like a wild horse with her reins off.

Today's one-day income once again refreshed yesterday's income, and the net profit reached 13,000 yuan.

As for the points, not to mention, there are still a few thousand to be able to draw the intermediate level twice.

"Dad, you're so nice to Xinxin!"

Qin Xinxin stopped when he entered the store, cut first and then played, and said with a smile.

"Sir welcome, I don't know what you need to help you?" As

soon as he saw that the customer was a large and a small one, the staff next to him immediately ran over enthusiastically.

At a premium, the façade of this shop is not small.

Inside is a hall of more than 100 square meters, with some dog and cat cages on the sides.

Inside are some adult pets.

As soon as they enter it, they smell a peculiar smell, even if the staff of their pet store clean it frequently, it is inevitable.

"Little girl, what do you want?"

said a young lady about twenty-three years old and smiled.

"Big sister, Shin Shin wants to buy a pet.

Qin Xinxin said excitedly after glancing at his father next to him and seeing Qin Mo nodding.

"The little girl is so beautiful. The

female employee looked at Qin Mo next to her, and for a moment a starlight appeared in her eyes: "This uncle is also too handsome!" The

figure has not yet recovered, causing Qin Mo to look a little older now.

"I don't know sir, what kind of pet you want to buy, I want to introduce it to you." "The female employees know the decision is there.

Qin Mo first swept around, and then walked in one direction: "Let's take a look at the pet dog first!"

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