"It turns out that Mr. Qin also knows Tai Chi, so I will consult you if I know it earlier!"

At this time, Zhang Qianlei looked at Qin Mo like a treasure.

The taijiquan master who used to pursue hard could not imagine that he was by his side.

To be able to raise his daughter to this extent, he believes that he only needs to point himself out.

The requirements are not high, and it is enough to be able to strengthen the body.


As soon as Qin Xinxin closed his fist, Gu Yangyao took the lead in applauding.

"I can't think of the little girl, you are so powerful, don't take what your grandfather said before!"

Gu Yangyao knew that even if he let himself teach, he would definitely not be able to teach such an apprentice.

Looking at Qin Xinxin's age, you can know that the time to practice martial arts is definitely not long.

If you are older, it is really possible to teach it.

Then I thought of pretending to be forced just now, and I wanted to teach people a few tricks, and my old face turned red all of a sudden.

"Grandpa, isn't Xinxin playing badly!"

Qin Xinxin didn't know if it was intentional or really ignorant.

He looked at Gu Yangyao with a pitiful look.


Let himself evaluate, he really does not dare, otherwise what does the master think.

"Xinxin, you are so powerful, I don't know who taught you!"

Now let's find out who Qin Xinxin's master is, so that he can evaluate it himself.

Don't fall into the teeth of the human tooth at that time, there are no people left and right!

"Whoever is called Xinxin, is sitting there drinking!"

Qin Xinxin spun around, and finally pointed to the dining table.

"Elder Zhang, was your master taught?"

The expression on Gu Yangyao's face was obviously disbelieving, what Zhang Qianlei was like.

I don't know that I can't even get started with a tai chi.

Can also teach such an excellent apprentice.

If you mean painting, then you must believe 100%.

When it comes to martial arts, he is also a skeptic!

"No, it's taught by a stinky stinker, and I'm drinking again, and my body stinks all day!"

Hearing Qin Xinxin's words, Gu Yangyao was even more surprised than Zhang Qianlei who had just heard.

"Is it really your father, Mr. Qin?"

Qin Mo is not very good at cooking, and the same is true for painting.

When he can also martial arts, he is still very powerful.

Why didn't I hear Zhang Qianlei say.

He glanced at it, and was holding the wine glass gracefully, gesturing to his side.

"Wow, he knows this old thing, he is not surprised at all!"

I also know martial arts around me, and I cry to myself every day.

He was not asked to practice tai chi, and he had to clean him up later.

"Okay, the dishes are all served, everyone please take a seat!"

When Qin Mo saw this, the clerks outside brought over the newly added dishes one after another.

Hurriedly beckoned everyone back.

When Qin Xinxin was practicing martial arts just now, everyone left the table.

"Elder Tan, give me this position!"

Gu Yangyao was too surprised just now, so he came to the table a little later.

He wanted to sit next to Qin Mo, and there were too many things in his heart that he wanted to take this opportunity to ask.

"Well, let it be for you!"

Tan Honghou also wanted to ask Qin Mo about something, but looking at the expression of his old friend, he gave way to him.

"Old Tan is just interesting enough, not like some people.

Good things are hidden, go back and I'll give you a bottle of good wine!

When speaking, he did not forget to glance at Zhang Qianlei, who was drinking next to him.

Even if he doesn't name names, with such an obvious action, everyone knows who he is talking about.

"Mr. Qin, I will toast you first with this glass of wine!"

Gu Yangyao, who had just sat down, picked up the wine glass on the table, filled it for Qin Mo first, and then poured himself a glass.

Now he finally understood why, Zhang Qianlei was talking about Qin Mo.

The attitude will be so respectful, and the same will be true for yourself.

I never thought that in my lifetime, I would be able to meet such a hero.

"Ancient, you can't afford to let the brat like this!"

Seeing Gu Yangyao directly took a sip, Qin Mo also drank it with him.

"Well, Mr. Qin is just refreshing!"

"Mr. Qin, what just happened?"

After everyone took their seats, Chen Wenshi asked.

"You kneel for me, did I wake you up?"

When Chen Da Dao heard his grandfather ask this, he thought he was talking to himself.

Quickly signaled the people around him to help themselves up.

Before they could stand up, they were screamed down by Chen Wenshi again.

It seems that when this child is at home, he is often yelled at.

If you don't even lie down, it's so familiar.

"Grandpa, I..."

Chen Da Dao wanted to explain to his grandfather himself, but unfortunately Chen Wenshi didn't believe his words at all.

How else could he say it.

"I didn't ask you, I'll break your legs if I move again."

"Mr. Qin, what's going on?"

Chen Wenshi knew about this and it should be related to him.

And he also believes that Zhang Qianlei's vision of people is not bad, and he believes that Qin Mo's character is not bad.

There will be no oil and vinegar in this matter.

"Elder Chen, this matter is still said by Xiao Xia!"

Qin Mo pointed to Yao Xiaoxia, who was sitting opposite.

"Something to do with Xiao Xia?"

Qi Hanhai began to see the four bigwigs appear, and they didn't know how to get on the line.

Now I can't imagine that the grandson of one of them is making trouble outside, or related to his niece.

"Principal Qi, I also went out later, so it's better to ask the parties about this matter."

Hearing Qin Mo say this, Chen Wenshi's face showed such an expression.

What kind of urine is his own grandson, how can he not know.

Nine out of ten things he messed with outside related to women.

"Little Xia girl, right!

Don't be nervous, take your time and tell grandpa what's going on?

Is it this stinky boy bullying you. Yao

Xiaoxia, who was originally not nervous, saw that everyone's attention was on him.

And when she was introduced just now, she also knew that the identities of these four old men were not simple.

If it was usual, his uncle would not even have the opportunity to sit and talk.

If it weren't for the fact that Qin Mo was present this time, both sides would be strangers.

"Yes... Yao

Xiaoxia, who was not afraid of heaven and earth,

trembled in his voice at this time.

I don't know if I was afraid of retaliation from the young man kneeling on the ground, or I was afraid of the power of Chen Wenshi and the others.

"Little girl, it's okay, take a deep breath, calm yourself down, and then speak slowly!"

Seeing Yao Xiaoxia so nervous, Chen Wenshi comforted her with a smile.

"Xiao Xia, Elder Chen asked you, don't be afraid!"

Qi Hanhai was also helping at this time, comforting his niece's emotions.

"He asked me to accompany her to drink, but I refused, so he pulled me away..." Yao

Xiaoxia didn't finish speaking, and he didn't need to say anything when he got here, he knew what was going on.

Obviously, Chen Da Dao saw people, he was alone, and he was a beautiful woman.

As long as someone next to them says two words, they will immediately achieve action.

Listening to Yao Xiaoxia's words, Chen Wenshi's face gradually darkened.

My grandson is outside all day, and there must be a lot of such things.

This time it was bad luck to let myself meet.

Those girls before, if they were all the same as Yao Xiaoxia, they were not familiar with life.

If something like this really happened, they went to someone to reason with.

"Well, you beast, this kind of thing is a lot done outside, right?"

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