"What's going on, Brother Qin's shop has been sealed. "

Zhuo Wenshu, who has been busy in the store, just came out to find Qin Mo Hui, when he saw this scene.

"Just now, a certain department staff came, I happened to be nearby, and I heard that I had received a report.

An onlooker from beginning to end immediately said everything he had just seen.

"How is this possible, Qin Mo's business is so good, I think it is being spoofed by competitors.

"Besides, I also often eat Brother Qin's buns, how can there be a violation of discipline in it." Zhuo

Wenshu listened to the whole story, and immediately felt uneven.

It's a pity that he is also a small person, he can only talk about it, he wants to help, and he has a weak heart.

"Yes, we also believe that Boss Qin's people, parents with such well-behaved daughters, how could they do such a lack of morality. "

What happened here was immediately known by the aunts and uncles passing by.

It immediately resonated.

They are Qin Mo's most loyal customers, and they have to eat buns every day to feel grounded in their hearts.

The crowd did not notice that among the group of onlookers, there was a young man who saw this scene.

With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, he turned and left, just at the front of the food street.

"Hello Mr. Qin, I'm Teacher Ye Yin..."

half an hour ago.

City No. 3 Primary School, Grade 1 Class 2 Classroom.

"Dear students, our school is going to prepare a food festival this afternoon. I

saw a young woman dressed coolly dressed and walking in from outside the classroom.

It was the teacher of the second class of the first grade, Ye Yin.

When she spoke, the classroom, which had just been quiet, suddenly became lively.

I didn't expect to come back on the weekend, they were in the cheerfulness of yesterday and had not yet adjusted.

The school holds a small event.

"Everyone calm down, the teacher hasn't finished speaking.

Ye Yin saw everyone's cheerful expressions and raised her voice a little.

It wasn't until he saw that the quiet classroom had returned to that he continued: "This time, unlike before, requires parents to participate together. "

The food festival requires parents to participate together, and the students in the class are suddenly confused by the teacher.

"Looking at the appearance of all the students, the teacher knows that everyone must not understand!" Looking

at the students below quickly nodded, Ye Yin continued: "The food festival needs to be done by yourself to make sense, so this time parents are required to participate in the production." Hearing

this, at least half of the students in the class, with their excited expressions just now, immediately quieted down.

"Of course, these parents who participate in making food are signed up by you who think, and if they don't, as the audience, that is, the judges, the teacher said so, and the students understood it."

"Teacher Ye, understood.

"Well, those who want to sign up to participate will find a teacher, and those who want to be an audience judge will find Liu Caiyi to sign up." "

The classroom is buzzing again.

Ye Yin's voice just fell, and the gang students divided into two groups.

Only six students participated in the competition, which was a very small minority compared to more than 40 spectators.

At this time, only Qin Xinxin stood still.

She was struggling in her heart about whether to participate in the competition or go to eat food with other students.

Children are generally more competitive.

Not to mention, now knowing that your dad will make a good meal.

Qin Xinxin just hesitated and walked towards Ye Yin.

"Qin Xinxin, are you going wrong, hahaha..." At

this moment, a little boy immediately laughed when he saw Qin Xinxin walking over.

This classmate is Wei Kaikai.

"Hmph, you care about me, dead fatty!" Seeing

Wei Kaikai, who was targeting him everywhere, Qin Xinxin immediately counterattacked.

"Qin Xinxin, as far as your father delivers takeaway, I want to dream of food, and it's almost the same to deliver food. Ever

since that incident appeared in the classroom, Wei Kaikai had been looking for an opportunity to laugh at Qin Xinxin.

In this regard, Qin Xinxin remembered his father's words, did not conflict with his classmates, and always endured.

Now seeing that Lian wanted to sign up and laugh at his father, how could Qin Xinxin endure it.

"Okay, you are all classmates, you have to help each other, and Wei Kaikai, you can't always bully your classmates, or the teacher will punish you for cleaning the classroom!" Seeing

that the two students were about to quarrel again, Ye Yin's brain buzzed.

As long as the two are together, they will definitely not be safe.

If it weren't for the majesty of his class teacher, Wei Kaikai would have made a fuss.

"Xinxin, you really have to help your father sign up. Ye

Yin, thinking of that handsome guy who meets every day and is dressed as a delivery boy.

I also have a little doubt in my heart, but now in front of my own students, I can't show this.

"Well, Mr. Ye, my father's buns are delicious, and I want to share them with other students.

Qin Xinxin thought of making delicious buns with a serious expression, and replied with a serious expression.

"Haha, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard, just that your father can make delicious buns..." Wei

Kaikai, who had just quieted down, now began to laugh maniacally while holding his stomach.

"Classmate Wei Kaikai, what did the teacher say just now, if you do this, you don't have to participate in this competition.

As soon as he heard Ye Yin say this, Wei Kaikai immediately closed his mouth, and said with a pitiful expression on his face: "Teacher Ye, I will no longer laugh at Qin Xinxin, I promise!" Wei

Kaikai just called his father and told his father about this, if he was known that he was made fun of, he would suffer when he went back.

"Classmate Xinxin, then I'll call your dad now!" After

seeing Qin Xinxin nodding, Ye Yin walked out of the classroom, took out his mobile phone, and quickly found out Qin Mo's number.

"Mr. Qin, hello, I'm Teacher Ye Yin.

Qin Mo, who was just about to ride the little donkey back, vibrated with the mobile phone in his pocket.

Quickly took out a look and saw that it was his daughter's class teacher.

Qin Mo's tone immediately asked anxiously: "Hello Mr. Ye, is something wrong with Xinxin?"

"Mr. Qin, it's okay, don't worry first!" It

seemed that he heard Qin Mo's voice on the other side of the phone, imagining his anxious appearance, Ye Yin calmed his emotions first.

"It's okay, I don't know what's wrong with me?" Hearing

that it wasn't his daughter's accident, Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's like this..... I don't know if Mr. Qin has time, if you have time, please come in advance.

Under Ye Yin's explanation, Qin Mo immediately understood what was going on this time.

He agreed without even thinking.

In my daughter's mind, I have to do something to make my daughter proud.

Every time he was a parent before, he noticed that his daughter was depressed.

It's just that at that time, just to send an extra order, I didn't take these to heart.

Looking back at this time, I realized that I had never cared about my daughter's life at school.

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