
"Of course it's true, this can still be a joke, I'll know when I drive the car back."

"You kid, haven't you stepped on shit lately!"

"Don't say it, you eat first, wait for me for an hour, and then come back and drink with you!"

"I'm really jealous of you kid, hurry up, I still feel a little sorry for you when I say this."

For what these people said, Shao Xingfa just smiled.

Whatever they say, just invite them to dinner again.

This little money is still possible!

No, the guy who ate is back, and there can be something happier than this.

Fortunately, it was not far from the destination, and Shao Xingfa arrived within half an hour.

As soon as I got out of the car, I immediately sent a message to the other party.

While waiting, Shao Xingfa saw a teller machine next to him.

After thinking for a while, I walked over.

When he returned to the gate of the villa, he happened to see a man about your age.

This is not a person who drives away his own taxi at noon, and a person like this who sends money to himself is willing to wait any longer.

Luo Mingjun, who had just walked out, saw a man dressed very casually.

Standing at the gate of the villa, looking around with a bag.

I thought this was the taxi driver.

"You are Shao Xingfa?"

Watch the man keep walking towards him.

Shao Xingfa gave way to the side and did not block the gate.

At first glance, this mountain villa is a place where rich people spend.

Even if he is standing in the corner, people still walk in front of him.

This person's voice is so familiar with the voice of the phone, didn't he let himself come and get the car.

"I am Shao Xingfa, are you Mr. Luo?"

"It's me, this is the car keys, the car is over there."

Luo Mingjun handed over the car keys and casually pointed out the location of the car.

"The things that Mr. Qin explained, I have done it, I will go back if I have nothing to do!"

After that, Luo Mingjun turned around and walked back.

At this time, Shao Xingfa took a look at the bag in his hand, just hesitated for a second, and rushed up.

"I'm sorry, this time I sincerely benefited, you said that Mr. Qin is so good, this little thing will be taken away."

Stuffing the bag into Luo Mingjun's hands, Shao Xingfa quickly walked towards the taxi.

Luo Mingjun glanced at the black bag in his hand, and then at Shao Xingfa, who was running quickly.

"What is he doing?"

Only when the sound of the taxi starting sounded, did Luo Mingjun react.

Quickly opened the bag and saw that there were several red bricks inside.

"This is Wu Wanyuan?"

Just as I was about to chase over to ask what was going on, the taxi had already disappeared.

"Should this money be collected?"

Luo Mingjun couldn't be the master, so he felt that he should go back and tell Qin Mo.

He didn't know that the 50,000 yuan was Shao Xingfa, who used three bank cards on his body to take them out.

Faced with 50,000 yuan, this is a difficult choice for him to make.

Now the taxi he took out was worth up to 100,000.

Originally, he was able to pick up 100,000 for nothing, but he still chose to give up half of it.

Shao Xingfa drove the car outside and stopped.

Then he took out his phone and opened a software to search for it.

"I got 150,000 yuan for no reason, which is equivalent to more than a year's income, which is really good!"

Shao Xingfa stopped because he drank a little wine.

Just now, I was afraid that Luo Mingjun would catch up, so I drove the car away first.

"Be content, not too greedy!"

While waiting for the substitute driver, Meizi took out a cigarette and smoked it.

Start reimagining your life!

Seeing Shao Xingfa, who could no longer see the car, Luo Mingjun wanted to call him again.

But as soon as I picked up my phone, I figured it out.

"Forget it, he does it all, he must not give me a chance to refuse, or tell Mr. Qin!"

Back inside the box, it was bustling inside.

Luo Mingjun walked to Qin Mo's side and briefly explained what happened just now.

And hand over the bag in his hand.

But Qin Mo did not catch it, but said with a smile.

"This young man, he is willing to give up!"

"Mingjun, since this money is for you, then you accept it!"

In Qin Mo's opinion, spend hundreds of thousands to keep his daughter safe.

The value of this money spent, the daughter is priceless!

"Mr. Qin, I..." This

is fifty thousand, not five thousand, five hundred!

Just give people away without medicine, and they don't seem to be doing anything.

Just go out for a spin and come back and earn fifty thousand.

"I said you took it, it's yours, don't mother-in-law's!"

Hearing Qin Mo say this, Luo Mingjun remembered the last time.

People don't even bother with hundreds of thousands, now it's only fifty thousand.

Not to mention that in Qin Mo's heart, he helped him today.

"Then thank you Mr. Qin!"

Luo Mingjun accepted it with a smile and returned to his seat.

"What's so happy!"

Just sitting down, Yao Xiaoxia asked curiously.

After half a day, there was a psychologist at first.

There is still a time buffer later, and then return to the villa.

One table of food, plus a cheerful atmosphere for everyone.

Under these conditions, Yao Xiaoxia almost recovered.

"You want to know?"

Hearing Luo Mingjun ask himself, Yao Xiaoxia quickly nodded.

"Show you!"

Luo Mingjun proudly opened the bag and showed the five red bricks inside in front of her.


Yao Xiaoxia looked at the red bricks inside in disbelief.

That's a whole five!

"These aren't yours, are they?"

Yao Xiaoxia knew that Luo Mingjun himself would not carry so much on him all day.

Besides, he didn't have this bag in his hand just now, just went out.

When I came back, I had an extra black bag in my hand.

"It really wasn't mine before, it's mine now!"

As he said this, Luo Mingjun glanced at Qin Mo.

He now found that as long as he followed Qin Mo from time to time.

You will make a small windfall yourself!

"Was it given to you by Mr. Qin?"

Yao Xiaoxia thought that it was Qin Mo who called him out just now.

"This money was originally given to Mr. Qin, but he didn't want it, so he gave it all to me."

Yao Xiaoxia found that when Luo Mingjun spoke, he looked really bad.

It's not obvious that it's cheap and selling!

"Fifty thousand yuan, he can't look at it, this is not a few dollars!"

This money is his salary for several months, and people casually throw it to Luo Mingjun.

How come I don't have this luck, with this money.

A lot of cosmetics that I usually don't want to buy, I can start at this time.

It's a pity, why the lucky ones are not themselves!

"You just go out and reap so much money!"

"Almost, this is the errand money that Mr. Qin gave me."

"You man, if you don't do it for a while, you won't die!"

Yao Xiaoxia really slapped a few times at this time, this is not pouring salt on his wounds.

"It's just a small meaning, when you have the opportunity to see the last scene, that's the big scene!"

Yao Xiaoxia, who was originally a little complaining, heard Luo Mingjun say this.

Immediately became curious, and the previous resentment disappeared.

"Do you know that such a hard business trip, no one usually goes, why are the people who came out this time the same as last time?"


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