"Congratulations, Yuanyu, the first to be promoted!"

When he was on stage, Dong Yuanyu did not come down directly.

First, he looked around and bowed to the surrounding audience.

"Thank you, I hope to support Yuanyu more in the future!"

At this time, say a few nice words to these audiences.

It is more effective than saying thousands of good things later.

"Dong Yuanyu, don't worry, we will definitely arrive in your competition in the future!"

"Support Dong Yuanyu, support the Sea Moon Star!"

Seeing that the time is almost up, you can't go overboard, otherwise it will cause the referee to be disgusted.

There were other contestants to take the stage later, and Dong Yuanyu came down from the stage.

"Congratulations, Yuanyu, the first to be promoted!"

Chun Yuwei, who was on the same scene as Dong Yuanyu, ran over to congratulate her.

"What is there to congratulate, Guo Lao said, we can't make it to the final, that's unreasonable."

Yu Wei, you also have to prepare, soon it will be your turn to play, hehe, don't support everyone's hind legs!

"Hmph, you can pass, my Chunyuwei is so cute, it's not easier!"

The preliminary round consists of four games over two days, divided into two sessions in the morning and afternoon.

Xia Yunxin and Qiu Xianshan, the draw is scheduled for tomorrow morning and afternoon.

"I can't think of our side, there are such good seedlings, I still don't believe what they said before."

"Speaking of news, it's still old Zhang Lingtong, you didn't see it just now, and you can almost chat with the players."

"Can you guys be a little more serious, you're still working!"

Lao Zhang saw everyone and joked with himself, how could he not fight back.

"Okay, Lao Zhang, don't take chicken feathers as an arrow, we still don't know what you're thinking?"

The five people whispered under the stage, but still looked at the stage from time to time.

Even if the players above can't do it, they can't do it too obviously.

At least there must be a minimum of respect, but there are still many anchors around.

"Lao Zhang, listen to us!

Your studio, it's better to close.

Sticking money into it like this every month is not a way, sooner or later all the money earned before will be taken out! Sitting

next to Lao Zhang, he has been a friend for many years.

He just didn't understand what Lao Zhang was doing.

When I was old, I remembered to start a business.

The studio has been established for more than two years and has not made a penny.

They all smashed no less than 10 million into it.

Although it is said that composers, like them who are a little famous, it is not difficult to make money!

But how old are you now, and how long can your body hold you out.

Five years, or ten years?

Now two years have passed, not only can I not make money, but I have lost so much.

"Thank you for your concern, I still want to try!"

When it came to trying, Lao Zhang's eyes lit up.

"Wait, should you pin your hopes on the player just now?

You can't be realistic if that player can advance to the final.

At that time, between the two sides, you say what people will choose!

This friend was taken aback by Lao Zhang's thoughts.

Unless that contestant loses the selection, but is that possible?

"Everything is man-made, I still want to fight for the last time, you don't need to persuade me, if this time is not successful, I will consider what you said."

When the two were chatting, there were several contestants on the stage.

On average, one contestant has only one minute of performance time.

So far, don't say that the ones who advanced directly on the spot.

Not even the high scores, they are all under eight points.

"Lao Zhang, look, this player seems to be something you value."

At this moment, a sweet-looking beautiful girl came on stage.

Just smiled slightly on the stage, giving everyone the feeling that spring is coming.

"Hello everyone, I'm contestant Chun Yuwei!"

Finally, it was Chun Yuwei's turn to play, and she first said hello to the referee.

Only then did he greet the surrounding audience, and the performance was generous.

"Another good seedling, Lao Zhang has to say, your vision is still as vicious as before!"

If you talk about Dongyuan Yu before, it feels like a strong typhoon.

That Chun Yuwei now, she just stood there.

Everyone feels refreshed!

"Dear judges, the song I sang today is also original!"

The contestants themselves choose what to show, except for the accompaniment team on stage.

The referee below does not know, that is, the same as the surrounding audience.

"Original songs again, when are original songs, so worthless?"

As soon as the five referees heard Chun Yuwei's words, the five stood up in surprise.

But soon sat down again.

This is not to blame for the five, as long as it is based on previous competitions.

In competitions, the use of original songs is particularly risky.

Sometimes it's counterproductive, and you have a chance to advance a few games.

It's because you choose an original song from the beginning.

One wrong step, one wrong step!

The first game didn't pass, so let's talk about the rest of the game.

The risks and opportunities of original songs are simultaneous and co-exist.

But to be on the safe side, no one will gamble in the first place.

Unless there is a possibility.

That is, only one of the two has advanced, and the other party's strength is far superior to you.

At this time, it is indeed possible to gamble.

Today's second original song, or the contestant he values.

Lao Zhang began to be a little nervous: "As long as you have half of the strength in the front, then you can do it." He

wouldn't think that this player's strength could surpass Dong Yuanyu, or be on par with it.

This time, it was another referee, and the conversation between the two was within the normal range.

"Chun Yuwei player, are you ready?"


As soon as Chun Yuwei's voice fell, the accompaniment team began to play the music she provided.

"Lao Zhang, the prelude to this piece is good, I can't think of it!"

The prelude sounded, which enchanted the five judges.

"Chun Yuwei, the name is good, the song is better, I hope the next singing will not disappoint us!"

Just like Dong Yuanyu before, start from the beginning and attract everyone to come over.

Some spectators did not leave and remained around.

No, as soon as this song sounded, I thought it was the previous contestant who appeared again, and quickly ran over.

"Why am I so stupid, Dong Yuanyu has advanced to the next game, how can I still be on stage.

But they all came over, just listen, the prelude to this piece is so good, the back should not be bad. "

This is the song of spring..." As

soon as Chun Yuwei spoke, the surrounding audience narrowed their eyes almost at the same time.

It was as if back in time for spring.

I felt warm in my heart, and the sound of the wind blowing in my ears seemed to be accompanied by the fragrance of spring flowers.

The surrounding audience felt that the spring was changing with the speed of Chun Yuwei's singing.

Before everyone could swim enough, the singing suddenly stopped.

They quickly opened their eyes, and the scene before was no longer the same.

Once again, you're in a bustling mall.

"Okay, Chun Yuwei!"

"Okay, Chun Yuwei!"

"Okay, Chun Yuwei!"

I don't know who applauded first, followed by a sea of applause, echoing in the mall.

"Chun Yuwei player, congratulations on your promotion to the next competition!"

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