"It's too much trouble Mr. Qin today!"

At this time, it was already around twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

This time, Qin Mo was only responsible for stir-frying, and the rest of the work was to help the back kitchen.

But not all the dishes are made by him.

After all, the meals of so many people still need a little time.

Besides, some dishes that are not special, the back kitchen can also complete them.

In the taste of the public, it is generally impossible to taste.

So this time in half an hour, you can make a table of twenty people.

"It's still called Mr. Qin, you should call the boss!"

Seeing that everyone still called Qin Mo that, Guo Hexuan said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, look at my mouth, the boss is right!"

As soon as Qin Mo finished his busy day, Guo Hexuan and several others also packed up their rooms and came over.

As for the private room, Huang Mark and everyone had already drunk tea and waited to eat.

"Boss, boss lady, you sit in these two seats!"

As soon as he saw Qin Mo come in, someone immediately got up and pulled away the chair.

This morning, Ye Yin finally saw Qin Mo's changes.

Compared with before, he is simply a great transformation.

The momentum on his body has only been seen on the old man.

"Everyone don't be polite, today Big Brother Qin personally cooked, you have a mouthful!"

According to everyone, a problem was found, and it was Ye Yin.

"Lady, why don't you eat other dishes?"

After Gu Qingyi's reminder, everyone found out.

Why was the dish in front of her not placed on the table turntable.

But put it directly in front of you, what's going on?

"Ahem... I'm enough to eat this! Seeing

that most of them were looking at themselves, Ye Yin's face began to turn red.

"Could it be that the boss's cooking is not to your liking?

No, these are the real food.

As the outside said, I am willing to exchange a million for Qin Mo's meal. Hearing

everyone's opinions on this, Ye Yin's face was not so thick.

So he bumped Qin Mo with his hand and said.

"You did a good job yourself, you explain it to everyone."

Seeing Ye Yin like this, Qin Mo had to stand up.

"Don't guess, Ye Yin, she is pregnant!"

The box, which was still noisy just now, instantly quieted down.


After a while, only Gu Qingyi heard a scream, and everyone was awakened.

"The lady is pregnant?"

Xia Yunxin covered his mouth, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Everyone else had the same expression and stood up in unison.

"Congratulations boss, hostess!"

After speaking, everyone raised the cup in their hands and saluted.

"Haha, today is a double happiness, boss this cup I toast you alone!"

"The old man also respects Boss Qin for a cup!"

Guo Hexuan filled himself with a glass regardless of his age.

It's just a glass of wine down your stomach.

"Happy today, drink whatever you want, and work tomorrow!"

Seeing everyone so happy, Qin Mo felt that solo happiness was not as good as everyone's happiness!

"Okay, boss, wait a minute, don't say we're targeting you!"

Dong Yuanyu suddenly left the chair and walked towards Qin Mo.

"Boss, I'll fill you up!"

Dong Yuanyu picked up the wine bottle on the table and poured it directly into the cup.

Today is the happiest day of her life, and she will never forget it.

Because I am fortunate enough to know my boss, my life will change greatly in the future.

"Boss, lady, I respect you, lady you don't need to drink!"

I didn't think that a girl who was usually so quiet would be so bold when she drank.

With Dong Yuanyu taking the lead, the others lined up and came over one by one to toast.

And Ye Yin just picked up the teacup and sang everyone's meaning.

Seeing such a lively scene, Tan Yushan and others remembered yesterday's events.

Qin Mo also drank like them, and drank more than them before.

But it was only the six of them who spoke in the end!

Now there are more than twice as many people on the field who can drink as yesterday, and this is an opportunity for revenge.

The six people each glanced at each other, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of their mouths.

Following behind everyone, he was ready to toast Qin Mo in turn.

Ye Yin already knew Qin Mo's amount of alcohol, but he saw so many over.

A worried look looked at him, and his eyes were asking if he could do it.

"It's okay, these are all small meanings!"

He patted her lightly on the back of her hand, and then drank with everyone.

Every person who came to toast, he was a glass in return.

Except for Guo Hexuan and Ye Yin, almost everyone present drank three cups with Qin Mo.

The four of Xia Yunxin, who were invincible in drinking, were already flushed.

Sitting at the dining table shaking his head, believing that with another drink, the four of them absolutely collapsed.

Now only six people can drink Huang Mark, Ke Yuanwei, Tan Yushan, Cang Xiangwen, Huang Haoran, and He Gaolang.

The six people who followed Guo Hexuan came over, and now except for a little red face, their expressions are still very sober.

Among the women, Meng Zhiyao was also drunk, but only Gu Qing was not drunk.

"Mr. Qin, still drink, if you don't drink, you will admit defeat!"

Huang Mark had difficulty seizing an opportunity to eat with Qin Mo so many times.

I hadn't seen him get drunk, and I didn't think there were enough people at the time, and he didn't drink much.

For example, now, as far as the wine he just drank, he is almost the same as yesterday.

He felt that even if Qin Mo could drink it again, he should be almost to the end now.

Just that round of toasting, they all drank three pounds of wine.

Mark Huang didn't believe that someone drank so much.

Therefore, this rare opportunity must be drunk before Qin Mo.

"Definitely drink, so happy today, admit defeat, there have never been these two words in my dictionary!"

"If you don't drink, eat a little more, and leave them alone!"

Xia Yunxin, Dong Yuanyu, Qiu Xianshan, Chun Yuwei, and Meng Zhiyao all had a little pale faces, which were drinking bare-stomached beforehand.

"Gu Qingyi, trouble you to put a bowl of hot soup for them, don't drink alcohol, now it's uncomfortable to look at!"

"Come, let's continue, I'll do it first, thank you for your support!"

Pick up the wine glass on the table, fill it directly, and drink it all in one go.

Now he is showing momentum, not that he has already drunk half of the wine.

It seemed that it had just begun, and everyone could not imagine that Qin Mo was still so violent.

It was the first time they had seen someone drink so terrifyingly!

"Save the time to say that drinking and bullying everyone, so be it!

How about one of you having a drink, and I'll have a drink! Qin

Mo was simply amazing, he was toasting before, it could indeed be like this.

When the wine has gone through three rounds now, this rule does not exist.

As soon as Qin Mo said this, Ye Yin next to him grabbed his arm in fright.

As if he felt unsatisfied, his nails dug into his flesh.

"You're crazy, aren't you!"

Even if you can drink it again, you can't do this, your body can bear it!

However, Qin Mo knew his physical condition, as if from the last draw.

The amount of alcohol he drinks has increased again, and this increase is very terrifying.

"Don't worry, if I can't drink it, I'll stop!"

Not only did Ye Yin react so much, even Huang Mark, who had always wanted to intoxicate him, asked worriedly.

"Mr. Qin, it's really okay for you to drink like this, I was joking just now!"

"Brother Huang, I dare to say it and I can do it!"

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