Sure enough, one more person is lively.

The four of them slowly became familiar with the wine fighting.

The beer beauty's name is Lin Ruxuan, a senior in school.

She majored in Hotel Management.

This profession is no longer popular at present, and it seems to be tall.

In fact, just graduated, they all started as waiters, and rarely could directly enter the management.

It was because I couldn't see the future, so I used the internship period to adapt.

Now she has lost hope in her profession.

"Beer woman, where did you die?"

Just when several people were chatting happily, someone suddenly roared loudly.

Qin Mo looked over, and it turned out that a group of young people gathered together.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to get busy for a while."

Lin Ruxuan heard that someone was asking for wine and got up to leave.

"Don't do it, how much do you want!"

As soon as Lin Ruxuan walked in front of this group of people, someone immediately got up drunk.

Shaking walked towards Lin Ruxuan.

Seeing himself being pushed away, the young man was furious.

"Bapo, touch you to see it, and you can see what you are wearing.

Just now I was willing to accompany others, now let you accompany our brothers, give me a face!

"This lady is really strong, so elastic!"

Taking advantage of Lin Ruxuan's lack of attention, a person's palm was already placed on her butt, grabbing it fiercely.

"If you do this again, I will call the police!"

Seeing these people, Lin Ruxuan knew that she didn't want to sell the wine today.

They were all almost drunk, and now they all stood up and tried to surround her in the middle.

Some of the surrounding guests originally wanted to come, but they were stopped by their companions.

No, apparently someone knew the young people.


A loud slap echoed around.

It turned out to be one of the young men, who walked over and smacked Lin Ruxuan in the face.

A clear blood-red palm print stood out so prominently on his pale face.

", I want to call the police, watch us wait to make you cool!"

After smoking, the young man looked Lin Ruxuan up and down.

There was an aggressive look in his eyes, as if he had swallowed her alive.

"Run, I just came over now."

The other party's move made Lin Ruxuan clear that it was not okay to reason with them.

So she could only run to the side, but the other party seemed to eat her.

Instead of running right behind, he walked slowly.

"Who are these people, so arrogant, everyone dares not help?"

Many people can't see it, especially those who are supper bosses.

If someone really has an accident here tonight, then there will be people who dare to come here to eat in the future.

However, the other party is some rich second-generation, all of them are nearby land snakes.

They want to help, but when they do, they will suffer first.

This is the reason why everyone did not dare to come over, only hoping that this girl would run away.


Qin Mo and the three also saw the situation over there, and Gu Qingyi also showed an anxious expression on his face.

She knew that the boss knew martial arts, so she wanted Qin Mo to make a move.

"Don't worry!"

He is so calm now, he just sees the direction Lin Ruxuan ran over, which happens to be his side.

To step forward to save people, it is better to sit and drink and wait for the opponent to send him to the door.

"Come over here!"

At this time, Lin Ruxuan had already run over, but it seemed that she did not want to implicate Qin Mo and the three.

Running to the side, Gu Qing also saw this situation and quickly called out to her.

"I'd better go back first and not cause you any trouble."

Watching them slowly walk over, Lin Ruxuan quickly waved her hand and said.

"It's okay, as long as our boss is there, we can eat barbecue with peace of mind."

Gu Qing also pointed out, calmly drank the small wine, and picked up a crayfish from time to time.

Break off the shrimp tail and throw it elegantly into your mouth.

"It's delicious!"

"Are you really not worried?"

Although Lin Ruxuan stopped, she did not sit down.

Holding a posture, this is waiting for the situation to be wrong, ready to run.

"Hehe, several times more, it's not our boss's opponent.

Besides, as far as they are now drunk and not qualified to deliver dishes, you can sit and watch the play with peace of mind!

In the end, Lin Ruxuan sat down with half a doubt.

"Yo, the guts are fat enough, why don't you run, sit and wait for us to come and enjoy!"

After these people came over, they saw that Lin Ruxuan was not running.

On the contrary, they were unhappy and ignored Qin Mo who stood in front of them.

I wanted to cross Qin Mo and walk over.


The young man who walked in the front had bad luck.

Tripping over something, the whole person threw himself forward.

"Can't be so wasteful, the food is pounced on by shit, can it still be eaten?"

Qin Mo moved the table away before the man pounced.

"Fuck, which one doesn't open his eyes, wants to fall to death Ben Shao..." The

young man who got up wanted to continue scolding, and was immediately attracted by Gu Qing in front of him.

"Not bad, this wrestling is so good that it can pounce on a beautiful woman."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Gu Qingyi in front of him.


Before he could touch someone, a huge force came from behind his butt.

This time it was really a dog puffing, and the whole person flew over Gu Qingyi's head.

I fell heavily on the ground a few meters away, and I couldn't get up for a while.

"Oops, it hurts me!"

After a while, the young man let out a wail.

The young man's experience made the others stunned and in a state of confusion for a short time.

In the face of a group of them, there are really people who dare to fight back!

"Why are you still standing, beat them up for me."

The young man who was kicked away was obviously the head, and after getting up, he put one hand on his waist.

A finger pointed at Qin Mo and the others and shouted.

As soon as the young man shouted, the others finally came to their senses.

"Grass, dare to kick Wang Shao, it seems that you are looking for death!"

Eight or nine people rushed over at once and surrounded Qin Mo.

"Stand still, surround him to warm up, beat him!"

His hands kept rubbing his waist, and he wondered if the kick just now had hurt him.

A man's waist is the most important thing, but don't get hurt.

"It's too bad, these people really shouldn't have come together, they didn't know who to cry when they were beaten."

"I saw a beautiful woman, dizzy for a while, and wanted to be a hero!"

"You said no, I didn't see that the person next to the person was a beauty.

It should be acquaintances, or how could they have drunk together just now! "

For Qin Mo and the others who are about to be beaten by the crowd, the onlookers are just playing tricks.

No one dared to step forward to help.

"Beat him!"

Finally, someone took the lead and kicked towards Qin Mo.


The people around only felt a flower in front of them, the young man who moved his feet first.

After letting out a wail, the whole person flew out in front.

It's exactly the same as the previous one!

"I rely on, these people are so useless?"

In the blink of an eye, three people flew out.

They are like stacked arhats, and the position of the flying flutter is exactly the same.

Those lying below were crushed and rolled their eyes!

"Together, I don't believe he can block it with three heads and six arms!"

Seeing yourself and others attacking separately, let the other party seize the loophole.

One by one, they were kicked and flew out, it was so humiliating!

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