"Idiot, what the hell do you say you're doing!"

In a small county town away from the city, a national chain of communities.

One of the tall buildings, at this time the lights are bright.

A woman in pajamas was pointing at a middle-aged woman sitting on a sofa and yelling.

"What else do I do, go out when I'm bored at home!"

"Shopping, then what is it?"

The woman threw her phone directly onto the sofa.

"What's the murder, I'm not looking at doing nothing every day, the money is decreasing day by day."

Someone comes to the door, just to shoot a video for tens of thousands of yuan.

Such a good thing, where to find it! The

middle-aged woman reluctantly picked up her phone and saw what was on it.

An exclamation sounded: "I can't imagine that this little bastard really dares to do this, it's too unconscionable!"

Isn't it just to take a video to say bad things about him and take me to court! "

These two people are Qin Mo, the former mother-in-law Hu Lingzhu and Hai Lan.

"I don't care, it's none of my business how they sue, hum!"

Hearing my mother say this, I am really a shrew, and the legal illiteracy is really terrible!

Before I moved here, I had already told me a lot.

Don't have anything to do with Qin Mo anymore, but it just won't change.

"How did you promise me before?"

"I'll give the money back, they won't be."

Looking at Hai Lan's gloomy face, Hu Lingzhu began to be afraid.

"Don't look at me, I said before, again, we go our separate ways.

Since you don't want to stop, live it yourself.

The house is left to you, and the house is written with your name written on it when it is bought. "

Hai Lan came out of the house, already pushing a suitcase.

"Daughter, what are you doing!"

Hu Lingzhu, who was still sitting on the sofa just now, thought that his daughter was just talking.

Now seeing that she even packed her luggage, this time it no longer felt fake.

Quickly got up and rushed over, wanting to stop Hai Lan from going out.

"Let go, I said it before, and give you a few chances.

I don't want to be killed by you at that time. Directly

pushing off Hu Lingzhu's arm that grabbed the suitcase, Hai Lan walked out without looking back.

She is now afraid of Qin Mo, and she sees the news every day and sees the growth of the other party.

When he waited, he momentarily remembered what he had done before.

At that time, to clean yourself up again, it is as simple as pinching to death, an ant.

I originally thought that I would live peacefully at this scene.

I can't imagine that there is a pig teammate by her side, and now no one can stop her from living.

Not even her biological mother, the opportunity has already been given to her.

I don't know what is in their heads, is it possible that IQ is transferred to themselves.


Hu Lingzhu saw that her daughter ignored herself and continued to walk outside.

All of a sudden, I sat on the ground and cried, thinking that I could leave the sea blue in this way.

"Really so ruthless!"

This time, Hu Lingzhu miscalculated and waited for ten minutes.

Together with the neighbors on the floor, they all came out to see what was going on, but the daughter didn't say anything at all.

Realizing that it was not good, she quickly got up and ran out.

What I saw was that there was no one else outside except the neighbors.

"It's over, there is no money, how can I live next!"

Standing outside stunned for a while, she finally came to her senses.

The first thing that comes to mind is money.

Hai Lan did not think at all that his calculation was wrong.

Hu Lingzhu doesn't have a penny on her now, and he gave her hundreds of thousands.

And the last tens of thousands, adding up to 200,000.

This amount of money is completely enough for her to spend her old age in a small county.

But Hu Lingzhu gave all this money to her son.

So far, both of them are still not dead set and want to get back the money they lost before from the stock market.

"No, how much money is left for my question?"

Unexpectedly, the daughter is unreliable, and the only thing left is the son.

Take out your mobile phone and call it, this time it is not like the previous call.

Instead, a few minutes later, she was connected just when she thought no one answered.

"Son, why did it take so long to answer the phone!"

"Mom, you don't know that I'm busy with business right now, and I'm just accompanying a customer to dinner."

"It's good to accompany customers, or mom won't bother you to talk about business."

In Hu Lingzhu's impression, his son said to accompany the customer, that must be some internal information.

This means that there is a chance to make a lot of money next.

"Mom, you wait, I have something to discuss with you!"

When I heard the phone hangup, the voice on the other side suddenly panicked.

"Son, what's wrong with you?"

Hu Lingzhu also heard the trembling sound in his son's voice.

"It's okay, I just drank a lot with the customer, and that's how I talked."

"So, that's good, son, what did you just want to say?"

Hu Lingzhu saw a few red bills on the table and took them out.

It was exactly five sheets, and I thought that I could save flowers and last for a few days.

So he stopped asking his son about money.

"That's right, Mom, this time it's a big customer, but it's a steady collection of money, I want to ask you for money again."

Unexpectedly, he hadn't told his son about the money, so Hai Yuejing asked for money again with himself.

"How much do you want?"

"The more the better, hundreds of thousands is the best!"

"Hundreds of thousands, why don't you grab it."

You tell me the truth, did I lose all the money I gave you before?

At this time, Hu Lingzhu realized that something was wrong.

This style of painting is so familiar, this is not every time Haiyue Jing loses light.

She would ask herself for money like this, and suddenly she felt a spent.

Blood pressure is rising, that is their own pension money.

"Two hundred thousand, you lost all like that?"

"Mom, you know, this stock market is risky.

Since you know you will win, there is also a part of the risk.

"You are a risk, how can it be gone all of a sudden, only a few days."

What are you doing with it, this is my pension money. Even

if Hu Lingzhu was stupid, he realized at this time that his son was not taking it to speculate in stocks.

It must have been taken to gamble, and only this one can be lost in a few days.

"Mom, you speak, you can't leave me alone, you are my son, and you have to wait for me to give you the end!"

The end of the phone fell silent, and Hai Yuejing on the opposite side began to panic.

Unable to care about the pain in his body, he quickly shouted loudly.

"Hehe, the end-of-life pension, I see that you are sending me the end-of-life in advance now!"

Well, there was no money at the end, and my daughter was gone.

The last property left was this house.

"It's over, it's all over!"

"Mom, you can't do this, big sister has money there.

You go and ask her for it, not more, just half a million. "



Hai Yuejing was afraid that Hu Lingzhu would hang up the phone, which would cut off his last chance.

Hurriedly shouted into the phone.

I didn't even hear the busy signal coming from hanging up the phone.

"Break one of his legs!"

"Ahhh... Don't go! A

sharp pain came from his body, and Hai Yuejing finally came to his senses.

But I was woken up by pain, and I didn't know where to lose my phone.

Seeing that the right leg has been deformed, blood keeps oozing out.

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