"It's okay, drink whatever you want!"

Just hesitating, Lin Ruxuan responded.

"Believe in you, our boss is not bad at money, and it is not easy for you to make money."

"Beauty, our supervisor is laughing, wait for the money that should be paid, or pay."

I don't know if it's an illusion, Gu Qing also saw that after Lin Ruxuan appeared.

This Fu and Tai are a little wrong, and their faces will turn red when they speak.

"He wouldn't really want to..."

Gu Qing was also taken aback by his thoughts, but did not say it.

This is just my own opinion, maybe people talk to beautiful women like this.

When I was in the car, it seemed to look like this.

Half an hour later.

Ten pounds of crayfish went down to the stomachs of the four people, and at this time, they had just started to lose their strength.

"You guys wait, I'll go to the boss again."

Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, Gu Qing also immediately stood up.

"Let's go together, I know the boss, maybe I can reduce it a little."

Hearing Lin Ruxuan speak like this, Qin Mo raised his head and glanced at her back.

This is indeed a child from a poor family, thinking about how to save money all the time.

Even now, Qin Mo and the others have shown that they are not bad money, and her habit is to go deep into the bones.

"There just happens to be a companion, maybe they all don't talk to the boss!"

Fu Hetai, who was still nervous just now, relaxed at this time.

"Boss, that Lin Ruxuan's family conditions are similar to my family!"


Qin Mo, who took a sip of beer, heard him sigh sadly, and couldn't help but spew out the beer.

"What did you just say, we have known her for less than an hour.

You have such a deep emotion, you kid won't be thinking about anything!

At this time, Qin Mo also realized that something was wrong with Fu Hetai.

"Boss, what are you talking about, don't let people hear it!"

At this time, Fu Hetai was like a frightened rabbit.

He quickly looked behind him, as if he was afraid that Lin Ruxuan would be standing behind him.

"Well, I won't say it, but I didn't say anything about you.

Aren't you mentally weird! Besides, there's nothing wrong with liking someone.

If you like it, you can chase it boldly, maybe I can also give you advice. Qin

Mo understood one thing after observing Fu Hetai's expression.

This kid's heart doesn't know when to run to the girl.

"Let go!"

Qin Mo still wanted to tease Fu Hetai, when he suddenly heard a scream.

This voice is too familiar, isn't it Gu Qingyi's voice?


The beer that had just been revealed in his hand had not yet taken a sip, and he directly threw it away.

"Wait for me here!"

Before he finished speaking, the man had already stood up and rushed out a few meters away.

"Don't get into trouble!"

Gu Qing can also follow him out, if something really happens.

In this life, I can't go to the bottom of my heart.

While thinking, his steps couldn't help but speed up, rushing towards the direction of the sound.

Soon, Qin Mo saw what was happening in front of him.

At this time, Gu Qing was also being tightly grabbed by a man's wrist.

And she's always trying to break free from it.

"Let go!"

Qin Mo, who was quickly approaching, rushed to the man's side.

It was a whip that was whipped towards the man's waist.


The legs are in full swing and feel the power of the opponent's leg.

The man kept holding Gu Qingyi's hand and finally let go.

She also took advantage of this opportunity to escape some distance in the opposite direction.


Without restraint, the man let go of his hands and feet and blocked Qin Mo's blow in time.

"Who the hell are you?"

The man didn't expect that the strength of this leg would be so great, and he almost couldn't stop it.

He took two steps back before stopping his body.

"Qin Mo!"

Since the other party asked his name, Qin Mo did not hide it and told him directly.

"Qin Mo, I, Su Yangyao, have never heard of you as a number one."

From the point of view of the confrontation just now, the opponent's strength is not bad, and he should know it.

But he Su Yangyao seriously recalled that among the previous opponents.

I've never heard of this person, could it be that he came out recently?

"I advise you not to be nosy!"

Su Yangyao's height was half a head taller than Qin Mo, and just standing there was more imposing than him.

"If you want me to let you bully my employees, I can't do it!"

Qin Mo suddenly laughed and pointed at Su Yangyao and said.

"So you can't get by with me."

At this time, Qin Mo saw several old acquaintances.

This is not the rich second generation who was scared away by himself before, how dare he appear.

"Su Yangyao, your opponent is him, as long as you teach him a lesson, the previous promise will be given to you!"

After Wang Ziqiang had someone to stand, he was no longer afraid of Qin Mo.

Stand up and arrogantly point at Qin Mo and say, as if he has won.

"Well, I hope you do what you say, or you know who I am."

Hearing that the target was the same person, Su Yangyao stopped talking nonsense.

Towards Qin Mo, he tentatively launched the first attack.

Approaching, he struck Qin Mo's head with a heavy punch.

In his fighting career, every attack on his opponent is the point.

Without a trace of pity, mercy to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

"Very good!"

Originally, I just wanted to teach the other party a lesson, but now I see that his shot is a dead hand.

Qin Mo no longer had any worries in his heart, and exerted eighty percent of his strength.


Raise your arms to protect your head and block your opponent's fatal blow.

When blocking the opponent's attack, Qin Mo's right leg poked directly forward.

The attack position is exactly the inside of the opponent's thigh.

If hit, the opponent's leg will be paralyzed in a short time.

Lose a leg, the rest of the time.

It's just being beaten all the time.

Su Yangyao also did not expect that the other party's counterattack would be so rapid.

Not only blocked his own fatal blow, but also gave himself a kick.

In this case, if Su Yangyao continued to attack.

When you hit your opponent, you have to hit this kick too.

Being able to become a fighting genius is still visible.

Besides, if you hit the other party, it is not the head, but the arm of the person.


Su Yangyao quickly retreated and distanced himself from his opponent.

At this time, he began to face his opponent squarely.

However, in his heart, the other party is still inferior to himself.

In recent years, my own training has not fallen behind at all.

He also often studies the attack methods of opponents in various countries.

Combat and theoretical experience, I am not bad, and I am very proficient.

"Boy, you make me very excited!"

Su Yangyao danced around Qin Mo.

This is a common footwork in sanda and is generally used to confuse opponents.

And the attack is often hidden in this move, maybe in the next second.

You'll be knocked out by your opponents!

"Go on!"

When you turn yourself, you see your opponent's calm face.

Always following yourself on the move, it's hard to find a flaw in it.

"Is it a fierce rival?"

Suddenly, an idea popped up in Su Yangyao's heart.

"No, now in this regard, my opponent has not yet been born!"

The calmer the other party is, the less he can panic.

This is a big no-no in a duel!

"Find death!"

Seeing that the other party had been staring at him like this, Su Yangyao couldn't help but strike a second time.

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