"Hey, hey, hey... Don't come, I'll send it back to you!" "

Finding that my girlfriend is coming, Ye Yin hurriedly wanted to stop it, but unfortunately it was already busy on the other side of the phone.

"It's over..." Ye

Yin knew that Wu Yueyi was a person who dared to say anything, hoping that she would see the occasion clearly and speak after passing through her brain.

"Ye Yin, what's going on?"

Qin Mo, who was busy making porridge for customers, found that after Ye Yin answered a call, his expression was a little wrong, and he quickly asked with concern.

"Ahhh... It's okay! Seeing

that Qin Mo and the surrounding guests were all staring at her, Ye Yin quickly converged his expression and said.

"If there is any emergency, you can leave first, here I can handle it alone!"

Qin Mo thought that Ye Yin had forgotten something important, or he wouldn't have had that look just now.

"Brother Qin, it's really okay, it's just that a friend of mine is coming to your store later."

Looking at Qin Mo's worried eyes, Ye Yin quickly explained.

Hearing this, even the surrounding customers began to stop paying attention to Ye Yin and chatted separately.

This is a normal thing, no matter who knows Qin Mo's cooking skills, they will come to visit the store.

"This is a small matter, just let him come over, you don't need to help later, accompany your friend first."

At eight o'clock, the sugar water shop opened.

The lighting of firecrackers is still in Qin Xinxin's hands, and she has already experienced it once, and this time she is more calm than the last time.

"Dear new and old customers, in order to review everyone's help during this time, Qin Mou decided that in the next two days, all sugar water will be half price!"

"Boss Qin, congratulations!"

"Hey, it's a pity that my niece doesn't have this blessing, and a golden turtle son-in-law slipped out of her hands like this!"

"It's a good day for Boss Xiao Qin, let's come over to support the scene."

In less than half an hour since opening, the sugar water shop is full.

Of course, these full houses are not all drinking sugar water shops, some of them are a bowl of porridge and a few buns, seeing that there is no place here, they run to the next door, anyway, they are all Qin Mo's shop, and it is the same everywhere.

This is also the old customer's most willing Qin Mo to open a new store, did not see that the sugar water shop has twice as many seats as the bun shop.

Nine o'clock.

A young woman dressed coolly appeared in front of the store.

A puzzled look looked at the shop full of people outside.

I couldn't help but think in my heart: "This is the shop of Ye Yin's students' parents, this is also too crazy!"

", am I in the wrong place?"

This woman is Wu Yueyi, she sneakily looked around outside, did not see Ye Yin, only saw the sugar water shop next to it, full early in the morning.

When was the business on this side of the food street so hot, but seeing that the soup noodle shop on the other side only had a few customers, this stumped Wu Yueyi.

Just when Wu Yueyi took out her mobile phone and was about to call Ye Yin, she finally saw herself.

No wonder she didn't see it just now, Ye Yin just ran to the back kitchen to pack for customers.

"Ye Yin!"

Seeing Wu Yueyi coming, Ye Yin made a gesture and pointed to the sugar water shop next to it.

"Where to?"

Wu Yueyi quickly confirmed, this is not right, it's not a bun shop, how to run to the sugar water shop next door.

After confirming again, seeing Ye Yin nodding, he walked in.

Without letting Wu Yueyi wait long, Ye Yin came over with a plate with several buns and a bowl of porridge on it.

"Hey, Boss Qin, it's not that there is no porridge, why is there now again..."

When some people ordered porridge, they found that there was no more, so they could only take the buns to the next door and order a sugar water.

Before they could start eating, they saw Ye Yin come out with a bowl of porridge.

"It's long gone, this is Boss Qin's friend, people deliberately stayed, the young man told you a trick, want to eat Boss Qin's porridge, remember to come over earlier in the future, or there is not even slag now."

Some old customers couldn't help but laugh when they saw this situation, and they could see this situation every day, and it was Qin Mo who reserved a portion for some old customers.

"Ye Da beauty, what's going on, you didn't say that he opened a bun shop, how did he run to the sugar water shop."

Now Wu Yueyi's heart is full of curiosity, for Qin Mo this person.

So far, I haven't seen me, and I've been letting Ye Yin take pictures before, but I won't.

"This is also Big Brother Qin's shop, what's so surprising!"

Looking at Wu Yueyi's fuss, Ye Yin couldn't help but laugh.

"Brother Qin, when did you call it so close, it wasn't Xinxin's father who called it like this before."

When the two met, Wu Yueyi never forgot to find an opportunity to tease Ye Yin.

"He also said, if I don't eat it again, I will take it away!"

Seeing that Wu Yueyi was actually making fun of her here, if Qin Mo heard it, would she still want to see someone?

"Okay, why didn't I see your big brother Qin, who can own two shops here, the monthly rent alone costs 100,000, he is the rich second generation?"

Just as Wu Yueyi was about to ask, Qin Mo walked out from behind the sugar water shop.

Zhuo Wenshu used to rest in a small private room, but now it has been transformed into a small kitchen by Qin Mo.

"Ye Yin, this is your friend?"

Qin Mo looked over and saw the back of a woman dressed very fashionably.

Hearing a nice male magnetic sound behind her, Wu Yueyi quickly turned her head.

Qin Mo looked at the light makeup on her face, she had a white pointed chin, a pair of talking eyes, and soft hair.

In comparison, it is only a little worse than Ye Yin, but how people look at it seems to be a little immature!

"Wow, super handsome!"

Wu Yueyi finally saw Qin Mo Benzun, and thought that it was no wonder that her girlfriend would forget her, and I would be the same.

Now Wu Yueyi didn't know how to describe Qin Mo, her heart began to plop up, and even her face began to blush.

"I'm going to die, how can there be such a handsome man! Especially the moment he laughed, my heart was about to jump out. Seeing

Ye Yin's friend, Qin Mo politely stretched out his hand: "Hello, my name is Qin Mo, it's a pleasure to meet a beautiful girl!" "

Wu Yueyi!" Seeing Qin Mo stretching out his hand, Wu Yueyi smiled stupidly, and immediately stretched out his hand and tightly grasped Qin Mo's hand.

"Wu Yueyi!"

Ye Yin, who was next to him, saw Wu Yueyi embarrassed.

Hurry up and give her a slap on the shoulder.

Toot ——, vibrate!

At this time, Qin Mo's mobile phone rang, and the ringtone just woke Wu Yueyi up, and saw that he was still holding Qin Mo's hand, and quickly let go, and his face involuntarily blushed.

"Sorry, I'll take a call first!"

Qin Mo walked outside and pressed the answer button: "What's the matter, I'm very busy now, I have something to say quickly!"

"Pretend what to turn, as long as you are still busy, I will come and pick up my daughter to go out to play now, will you send it out, or I will pick it up."

This person is Qin Mo's ex-wife, and she really doesn't die, and she comes once a week.

"Okay, I'll send Xinxin to the intersection now, and you will come and pick it up."

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