"You said you taught yourself!"

Hearing Qin Mo say this, Ji Menglan wanted to commit suicide a little.

People study by themselves, and they are even more powerful than their own elective courses.

When he was in college, he chose Korean.

"Yes, I seem to know English, German, Japanese....

Count too much, I can't even remember it myself! When

it came to language, Qin Mo pretended to be an invisible force in front of Ji Menglan.

When speaking a language, one is fluent in that Chinese.

Only then did Ji Menglan find out that the more excellent the person.

The more you can't compare with them, otherwise people are more popular than dead.

"I'll see what I ordered!"

Ji Menglan picked up the slip on the dining table and glanced at it quickly.

"One, two, three..."

Ji Menglan began to calculate the price of the meal Qin Mo had just ordered.

She found that her hands were so cheap, she just waited for the food to be served.

What to count, this is not to make yourself uncomfortable.

"Eating a meal once cost 30,000 yuan!"

If you let Dad know, it's strange if you don't pick the skin.

A meal costs you a month's salary.

"What do you think, let me invite you to dinner, but now I have a straight face."

"It's okay, I just thought of something."

How could Ji Menglan say that she was shocked by a meal for the two.

"Since it's okay, let's eat it!"

The first meal on is bibimbap.

"This pot of bibimbap costs more than two thousand!"

Qin Mo was shocked that these young people were really rich and did not eat Chinese food.

Spending a lot of money to line up to eat this, but he also found some problems.

That's where people come to eat, most of them are couples.

Or maybe the suitor invites you to dinner.

"It's fragrant!"

Opening the lid of the pot, Ji Menglan kept twitching her nose.

Bibimbap is served in a stone pot with rice and dishes.

Bake until the bottom of the pan has a layer of pan, the spray is tempting.

Qin Mo took a look, no wonder Ji Menglan felt that the aroma was compelling.

The stone pots in this shop are made of pottery, heavy black clay pots.

This kind of stone pot is cooked on the stove, and the heat preservation effect is good.

For those who eat slowly, they can enjoy it with peace of mind without fear that the meal will go cold.

"Big handsome guy, you are eating for the first time, hurry up and taste, how hearty this pot is!"

The ingredients for bibimbap are mainly rice, meat, eggs, soybean sprouts, mushrooms and other wild vegetables.

The types of these dishes are made with seasonal vegetables that taste the best taste of the season and are seasonal.

"Guest, please use slowly."

The waiter brought a plate of dishes and waited to open the lid.

Jimenglan's eyes lit up!

"Wow, this is the legendary more than 10,000 dishes!

Nutritious, full of flavor, one plate is stronger than six! "

For Han Li, Ji Menglan only half-understood.

However, no matter how Qin Mo said it, he could also make Korean food, and he was still at the master level.

"This dish is a wedding feast food, you look at this antique tray.

There is also Chinese cabbage inside that is our country, in which leeks, apples, oysters, meat, spices, etc. are put in.

Finally, don't forget to add snow pear, and hot sauce.

Since it is Korean food, it must be their kimchi.

Qin Mo first picked up a piece and took a small bite.

Brow furrowed, not a taste you like to eat.

However, seeing that Ji Menglan ate steamed and flavorful, he popularized science for her.

"Big handsome man, according to what you say, isn't this dish more than 10,000?"

Hearing what Qin Mo said, Ji Menglan began to verify.

I found that what he said was correct at all, and the side dishes in it were also not leaked.

"Do you know how to cook Korean food?"

Even the steps are so clear, Qin Mo must be a chef, even if not, his personal cooking skills should not be bad.

"Eat, don't worry about these, just eat if you like."

This most expensive dish, Qin Mo smiled and pushed it in front of Ji Menglan.

Every dish is served, and he tastes it lightly.

"I really can't get used to it!"

In the end, there was no way but to eat a little more bibimbap.

"This gentleman, isn't the food we make in our shop not to your liking?"

As Qin Mo watched Ji Menglan gobble up, a young man walked over.

But look at his dress, this is Hancheng people.


The other party Chinese spoke very well, and it seems that he has either settled down for a period of time or studied seriously.

"It's okay, why didn't I see the guests moving chopsticks!"

For the current eating movements of Jimenglan, the young man is very satisfied.

However, when he saw Qin Mo, he remembered what the waiter had just said to him.

In terms of diet, he has a habit of having as long as one guest is dissatisfied with the meal.

He will find a way to make his customers satisfied, which is why he just put up the signboard.

What happened at Ji Menglan's table quickly attracted the attention of the surrounding guests.

The identity of this young man, as long as he is a person with a heart, will find that he is the owner of this shop, and he is also a chef.

"I can't imagine that there are really people who are not satisfied with the food!"

"Wouldn't it be done on purpose for the bonus?"

"It's really possible, a few more appeared the other day, but there won't be later."

"I don't look like it, you look at the food the two of them ordered?"

Finally there were guests who noticed the food on the table.

The decoration of this shop is different from other restaurants.

The more high-end the hotel, the more luxurious the separated boxes.

However, this Korean restaurant does not have a private room.

Everyone eats in a hall, with each table a few meters apart.

When you look up, you can see the guests around.

Therefore, the table of food ordered by Qin Mo was quickly counted by people with intentions.

"More than 30,000, this is not looking for fault!"

Why did this guest say this, as long as the bonus is only 10,000.

How could someone order 30,000 delicacies for a prize of 10,000.

This is not brain pumping!

"If you don't say, I really forgot to watch this!"

After the prompt of one of them, the surrounding guests paid attention to the table food.

"I thought I had money, but I didn't think anyone else was richer.

In order to accompany his girlfriend to eat a meal of Korean food, they all endured the pain and spent thousands.

This person is even more powerful, directly more than 30,000!

"I'm not interested in whether he has anyone, I'm curious about how things will develop next!"

The surrounding guests watched, and the young man did not drive away.

It seems that this kind of thing is commonplace in his opinion.

"Hello guest, I'm the owner of this shop, Kim Ji-myung!"

Kim Ji-myung stretched out his hand, and just now he observed for a while before coming over.

Qin Mo's table didn't seem to be causing trouble.

However, the food I made by myself was not interested in the guests.

He couldn't help it!

"Since guests don't like to eat, there must be a reason!"

Qin Mo originally didn't want to say it, if he had to eat a meal, he was looking for something.

In the future, do you want to have a quiet meal?

However, the other party actually wanted to find abuse and did not fulfill his wish.

He won't leave easily.

"Not to my taste!"

This was Qin Mo's most pertinent answer, which was able to save the other party's face.

But Kim Ji-myung was still not satisfied and continued to ask.

"Can the guest be specific?"

"You really want to know?"

"Yes, please also point it out!"

"In a word, these dishes are not qualified!"

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