"Xinxin, why did you come back by yourself?"

As soon as Qin Mo came out of the sugar water shop, he saw his daughter holding Aunt Liu's hand.

"This is all a good thing done by your ex-wife, and Xinxin cried just now."

Aunt Liu immediately said everything about the situation just now.

Qin Mo's face became gloomy as he listened.

"Teacher Ye, I don't want to see my mother anymore, I don't care about people at all, and I will be murderous every time I see me."

Hearing the movement outside, Ye Yin walked out of the store.

Qin Xinxin suddenly threw himself into his arms, and the tears in his eyes could no longer be stopped.

Holding Ye Yin and crying.

"Boss Xiao Qin, I suggest you appeal and terminate your ex-wife's right to visit your children, otherwise it will not be good for Xinxin's growth if it goes on like this."

At this time, Aunt Liu re-told Qin Mo what Huang Haobo said just now.

Hearing this, Qin Mo did not speak, and looked at his daughter who was still crying in Ye Yin's arms.

He walked to the side and took out his phone again.

"Today Shin Shin came back and cried again, this is the last time, if it is like this next time, I apply to the court to terminate your right to visit Shin Shin."

After the call was connected, Qin Mo's tone was very cold.

Hailan, who had just driven the car away, stopped the car after seeing the incoming call.

"The children you brought with you are all in trouble, seeing your own mother like this, isn't it your education problem."

Unexpectedly, Qin Mo, who had been with him for six years before, did not even dare to breathe towards him, and now he dared to accuse himself.

"The reason why the child ignores you, I don't need to tell you, these are all caused by yourself."

Hearing her ex-wife say this, Qin Mo felt ridiculous, until now she hadn't realized her problem, and she was still looking for it in others.

"I'm too lazy to tell you about this, you can do it yourself!"

Speaking of this, Qin Mo was afraid that if he said one more word with his ex-wife, he dirty his ears and hung up the phone directly.

Looking at the hung up call, Hai Lan was suddenly stunned.

This Qin Mo seems to have changed a lot, and he has not been angry for six years.

Now not only will he not show mercy to himself, but he will also threaten himself.

Thinking of this, I raised my hand high and wanted to throw the phone out.

In the end, I put up with it.

"Isn't it just making a little money, no wonder the confidence is so strong."

Just without leaving immediately, she observed the customers around her and knew that these people were not acting for her.

Qin Mo really made money.

As for whether there is a daily turnover of more than 30,000 as Qin Xinxin said.

According to what we see now, there must be more than 20,000.

In other words, her ex-husband's monthly net income is at least 300,000 yuan.

The metropolis of Shenzhen City is already a high income.

Qin Mo was no longer the one who let him bully and not return the favor before.

"Hehe, this is fine, you play such a play, don't you want me to remarry you?"

Now her business has also been affected, is going downhill, and is still struggling to switch to that industry.

But now there is, and she Hai Lan is guaranteed to be 100% successful.

Thinking of this, she sent a message to Qin Mo.

But after waiting for half an hour, I didn't see a reply.

This made her wonder if her judgment was wrong.

"Forget it, go back first and think of other ways."

When the mood calmed down, Hai Lan started the vehicle and left.

"Ye Da beauty, this is your daughter."

Today, for half a day, excluding the help time, Wu Yueyi tried all the types of sugar water shops.

Finding that I really couldn't eat, this came out of it.

Just happened to see Qin Xinxin crying holding Ye Yin.

Quickly walked over and took a closer look.

The eyes immediately lit up, this little girl looks so likable.

Especially now with tears on his face, he looks pitiful.

"Looking for death, you dare to say this!"

"Teacher Ye, who is this big sister!"

Seeing a beautiful big sister appear in front of her, Qin Xinxin immediately stopped crying and wiped the tears from her face.

"Xinxin, this is Teacher Ye's friend, Aunt Wu Yueyi!"

"Hello, Aunt Wu Yueyi!"

"Hello little girl, is my sister so old?"

On the spot, I thought that there was a problem with my makeup, and when I reacted, I realized that I was pitted by Ye Yin.

"Everyone is not busy now, they haven't had time to eat, today at noon, I will invite everyone to a big meal in the evening, now go buy some food and come back."

After talking about his ex-wife, Qin Mo returned to the store.

Seeing that even the employees of the sugar water shop have not eaten yet, and Ye Yin and her friends have not eaten.

Hurry up to everyone to compensate no.

If it was the other day, he wouldn't say that.

Just because last night, I looked at more than 100,000 points of the system.

Itching in my heart, I couldn't help but click down and choose a high-level lottery.

"Congratulations to the host for gaining skills, Cantonese cuisine (full level), no one can make Cantonese food better than you now!"

When I drew this skill last night, I was excited until midnight and fell asleep.

He knows what this means, the top configuration of a cuisine.

Even if there is no system behind, he Qin Mo can rely on this to get rich.

Suddenly, relevant experiences kept popping up in my mind.

It lasted for more than ten minutes before Qin Mo transformed all the information in his mind into his own experience.

The skill of the bun before was only a few seconds.

From this, we can know that there are many types of Cantonese cuisine.

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